Sailing: Captain, Raftel is Here

Chapter 159 Luffy: We Are Not Good People (Please Subscribe)

Everyone generally believed what Zoro and Luo said.

Perhaps in the perception of Conis and Pagoya, the gods of Sky Island are very strong, but for people from Qinghai, Four Emperors, Marine and Shichibukai are more terrifying.

Paigeya hurriedly said: "You can't arrange gods behind your back, you will be heard!"

Zoro and Luo just smiled, and didn't continue to say anything, otherwise the father and daughter would always be on tenterhooks~.

But thinking that Nami might have gone to such a dangerous place, everyone couldn't sit still, so they were going to go to Apayado. Luffy the foodie stretched out his rubber arms and scooped all the food into his mouth.

The sudden movement dismounted Pagoya and Conis—jumped.

Fortunately, they also seemed to know about Devil Fruit, so they weren't too surprised.

The crowd went back to the beach.

It's just that it's against the wind now, and it will take a lot of time for the Meli to go to Apajado. So it was decided to divide into two teams, one team went forward with the submarine first, and the other team waited for the wind direction to turn before following.

The power of the submarine is not the wind, which is just convenient to do things.

When Luffy was clamoring to get on the submarine, suddenly a group of strange guys crawled towards this side. These people were dressed in white clothes and a white hat. They stood up when they got to the front, put their hands in the shape of rabbits and put them on top of their heads to say hello.

"Ha Suo! You are causing trouble to the two of you!"

"It's the white berets, Captain McKinley, what's the matter?" Paigia asked nervously.

The burly man standing at the head is Captain McKinley. He said to Pagoya and Conis: "Please don't worry, we have received a mission to arrest those who enter the country illegally!"

"Eh? Illegal entry?"

Paigia and Conis thought of something, and looked at Straw Hat Crew.

Zoro reacted: "Illegal entry? Are you talking about us?"

Luo nodded and said, "Obviously it's us. But the old woman at the Gate of Heaven clearly said she could enter the country, but now she says it's illegal entry. What's going on?"

Usopp and Chopper hurriedly said: "Yes! The old woman said that she can enter the country!"

Robin calmly analyzed: "In fact, we did not pay the entry fee, and there is nothing wrong with saying that we entered the country illegally.

"But it's weird, isn't it?"

Tashigi couldn't help it: "If you say you can't enter the country without paying the fee, then we must pay the fee. The old lady said it's okay if you don't pay the fee, and now she's here to arrest us. This is obviously a problem!"

There is indeed a problem, but everyone is a little speechless about Tashigi's words.

Even if it is said that you cannot enter the country without paying the fee, the Straw Hats are afraid that they will force their way in instead of paying the fee.

After all, the Straw Hats seem to have harvested a lot of treasure, but the expenses on the ship are very high, and the savings will not be much. Coupled with Nami's stingy character, he probably won't pay.

Besides, the entry fee is directly in units of 100 million, and the doctor is disgusted!

McKinley said with a serious face: "It's useless for you to quibble, the facts are like this, the monitors at the Gate of Heaven have sent all your photos, and your illegal entry is an eleventh-degree crime. But don't worry, as long as you If you pay ten times the entry fee, you can still visit Sky Island as a tourist."

"What, this kind of thing should have been said earlier... Nani! Ten times the entry fee?!"

Everyone who was about to breathe a sigh of relief was suddenly shocked.

The entry fee is one billion Ikes per person, and about 30 billion Ikes for everyone. If it is ten times now, wouldn’t it be 300 billion Ikes?!

By the way, what is the conversion between Ike and Berry?

"Berry, is it the currency of Qinghai? One Berry can be exchanged for 10,000 Ike. You have to pay 300 billion Ike, which is 30 million Berry!" McKinley calculated calmly.

"Thirty million Berry! How can there be so much money!" Everyone couldn't help roaring.

Even from going to sea to the present, the Straw Hats probably only have that much money, and Starfish's expenses have already been spent almost the same. Now Nami definitely can't afford that much money, unless he pays a Devil Fruit.

But even a rubbish Devil Fruit is worth 100 million Berry. If the whole thing is handed over, the other party probably won't change the money.

McKinley continued: "No money? Not having money is an eleventh-degree crime! Also, you stayed at Angel Beach and caused the sacred beach to be polluted. This is a violation of the Environmental Protection Law, which is a level-1 crime!"

"I think you're accusing people of indiscriminate crimes! Don't we even have the right to stand on the beach?!"

"Disrespect to law enforcement forces is a crime of intimidation, a seventh-degree crime!"

...asking for flowers...

"I think you're looking for a fight! I'm going to blow you away!"

"Smack me into the air? Hahaha, that is a second-degree crime and will be sanctioned by the priest himself! I warn you, the law enforcement of our white beret army is the most peaceful. If it is punished by the priest, you will definitely die ! Hasso!"

After the confrontation between the Straw Hats and McKinley, the charges became more and more serious.

Even the calm Luo couldn't help his veins bulging.

"Everyone calm down, don't hurt your peace!"

Tashigi quickly stood up and said loudly: "Captain, the laws of your country are too unreasonable! Even if we enter the country illegally, we can just pay the fine according to the regulations. Why do you have to increase the price layer by layer? This is clearly intentional. Could it be that Sky Is there no justice on the Island? Will you not be condemned for such actions?!"

McKinley laughed: "Hehe, condemn? Sky Island's laws are determined by God, who dares to condemn!"


"Hey! Counterfeit! Back off!"

Zoro directly intended Tashigi's words: "Don't you understand? They did it on purpose. Even if we pay the fine in peace, various charges will follow.

Robin continued: "To put it bluntly, they treat Qinghai people as fat sheep.

The others also nodded, no matter how much they said at this time, they could understand what the other party meant. It is clear that relying on your own strength to bully outsiders, even if you are innocent, breathing air will become a crime.

Such people cannot be reasoned with!

Pagoya and Conis hurriedly persuaded: "Wait a minute, Captain McKinley! Although we don't know the situation, they really don't look like bad guys!"

But McKinley waved his hand: "They obviously don't want to pay the fee, and they want to resist. Now let our white berets enforce the law and arrest them!"


"Conis! Uncle! Stop talking!"

Luffy interrupted the words of the kind father and daughter, and said with an unclear expression: "We are not good people, but pirates! Being bullied to such an extent, if we don't fight back, we are too cowardly You stand aside, we are going to blow them away!".

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