Sailing: Captain, Raftel is Here

Chapter 249 Rayleigh: The Sea Is About To Usher In A Real Storm (6 More)

"Lightning Great Swordsman Carl! Die!"

A female voice sounded, and saw a plump Yujie rushing out of the private house, a beautiful face came into everyone's eyes, with a beauty mole on the corner of her mouth, she looked glamorous and moving

Sanji's eyes lit up immediately, and his whole body became swaying like a wave.

Then Sanji was kicked on the deck by Nami.

"That person is Marine Admiral Momousagi Gion?! That knife is Kimpiro, one of the twenty-one craftsmen of the Great Sharp Sword!" Tashigi was all excited.

As for Momousagi, Inschi still heard about it from Carl.

Later, after asking Hina specifically, I found out that Hina was familiar with Momousagi, and Tashigi learned more about Momousagi.

If Zephyr is Tashigi's idol in justice, then Momousagi is Tashigi's idol in swordsmanship. As a woman, she can reach the quasi-Admiral level with her swordsmanship. She is definitely a rare female swordsman in the sea, and she is worthy of Tashigi's admiration.

And that knife, another big sharp knife!

Zoro showed an upset face, he was underestimated by Carl just now.

And it was a woman who made the shot. Although he didn't mean to look down on women, it was obviously uncomfortable to be looked down upon. Fortunately, Zoro also has self-knowledge [he really can't catch Momousagi's slash.

Carl has already fought Momousagi.

Momousagi's swordsmanship seems to be light and elegant, but it contains violence, which is very consistent with her Yujie's personality. And fighting a big beauty is also a pleasure to watch.

"Heh, she looks pretty, and her strength is also very good, but it's a pity..."


"Unfortunately, it's not my type!"

Momousagi suddenly felt that his waist had been flashed, and he gave Carl an annoyed look.

Carl's voice was not small, and it directly spread to the square and the bay. Many people felt that the soles of their feet slipped, and some people really fell on the ground. Everyone couldn't laugh or cry.

Please, brother, you are here to save people, not to pick up girls, okay?!

"Carl, you bastard pirate! How dare you molested my Gion! I'll kill you!"

A male voice also came from the other side of the house, and a wretched uncle rushed out. Compared with Kizaru, this wretched uncle has his own wretched characteristics. First of all, this greasy uncle face is unflattering. The key point is that he has a cigarette in his mouth, his hands in his pockets, and the image of bending over his back makes him look like Even more obscene.

"Oh? Are you a tea pig?" Carl laughed.

"It's Kake the tea dolphin! You bastard, Carl, stay away from my Gion home!" Kake kicked over with a wooden clog in frustration.

"Isn't a dolphin a pig? A tea dolphin is a tea pig, there's nothing wrong with it."

Carl's words made Jiaji even more annoyed, kicking clogs one clog after another, with his hands still in his pockets. If it were another handsome guy, it would probably be very elegant, but the tea dolphin is not pleasing to the eye.

Carl kept dodging, but there was not much pressure, because the rabbit had stopped attacking.

Just listen to Momousagi shouting: "Tea dolphin! Don't talk nonsense! Since when am I your family!"

Jiaji immediately coaxed: "Gion, my love for you is like the endless waves of the sea, seeing you, I am like a demon fruit power seeing a seastone, unable to move

"Enough! Concentrate on fighting the enemy!"

Momousagi is very angry, but it's important now, so I don't bother to care about it.

Carl was amused by Jiaji's on-the-spot confession, but he didn't expect this to be an infatuation, it's a pity that Momousagi doesn't know what to do. It might be better to be honest and wholehearted than those handsome playboys like Jiaji.

It's just that Momousagi doesn't understand, otherwise she wouldn't be a married woman!

Carl was fighting the two quasi-Admirals all by himself, and he really couldn't spare a shot for a while, since he was so close to the execution platform.

Fortunately, the Merry continued to rush forward, getting closer and closer to Ace.

"Ai-si--! I must save you!"

Luffy yelled again, and the friends stood behind Luffy. Because of a special change of clothes, the team of the Straw Hats became so majestic that it directly scared Miao Marine.

Moreover, the phone bug automatically met the Straw Hats, and the Straw Hats immediately appeared in front of people all over the world.

It works surprisingly well!

The reporters of Sabaody Archipelago immediately reported to their superiors, anxiously wanting to publish a second newspaper, and the headlines were directly assigned to the Straw Hat Pirates.

And those supernovas who were also watching the live broadcast all had bad faces.

Many of them looked down on Straw Hat Luffy before, thinking that it was an exaggeration by newspapers and Marines, but they didn’t expect that the Straw Hats will directly participate in the Summit War and make their debut in front of the whole world, directly blinding everyone’s eyes.

...asking for flowers...

Moreover, Marine seems to be really afraid of the Straw Hats!

The Whitebeard Pirates are also acknowledging the strength of the Straw Hats, and they are covering the Straw Hats at this time!

Is it true? The Straw Hats now have the strength to rival the Four Emperors and Marine Admiral?!

"Let me see how strong you are! I don't believe the gap is so big, I don't believe it!" Kid gritted his teeth, a look flashed across his face.

You are obviously newcomers, why are you better than me?!

On a tree far from the live broadcast screen, an old man with white hair and white beard with scarred eyes took a sip of wine silently, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Didn't you expect it to be so strong? It's really surprising, as expected, Shanks is optimistic about the person! Haha, now someone has inherited the captain's will, and the sea is about to usher in a real storm!"


Pluton Rayleigh leaned against the tree trunk with a contented face, obviously very happy.

At this time, the battlefield is still changing.

The Merry continued to rush forward, as if a few kilometers were so long. Seeing that the distance from Ace was getting closer and closer, Luffy grinned wider and wider.

However, things often don't go so smoothly.

At this moment, a huge unparalleled cyan slash suddenly tore through the crowd and went towards the sky.

Because it came so suddenly, even Luffy didn't have time to react, the cloud road in front of it was cut to pieces immediately, and the Merry just happened to reach the section of the torn road, and then went south magnificently.

"Hawkeye bastard!"

Foil Vista couldn't help cursing, and rushed directly to Hawkeye, and the two knives danced countless petals to attack Hawkeye.

Who would have thought that Hawkeye, who was the farthest away, would make a move, and no one could stop it. The Meli was blocked and fell down. It is unlikely to continue at high speed.

Because Marine has plenty of time to cope!

"Damn it! Hawkeye!"

Luffy was very annoyed, and then said decisively: "Partners, according to the previous arrangement, some of them will stay on guard, and some of them will follow me to the execution platform!"


PS: Momousagi's knife is set to be a big and fast knife.

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