Sailing: Captain, Raftel is Here

Chapter 251 Tashigi: You Are The Enemy Of All Famous Swords (Second Watch Subscription)

"That little girl is very interesting, is it some kind of fruit ability?" Marco, who was pestering Aokiji, was also surprised.

"The Hypnosis division of the Straw Hats is also good, what a group of good partners!" Joz, who stopped Akainu, couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Both Akainu and Aokiji were a bit dark.

The sailors in the square were not strong enough, and they couldn't even stop a few people.

But Akainu and Aokiji also knew the strength of the Straw Hats, so they didn't say anything, after all, they were also praised by the Straw Hats.

At this time, Whitebeard raised Cong Yunqie and said loudly: "Little ones, don't be compared to the Straw Hat Pirates! Ace is our family, and we should rescue it! Give it all to me!"


All the pirates responded one after another, rushing forward one by one desperately, which can be said to be a high morale.

At this time, Vista and Hawkeye are fighting together, and each move has its own petals. It seems very romantic, but in fact it is full of crises.

However, Hawkeye is only dealing with level A, level A is cool for a while, and always level A is always cool, the world's number one is so willful, Hawkeye is so strong that any sword move is level A.

"Huh! It's so dangerous, so 22, but fortunately, the Straw Hats can still move forward smoothly."

Vista was relieved when he saw the operation of the Straw Hats, and when he looked at Hawkeye, he was full of fighting spirit.

Before, Hawkeye was a bit neglected, but Hawkeye actually made a move to ruin the rescue of the Straw Hats. It was impossible for Vista to let Hawkeye wander on the battlefield, so he chose to hold Hawkeye back.

It doesn't matter to Hawkeye, although he wants to fight Carl, but Foil Vesta is also good.

In short, this war can let yourself enjoy the battle!

At this time, on the Meili, Imba and Tashigi were on the sidelines.

Chopper turned into a judo-strengthened one-stroke kung fu and Marine Six Styles continued to use it, knocking down the marine soldiers approaching the Merry. Tashigi also holds Huazhou in his hand, and uses his swordsmanship to stop the sailors one by one, but Tashigi remembers his identity, so when he can fight the sailors, he can use the back of the sword.

On the watchtower is Usopp holding a giant slingshot, constantly shooting at high frequency, while covering Tashigi and Chopper, while also taking care of the advancing Luffy team.

Usopp's giant slingshot has been modified with blast shells and shock shells, and its range is several times higher than that of ordinary flintlock guns. It can directly hit Sengoku on the execution platform. Therefore, Usopp chooses to stay on the Merry for cover, so that he can not only protect the Merry, but also help Luffy, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

With the efforts of Usopp, Chopper and Tashigi, the sailors basically couldn't get close to the Merry.

In fact, the naval soldiers responsible for besieging the Meli were not strong enough.

Little raccoon cat Tony Tony. Chopper, offer a reward of 10 million Berry! Marine traitor Tashigi, offer a reward of 10 million Berry! Tengu sniper king Usopp, offer a reward of 80 million Berry!"

"I thought it was a miscellaneous soldier from the Straw Hat Regiment, but I didn't expect to have the strength of a cadre!"

"Don't underestimate them, even if they are miscellaneous soldiers, they are also miscellaneous soldiers from the Five Emperors Regiment, and every one of them can be a captain in the four seas!"

The sailors around the Merry talked a lot, and Chopper and Tashigi immediately turned black.

"It's not a civet cat! It's a reindeer!" Chopper bared his fangs and roared.

"I'm not...(traitor)" Tashigi wanted to explain, but finally he could only sigh helplessly.

Tashigi was hurt by the title of "Marine traitor". Although she is an undercover agent, she still hopes to be a righteous Marine like Zephyr Admiral. At this time, it's no wonder that these sea soldiers can feel comfortable when they say traitors.

So, Tashigi used more force when he drew the knife, just to teach these talkative guys a lesson.

Swish! Suddenly, a marine soldier wearing a spherical Marine cap and a white cloth on his face jumped up behind Tashigi.

Tashigi subconsciously used the other hand to draw out Yukino to hit him, but unexpectedly, the blade of Yukino was caught by the opponent, and then he saw rust stains on Yukino's body.

In less than a second, Yukizou broke due to rust!

"What?! Damn it! You actually took the famous knife snow away..."

Tashigi was furious, she was so angry for the first time in her life, even if she thought she was cheated by Carl in Logue town, she had never been so angry.

"How dare you take, how dare you take the snow away..." Tashigi's eyes turned red.

The sailor introduced himself without hesitation: "I am Colonel Xiun of Naval Headquarters, a rusty fruit capable person. Any sword in my hand will become a pair of scrap iron! Awaken, Marine traitor Tashigi, today is the I will bring you to justice!"

Tashigi didn't care about this guy's identity, only heard about his fruit ability.

"That is to say, you are the enemy of all swordsmen, and you want to destroy all famous swords!"

"Huh? I am indeed the enemy of all swordsmen..."

"Then go to hell!"

Tashigi was so angry that he directly raised his foot and kicked Xiu Yao in the stomach.

Xiun originally wanted to activate the ability to rust off Tashigi's feet, but suddenly found that it didn't work and was kicked away. And this kick seems to be quite special, as if it kicked all the internal organs.

Then, Xiun spat out a big mouthful of blood, and passed out magnificently.

Usopp, who was shooting from the observation deck, was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously glanced at Tashigi, feeling that the kick just now looked like an armed color...

Tashigi put away the 900 snow walk with distress.

This knife was obtained by Tashigi from Carl, and it has been well maintained. Tashigi rarely uses it. I didn't expect it to be scrapped like this today.

Damn this Xiun!

Tashigi calmed down quickly, seeing Xiuun lying on the ground with no trace of guilt in his heart.

Anyone who harms Mingdao is not a good person, and this Rust Fruit ability user is the natural enemy of Mingdao, it is best to die. As for the other party being a sea soldier, Tashigi said that he is now a pirate on the surface, and it is not too much to kill one or two sea soldiers by mistake.

Seeing Tashigi being so cruel, the sailors couldn't help being a little scared.

However, as the saying goes, there are many people, and there are many sailors, so the morale quickly returned, and they continued to besiege the Meili frantically.

Carl, who was fighting near the private house, looked back, his eyes showing worry.

Both Tashigi and Chopper are not strong enough. Although they can deal with ordinary sailors, they are still troublesome when encountering a large number of Marine junior officers. But with Usopp here, it should be fine. After all, it is related to the safety of the Merry, and Usopp should work very hard and be brave.

"You dare to be distracted when fighting with the two of us. I don't know if you are confident or conceited!"

Momousagi let out a cold snort, and quickly swung the knife in his hand, each knife hitting Carl's vitals. .

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