Sailing: Captain, Raftel is Here

Chapter 264 Straw Hat Boy, You Return My Lion King (Second Watch)

It's just a Rear Admiral, but it can't beat a beast like Li Kei!

There is no need to describe the process, this unknown Rear Admiral was probably knocked down by Liji before he rushed up.

As for Marie, she rode on Li Kei's back the whole time, ate biscuits non-stop, and drew a few patterns in the sea soldiers from time to time, scaring the sea soldiers to run away.

It has to be said that the cooperation between Marie and Ricky is terrifying.

The combination of the girl and the beast rampaged in the square, kneeling even if Rear Admiral came to block the way, a large number of sailors rebelled because of Mari's black pattern, and more sailors could only attack the red pattern on the ground when attacking.

It can be said that this combination has become a nightmare for sailors!

Crocodile and Daz Bowness, who had just boarded the square, were a little confused when they saw Mali displaying Kamui.

This Miss Golden Week was not so fierce in the baroque work agency before, did it change so much in the straw hat group, or is the feng shui of the straw hat group better?

There is also Mr3, who controls four wax figures Kaido and beats a Naval Headquarters Rear Admiral on the ground, directly making Marine doubt~life.

Crocodile suddenly went numb.

He always thought that Mr3 was a waste, but now Mr3 is like the Cracker of the Big Mom Pirates, controlling the wax figure as if he is invincible. If I had known that this guy was so strong, he must have cultivated it a little bit.

But, it's too late to say anything now!

Mr3 and Miss Golden Week are now the crew members of the Five Emperors Straw Hats!

Although the Straw Hat Regiment has no distinction between soldiers and cadres, with the strength of the two, they are definitely in the ranks of cadres.

The Straw Hats, like the Redheads, follow the elite route. Everyone has their own job and everyone is very strong. That's why Sengoku said that the Straw Hats are the real Five Emperors.

There is no doubt about this!

Then, Crocodile saw Robin again, and this time he couldn't help crying.

I saw Robin move a huge tree with colorful colors, a big hand stretched out directly from the ground, and the huge index finger used the Finger Pistol, directly knocking the Rear Admiral blocking the way into the air. The Rear Admiral directly sprayed several catties of blood in mid-air, rolled his eyes and passed out, it is not difficult to imagine that the ribs of this Rear Admiral have been completely broken.

This move is his terror!

Use Flower-Flower Fruit to conjure huge limbs, then use Marine Six Styles, is this equivalent to giants using six styles?!

Crocodile can't wait to cry, these three were his subordinates in the past, but now they all make up the Straw Hats, isn't this saying that Crocodile is not good at using people?!

If Crocodile wants to cry, then Buggy can be said to be heartbroken.

After Buggy was defeated by Luffy, he was captured by Marine, and he stayed in Impel down all the time, so he didn't know about Liji becoming the lion king of the Straw Hats. I boarded the plaza on Whitebeard's boat just now, saw Liji displaying Kamui, and then heard the various high evaluations of Liji from the Whitebeard Pirates, and I was heartbroken.

This Ricky is the pet of his Buggy Pirates!

Now he's become the Lion King of the Straw Hats!

Straw Hat Boy, you return my Lion King, which belongs to my Buggy Pirates!

But Buggy only dared to yell in his heart, but he didn't dare to really yell at Luffy, because he already knew that Luffy has the strength of the five emperors, and he is still fighting with Kizaru

He dare not mess with such a guy.

In addition, Zangao, Nami, and Franky also showed their talents.

Zango directly threw out several circular saws, those circular saws revolved around a rear admiral, and collided in mid-air from time to time. That Rear Admiral seemed to know Zango's Hypnosis, so he didn't let his eyes look at the circular saw, but he didn't know that the sound of the circular saw colliding was also part of Zango's Hypnosis.

And this Rear Admiral has been staring at Zango, but Zango is clapping and dancing on his own, performing deep Hypnosis through sound and movement.

Not surprisingly, the Rear Admiral was a success.

Under Zangao's control, this Rear Admiral actually started to attack other sailors, cutting down many companions in just a few breaths. The sailors had no choice but to dodge silently, easily giving way to Zangao.

Zango's fighting style is not gorgeous, and it can even be said that there is no fighting, but his Hypnosis technique makes Marine frightened.

Even the Rear Admiral of the headquarters can perform Hypnosis, which shows how powerful its Hypnosis skills are. At this moment, the Marines felt that the reward of 35 million was too low. The Hypnosis Master of the Straw Hats had to offer a reward of hundreds of millions!

Also there is Franky's fight.

Franky held an iron cloud knife in his hand and "danced wildly.

The opponent is also a Rear Admiral, and this Rear Admiral is also a Six-Form Grandmaster, but it is similar to CP9's Fukurou. After some fights, they were unable to break through Franky's iron man defense, and were injured many times by Franky's iron cloud knife.

...asking for flowers...

This iron cloud knife was actually made by Franky himself.

After Franky joined the Straw Hats, he had the most contact with Sky Island, and he was more interested in the Iron Cloud Sword in Tashigi's hand.

And it happened that Usopp brought back a lot of iron clouds from Sky Island for his own little invention.

Franky borrowed it unceremoniously, and while waiting for Ace to be executed, he directly imitated an Iron Cloud Knife. In addition, he also used Tie Yun to modify his back. Before, he couldn't change the iron on his back, so his back was still a flesh body. With Tie Yun, it was more convenient to modify.

So, now Franky is really an iron man covered in iron!

Both himself and his equipment have been upgraded, and Franky immediately went crazy, not afraid of getting hurt, and directly launched a crazy attack.

Not long after, the Rear Admiral opponent was lying on the ground.

Franky's blue hair was drooping a little, so he immediately took out the water shell and poured Coke into the Coke bottle in his stomach.

Franky loves water shells the most. Small water shells can store a lot of Coke. In the future, he only needs to bring two shells of Coke, and he no longer has to worry about his energy consumption.

As for Nami's fight, there's not much to say.

The opponent doesn't know Armament Haki, so Nami directly ignored all physical attacks, and continued to use the shock shells and flame shells on the weather stick to carry out crazy attacks. With the assistance of armed color and knowledge color, the opponent was defeated in a short time.

So far, Marine's squad has been wiped out by the Straw Hats!

This not only shocked Marine, but also impressed the Whitebeard Pirates even more.

Even the army, who had been watching from the sidelines, was surprised.

Although the Army looks down on Marine, the Army has to admit that Marine is capable. But now that Marine's Vice Admiral and Rear Admiral have been defeated one after another, they have to pay attention to the draft hat team.

No wonder Sengoku asked the army for help, it seems that he really encountered a hard problem!

PS: I feel that the strength of the Straw Hats is outrageous, but it should not be too much to have this strength after the medicinal bath.

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