Sailing: Captain, Raftel is Here

Chapter 234 Robin, It's Up To You To Decide How To Deal With The Enemy (Third Shift)

Carl picked up Spandam and threw it in front of everyone.

"Guys, this guy is the chief of CP9. He wants to grab Robin's attention and plot the gold of our Straw Hats. There is also the Ohara incident more than 20 years ago. This guy's father is one of the main murderers. Everyone tell me what to do?"

As Carl said, his hand was already on the handle of the knife.

He can't wait to kill Spandam with a knife!

But in that case, I was only venting my anger. We are all Robin's partners. We should let everyone discuss a happy punishment method.

Moreover, only Luo has the final decision!

As for Franky, let's put it aside for now, there are more important things now.

Zoro directly popped out the blade, "What should I do? Is there even a need to ask? Such a guy should be killed with one blow!"

Sanji lit a cigarette and shook his head, "Green algae head, that's too cheap for this guy. He even did such an exaggerated thing to Robin sauce, it's not an exaggeration to cut him to death. Well, although it violates the chef's taboo, I take it Let him do a stabbing."

"Hey! You two are horrible ideas!"

Usopp hurriedly said: "Although this guy's death is not a pity, but he can't be so cruel. Why don't you leave it to me, I just need a target for my daily shooting practice.

You are just as scary, Usopp!

Chopper silently glanced at Usopp without speaking.

Chopper feels that he is just a doctor, responsible for saving lives and healing the wounded. If this Spandam is injured, he will treat him with disgust. Of course, hand slippage is inevitable during the treatment, so you can't blame yourself for that.

Little 3 suggested: "How about making him a wax figure?"

Zango also said: "Let me Hypnosis him, let him kill his own father?"

Marie also joined in, "Zango's idea is good, I think he will kill his father live with a large phone bug."

The more Spandam listened, the more he couldn't help shivering. He found that the members of the Straw Hat Pirates were all demons. The design tricked him into coming to Qishuizhi without saying anything, and he also wanted to torture him with various painful methods.

This group of people is really scary!

Nami also had a dangerous face, "Why don't you try everything you said! How dare this guy covet my gold, I will never let him be so cheap!"

Hey! Is the point gold?!

You woman is hopeless!

Everyone is a little speechless to Nami, Spandam covets the gold of the Straw Hats, which is the most unforgivable in Nami's view. Because Nami believes that the gold of the Straw Hats is her own gold!

Tashigi sat aside and didn't say a word, and didn't intend to say a word for Spandam.

Although Tashigi is kind, she is definitely not the Holy Mother. She knows that Spandam is not a good thing, and she also feels sorry for Robin who has suffered all kinds of misfortunes. Therefore, Tashigi will not object even if everyone smashes this Spandam into pieces.

Luffy looked at Robin, "Robin, it's up to you to decide how to deal with the enemy. Whether you kill or let go, we will support you!"

Hearing this, Robin walked slowly in front of Spandam.

Spandam finally understood his situation, whimpered and shook his head, trying to stop Robin.

At this time, Franky interrupted suddenly, "Wait! Nicole Robin, Captain Straw Hat, I have something to say!"

Luffy shook his head and said, "I'm sorry Franky, I'll talk about your matter later, we have important things to deal with now."

"That's what I said!"

Franky hurriedly said: "Captain Straw Hat, this Spanda and I also have a super—has a grudge against each other. Although I am not a member of the Straw Hats, please let me join the discussion on punishing Spanda! Although I He is a super pervert, and he also wants to avenge Master Tom!"

Hearing this, Luffy immediately showed her white teeth, "Hee hee, that's it, let's go together!"

Franky was overjoyed, and immediately said to Robin: "Nico Robin, before you finally deal with Spanda, can you let me beat this bastard first. I promise you, I will not beat him to death!"

Robin didn't mind, "Okay, please."

Franky rubbed his fist immediately, and punched it under Spandam's horrified gaze.

Because his mouth was gagged, Spandam couldn't scream out, but his eyes protruded from the pain.

Franky broke his left leg bone with one punch, another punch broke his right leg bone, and then the hand bones of both hands, making him directly paralyzed. The last punch hit him in the face, and that face was completely terrible.

"Phew! It's so much easier, the anger I've had for so many years is finally out!"

...asking for flowers...

Franky looked at the horrible Spandam[suddenly felt refreshed.

Carl beckoned to Chopper, "Chopper, cure this guy, if he is cured, he will continue to be maimed, and if he is cured, he will be maimed again."

Are you a devil?!

Not only Spandam thought so, but the others couldn't help but roll their eyes at Carl.

Everyone is maimed, you want to be cured and then maimed, and then continue to be cured and then maimed, this cycle is probably going to drive Spandam crazy if it lasts three times.

Robin stopped him, "Don't bother, he's just the interest of revenge, don't need to spend so much trouble."

As he spoke, Robin crossed his hands in front of him, the Flower-Flower Fruit ability was activated, and countless feet grew on the deck.


"Colorful! Tempest Kick Storm!"

Swish Swish Swish!

All the feet sent out a slash to Spandam, and the many slashes actually formed a storm, which rolled Spandam to the high altitude of the sea and continued to strangle it.

Suddenly there was blood rain on the sea.

After a long time, an unrecognizable corpse fell into the sea and sank completely.

Robin closed his posture slowly, and actually exhaled a long breath, and his whole body became much more energetic.

Seeing this, the partners immediately smiled.

Although Robin's move looks very cruel, and the final screen of Spandam has to be mosaiced, but everyone is a pirate, and there is nothing wrong with this kind of thing. Especially the death of a guy like Spandam is not a pity. His death may save many people from suffering.

After this matter is resolved, the next thing is Franky's business.

Originally Franky was a little nervous, but after Spandam's mixing, he became more generous.

"Captain Straw Hats, I heard that the Straw Hats still lack a good shipbuilder. I think I can do it, so I came here to take this position. In terms of shipbuilding and repairing, I will not lose to anyone. In terms of strength, I may be inferior, but I won't hold back. Although I'm a pervert, please let me join the Straw Hat Pirates!"

As Franky said, he knelt directly on the deck and lowered his head.

PS: Calvin is getting more and more serious, I am afraid that the value of writing will go wrong.

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