Sailing: Captain, Raftel is Here

Chapter 227 Zephyr, A Resounding Man (Second Watch)

Carl flew back to the Merry with Luffy.

The return of the two makes the partners very happy, and at the same time it can be regarded as reassuring the hearts of the partners.

"Luffy, where's the Four Emperors? Have you defeated me?" Usopp asked impatiently.

Everyone is also very concerned about this matter, but seeing that Luffy has come back alive, and the aunt has not chased after him, they have already guessed the answer, but they just want to hear Luffy say it.

Luffy giggled and said, "Auntie was thrown into the sea by me and disappeared."

"That means you won!"

Usopp directly concluded, "Well! Well done! Under the command of the great Captain Usopp, we defeated Kaido and Big Mom one after another. The name of the Five Emperors has been well deserved!"

Everyone has long been immune to Usopp's shameless bragging, but there is a smile on his face.

The last time Kaido was defeated was the result of Luffy and Carl teaming up, and Kaido was actually scared away by Carl's Devil Fruit fight in the end. This time it was different, this time it was Luffy who defeated Big Mom alone, and the Straw Hat Pirates could be said to have the real strength to fight against the Four Emperors.

As Usopp said, the Five Emperors are well deserved!

Everyone asked about Carl's situation, and Carl talked about his battle situation, which made everyone feel emotional.

Jack the Drough, one of the three major boards of Beasts Pirates, is a big pirate with a bounty of one billion Berry. He has the strength to forcibly challenge Marine Admiral, but now he has his left wrist chopped off by Carl.

Besides, the Blackbeard Pirates are interesting.

In Alabasta, Ace was looking for Blackbeard before, but unexpectedly Blackbeard became the new Shichibukai!

Carl seems to have a high opinion of Blackbeard, and he killed Badgers of the Blackbeard Pirates, but he didn't expect to be rescued by the rushing Blackbeard. Fortunately, Carl didn't do it in vain. At least he cut off Badgers' left arm, which was a serious blow to the Blackbeard Pirates.

"Mr. Carl, why do you like to chop off people's hands so much? It feels so cruel." Usopp and Chopper couldn't help being a little scared

"What's the matter, I originally wanted to chop off their heads, but just cut off their hands, so they can have fun!" Carl waved his hand indifferently.

Usopp and Chopper were suddenly frightened again, secretly discussing not to make Carl angry in the future.

Otherwise, your hands will be chopped off!

For these two guys, Carl didn't bother to bother, but turned his attention to Zephyr who was already fighting Weibull.

At this time, Zephyr looks very old, but he still has a cool outfit. The mechanical arm on his right arm is huge, but he dances it like a haystack, which shows his strength.

"Mr. Carl, who is that uncle? He looks so handsome and powerful!" Luffy watched the battle excitedly.

"The former Marine Admiral Zephyr is the person I admire most in Marine!"

Carl said solemnly, and then silently told everyone about Zephyr's life. For most of his life, he insisted on the justice of not killing. His family was killed by pirates, his students were killed by Weibull, and he lost his arm at that time, but he still worked hard for his career and trained a large number of officers and soldiers for Marine.

After some narration, everyone couldn't help being in awe.

"Wooooow! Zephyr Admiral! What a loud man! Woooooooo!"

Franky, who was hiding not far away to peek and eavesdrop, was already in tears, crying ugly, but crying from the bottom of his heart. It can be said that the tear point is very low, but he can also be said to be an emotional person.

Now everyone understands that Zephyr is here for vengeance!

"Come on! Zephyr Admiral!" Luffy couldn't help shouting with his fists raised high.

"Come on! Uncle Zephyr! Defeat Weibull and avenge the students!" Chopper and Usopp also shouted.

"Come on! Zephyr Admiral! You can beat Weibull!" The others couldn't help shouting, even Nami, Robin, Mari and Tashigi.

Carl was infected by this atmosphere, and cheered for Zephyr loudly.

Luo originally maintained his image of a cold and handsome guy, but he couldn't help being moved by what happened to Zephyr, and when he was moved by everyone, he immediately shouted.

"Come on! Zephyr Admiral! You're super-the best! Beat him! Beat Weibull!"

Franky didn't hide anymore, and shouted loudly with tears streaming down his face, raising his fists again and again, as if this could stack BUFF for Zephyr.

Ain, Binz, and Shuzo were all taken aback for a moment, and then they also shouted.

"Come on! Teacher Zephyr! Come on! Teacher Zephyr!"

Zephyr who is fighting is a little speechless, his students are cheering and cheering, what is going on with this group of pirates? Moreover, it seems that the Straw Hats started to shout for cheers first, the pirates cheered for Marine, these little guys are so smart Yet?

However, Zephyr can't care about those now.

His mechanical arm swung again and again, and all the Armament Haki were entangled on it, constantly colliding with Weibull's big naginata, driving Weibull back and even flying.

However, Weibull seems to be in good health for so long.

In comparison, Zephyr felt that his physical strength had been consumed violently, and he was even a little out of breath.

However, it is a rare opportunity to kill Weibull, Zephyr is absolutely unwilling to fall here, even if he wants to fall, he must kill Weibull first!

"AH!!! Smash Tornado!"

Zephyr frantically swung his robotic arm and hit Weibur, causing him to fly out.

I saw that Weibull was covered in blood, and the blood in his mouth was also vomited wildly, and finally hit the ground heavily, forming a deep pit. However, Weibull quickly stood up again, and the wound stopped in such a short period of time, so Carl couldn't help being frightened by Pervert's physical body (good Zhao's).

"Weibull's physical body is almost as good as Kaido's. It doesn't seem to be Devil Fruit ability. Does the sea really have such a pervert physique?" Carl couldn't help wondering.

"Go! Uncle Zephyr! Go!" Luffy, Chopper, and Usopp were still shouting enthusiastically.

However, at this moment, another warship sailed into the port.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and when they saw Aokiji, they immediately became vigilant. Robin even hid directly behind Carl, sticking out his head to look at Aokiji secretly.

"Ah la la, I didn't expect to fight already.

Aokiji had a serious face, with a murderous look on his body, but he still looked at the Straw Hats and said, "Don't worry, this time I'm not looking for trouble with the Straw Hats. That's my teacher, and as a disciple, I naturally have to come along to cheer for Dust.

PS: The name was spelled wrong before, not Wilbur, it was Weibull.

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