Sailing: Captain, Raftel is Here

Chapter 241 Tashigi: I Am An Undercover Marine From The Straw Hats (For Subscription)

Sabaody Archipelago.

The supernovas, reading the new papers, were also startled by the news.

Even the arrogant Eustass Kid was shocked by Marine's courage, fighting against monsters like Whitebeard, it would be normal to sink Marineford when the time comes.

"Kid, do you want to go to The fish men island now?"

Kira, who was wearing a mask, said, "This place is too close to the Naval Headquarters. Once a war starts, it will definitely not be safe here."

Kid didn't take it seriously, "Hahaha, what are you afraid of? Didn't you say that the public execution will be broadcast live on Sabaody Archipelago? Let's see how powerful the Four Emperors and Marine Admiral are!"

With no Luffy messing around in the Sabaody Archipelago, and no Celestial Dragons being beaten, the supernovas haven't been terrified by Marine Admiral yet.

Otherwise, he would have fled to The fish men island with his tail between his legs.

Not only the Kid Pirates, but other Pirates such as Broadcast Pirates, Hawkins Pirates, Pony Pirates, Monk Pirates, Flame Tank Pirates, Drake Pirates, etc. to leave.

Which one of the captains of these pirate groups is not bold, 22 let alone approaching the battlefield, even if they directly participate in the battle, they are probably not afraid.

However, there are basically no supernovas who want to participate in the battle. The battle between Marine and Whitebeard has nothing to do with them. Maybe they can take the opportunity to seize Whitebeard's territory and become the new Four Emperors when they lose both!

Oh no, it's the Five Emperors.

For the Five Emperors Straw Hat Pirates who suddenly appeared, the supernovas were actually all unhappy. Obviously everyone is a newcomer, why are you more powerful?

However, the record of the Straw Hats forced them to shut up.

There is no such thing as defeating Big Mom, a supernova with confidence and strength.

As arrogant as Kid, he has to be convinced by the Straw Hats. The Straw Hats are really powerful. In comparison, the supernovas seem to be playing pirates.

At this time, the Five Emperors Straw Hat Group also bought new newspapers.

After confirming the time and place of Marine's public execution of Ace, the Straw Hats began to prepare for departure.

"Oh? The news about the chaotic battle in the capital of seven waters also came out, but it didn't occupy the headlines. In addition, Doflamingo announced his withdrawal from Shichibukai. This flamingo is really funny. At this time, you still want to fool Luo?"

Carl smiled and dismissed the news.

Because the news about the execution of Ace was too big, many other news were ignored.

Even the news that the straw hat Luffy defeated the aunt Charlotte. Linlin did not cause heated discussions. Perhaps this news is not surprising. After all, it has been rumored that Luffy was promoted to the Five Emperors, and the two Five Emperors went to war. There is nothing wrong with Luffy winning.

As for the news of Doflamingo's exit from Shichibukai, it was completely covered up by the headlines.

Luo took the newspaper and glanced at it, showing a sarcastic smile.

"Luo, did you really let those cadres go? Wouldn't it be cheaper for Doflamingo?" Carl asked casually.

"The man was let go, but the heart is with me." Luo looked disdainful.

Carl didn't say anything after hearing that.

Doflamingo is probably engaged in fake news, but he may not know Luo's trick. When Doflamingo appears during the Summit War, then the dismissal of Shichibukai is fake, and Luo will crush the hearts of those cadres on the spot!

When the time comes, Doflamingo doesn't know if he will vomit blood.

"Little ones! Ready to sail!"

Luffy stood on the Merry's sheep's head, raised his fists and shouted.

Everyone returned to their posts immediately, some were in charge of stowing the anchor, some were in charge of the helm, and some were in charge of pulling the sails. Luo also brought Bebo and the others back to the submarine. Before they knew it, Luo and the others had integrated into the Straw Hats and actively joined the rescue of Ace.

At this time, Tashigi walked to the center of the deck.

"Luffy, everyone, I have something to say."

Tashigi looked solemn, and Luffy and everyone immediately looked solemn.

It appears that Tashigi has made a decision to speak out before sailing. Everyone has to take it seriously, whether Tashigi will be an enemy, a friend or a stranger in the future depends on her choice!

"Captain Luffy, please let me pass the news of the Straw Hats' participation to Marine!"

"Tashigi, what are you talking about?"

Luffy couldn't understand Tashigi's meaning, and everyone couldn't understand either.

Tashigi said: "I am Marine undercover in the Straw Hat Pirates, Captain Luffy, you admit it, so I will do my part and inform Marine of the news of the Straw Hats joining the battle, but I don't know the details of the Straw Hats. Action plan! In addition, I will follow along, it is normal for an undercover agent to follow along, and I will be responsible for guarding the ship when the time comes!"

As soon as these words came out, many people heard the meaning.

Tashigi said that the undercover status is a job recognized by Luffy, so reporting to Marine is just fulfilling his duties. In this way, it's not a betrayal of Marine, and it's not a betrayal of the Straw Hats

As an undercover agent, it is natural to join the war, but he is only in charge of guarding the ship. This is not a betrayal of the Marine, nor is it a betrayal of the Straw Hats.

This little girl is playing word games!

It's just that Tashigi hasn't realized that when she says she doesn't know the specific action plan of the Straw Hats, she is actually concealing information, and her heart is already on the side of the Straw Hats. As for the fact that the Straw Hats will join the battle, it is estimated that Sengoku has already guessed it, and there is no need for Tashigi to report it.

Carl glanced at Zoro, and found that Zoro's expression was a bit unnatural.

Sure enough, 967, those words of Tashigi were not her own thoughts!

And Carl can probably guess Tashigi's psychology, because he really likes the Straw Hats and wants to stay on the boat, so he still wants to keep his undercover identity. As for why the heart is biased, because what the Straw Hats have done along the way is in line with the justice in Tashigi's heart, and the filth of Marine and World government is constantly exposed in front of Tashigi.

After a long time, the heart will naturally be biased!

Tashigi is forming her own concept of justice, and the Straw Hats and Zephyr have a great influence on her. As for the justice that Marine said before, it was gradually forgotten by Tashigi.

Perhaps one day, Yin Siqi will also become a "pirate" that the world government fears!

Luffy didn't know if he understood, so he smiled and said, "Tell Marine that we are also joining the war, it's no big deal. Since Tashigi wants to guard the Merry, let's *8 together!"

I don't know if Luffy understands Tashigi's meaning, but he agrees.

Hearing this, Tashigi finally breathed out the entanglement of many days as a puff of turbid air.

She looked back at Zoro and smiled at Zoro for the first time. Zoro was stunned by this smile, inexplicably overlapping this picture with Kuina's smile.

Damn it! It's getting more and more similar!

PS: Is this Tashigi really good? In fact, I am struggling.

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