Sailing: Captain, Raftel is Here

Chapter 196 Kaku, We Both Have The Same Surname As Garp (Updated Late)

Due to the reason of getting rich, the Straw Hat Group held a banquet as usual.

Nami feels like a rich woman now, so the idea of ​​Luffy having another party is not so repulsive. Moreover, since Zoro's master is here, he naturally wants to entertain him well.

But the money is in her hands, and she knows how much a banquet will cost.

Definitely don't overspend too much!

But this is hard for Sanji, he is the busiest member of the Straw Hats. He is the one who buys vegetables, and he is the one who cooks. The key is that when he buys and cooks, his goddesses are accompanied by other men, which is simply physical and mental torture.

But what can be done, who made him the chef of the Straw Hats!

At the banquet, Koshiro watched Luffy and others singing and dancing, and couldn't help applauding.

This happy atmosphere seems to infect everyone.

However, Koshiro's focus has always been on Tashigi, and even his former lover Zoro has been temporarily forgotten. Seeing the smile on Tashigi's face, Koshiro only felt extremely satisfied21.

It doesn't matter if it's not her own daughter, as long as there is always a smile on this similar face.

Seeing Zoro drinking on the sidelines, Koshiro whispered, "Zoro, you have to protect Tashigi, just treat me as one I don't want to lose my daughter again."

Zoro froze for a moment, then nodded solemnly, "I'm alive, she won't die!"

Koshiro who got the answer smiled and gave Zoro a glass of wine himself.

But soon, Koshiro was dragged by Kuina to dance. Although it was just holding hands and turning around, Koshiro felt that this was the happiest moment after Kuina passed away.

"Mr. Koshiro, very happy." Robin whispered.

"It's okay to be unhappy, it's like losing my daughter and getting it back." Carl couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Not only Koshiro and Zoro couldn't accept Kuina's death, but many readers of the original book couldn't accept it either. Some even said that Kuina's death was suspended animation. However, Carl believes that Koshiro should not joke about his daughter, and Kuina doesn't need to use suspended animation to hide it even if she goes somewhere.

Also, if Kuina is really alive, wouldn't Zoro's promise to become the world's number one swordsman become a joke?

Fortunately, there is a Tashigi, although it is not Kuina himself, but it also makes up for some regrets. Just like Koshiro is now, just looking at Tashigi's smiling face is already very satisfying.

The night passed, and the daily morning exercises of the Straw Hats began.

Carl directly left Tashigi's training to Koshiro for the time being, so that the fake father and daughter can get along well.

Carl himself did not participate in the morning exercise, and flew directly along the coast to find the location of Carrera's No. 1 dock. But to Carl's surprise, Rob Lucci and Kaku are still in the dock, which means that CP9 hasn't done anything to Mayor Bingshan yet!

"Strange, is there a problem with the timeline?"

Carl had to be bothered.

Because the Straw Hats did not completely follow the original route, they went to the Boeing Islands to train for more than a month, which delayed a lot of time. After entering town yesterday, Carl inquired that superstorm Acuaragna had passed.

However, Carl was very puzzled that CP9 hadn't taken action against the mayor of Bingshan.

"My guest, do you need to buy a boat or repair it?" Kaku with a cuboid nose asked enthusiastically.

I have to say that if Kaku is not a member of CP9, he is definitely a good shipwright.

Carl said: "I want to find someone to help our Straw Hat Pirates take a look at the ship. Our ship has been damaged from East Blue all the way here, and we don't have a professional shipbuilder to repair it. Therefore, we can Could you please send someone to check it out? Money is not a problem.

"It turned out to be the famous Straw Hat Pirates, you are Carl, the Lightning Great Swordsman." Kaku didn't mean to be afraid at all.

"Yeah, I have the same surname as you and Garp." Carl joked.

"Lightning Swordsman is really funny."

Kaku laughed, "It's no problem to see the ship, but the old man needs to tell the foreman."

As he spoke, Kaku turned around to find a busy foreman, quickly explained the situation, and then walked over with the foreman. Carl recognized the foreman, the yellow-haired uncle wearing diving goggles and always holding a cigar in his mouth, was Barry, one of the five foremen of the Carrera Company.

Barry said: "Guest, if you look at the ship and repair the ship, it will cost 10 million Berry."

Carl was speechless for a moment, "I said, you have lost your bet again. Although I said that money is not an issue, you can't charge too much. It is said that you can't offend the boatman and chef at sea, but our Straw Hat Pirates It's not easy to bully, is your company stronger than Big Mom Pirates?"

Barry was startled and scratched his head in embarrassment, "I'm sorry, this is my usual problem. There are price lists for ship repairs, so let's go by the price list. I'll let Kaku go there.

Carl nodded, and said to Kaku: "The boat of the Straw Hats is at the port, you should know the pirate flag. After you go, say that Carl let you go."

Kaku immediately prepared the tools, "Okay, the old man will go there now!"

After finishing speaking, he left the dock, played parkour in the capital of seven waters, and rushed towards the port.

Mingming is not very old, but he bites a 253 old man. This card library is really interesting. In fact, Carl likes Kaku better than Franky's pervert, but it's not something that Carl should intervene in which shipbuilder to hire. And no matter how good Kaku is, he is still CP9, which is different from Tashigi's harmless undercover, and it is not suitable after all.

After finishing this matter, Carl turned around the city alone, and finally found a place where no one was there, took out his phone bug and dialed out.

"Moses, Carl, are you back from Sky Island?" came Drago's deep voice.

"Uncle Dorag, you know the whereabouts of the Straw Hats like the back of your hand, are you worried about your precious son?" Carl joked.

"Luffy has a reliable partner like you, so I don't need to worry about it."

Drago's voice was very serious, "However, since you defeated the two generals of the Big Mom Pirates, more and more people paid attention to the Straw Hats. You just arrived in the capital of seven waters, and most of you The forces have already heard the news. Moreover, the gold worth tens of billions of Berry is also very attractive."

Carl also restrained his smile, "So, there will be a lot of big guys coming?"

Drago affirmed: "Yes. It has been confirmed that the two Four Emperors regiments, Big Mom and Kaido, have taken action. In addition, the CP organization, individual Shichibukai, and the Eight Treasures Navy are all rushing to the capital of seven waters."

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