Sailing: Captain, Raftel is Here

Chapter 283 Friends, Cheers For The Rescue Of Ace

All the members of the Straw Hats had been weeping for a long time, and the others followed suit. Whitebeard, Ace, and Sabo all had expressions on their faces.

Carl patted Usopp on the shoulder lightly, "It's all right, Usopp."

For the Merry, Usopp loves it more deeply than anyone else, because it is a ship sent by Kaya, and it is also the first ship that Usopp sails to sea. Usopp has always been responsible for the repairs, and there are too many feelings for the Merry. too much.

Carl wondered if the guy could take it.

Usopp had tears in his eyes, but he said firmly: "It's okay, the farewell between men does not need tears!"

Only then did Carl heave a sigh of relief, silently watching the flames, watching the Merry being engulfed by the raging fire, and finally sank to the bottom of the sea. Why is he not sad in his heart, he has been careful not to let the Melly get hurt, but he didn't expect it to end like this.

"It's over, let's go back to the capital of seven waters, the adventure is not over yet."

Luffy buried his face in the straw hat, and his voice had returned to calm.

Carl glanced at the sea again, and suddenly flew forward to pick up something, then flew back and stuffed it into Luffy's arms.

Luffy was taken aback for a moment, then subconsciously hugged her tightly.

This is the sheep's head of the Merry!

"I didn't expect your throne to be kept. Let's take 230 as a commemoration of the Merry. Let's keep it well." Carl said softly.

"Well, we're going to continue the adventure with Melly, and finally board the Raftel together!" Luffy said with a firm face.

Whitebeard looked at the straw hat group for a long time, and the appreciation in his eyes became more and more intense.

What a bunch of nice guys!

It's a pity, these little guys are destined not to be his sons!

The team returned to the capital of seven waters.

There is no live broadcast in the capital of seven waters, just know that Whitebeard will fight with Marine, and now the Whitebeard pirates suddenly come to the capital of seven waters, directly frightening everyone.

In addition, there are a large number of prisoners and transgressors, making the civilians in the capital of seven waters shudder.

Fortunately, the Straw Hats were there too, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

The mayor of Bingshan came to understand the situation in person, and after learning the specific process, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

No one expected that Marine's public execution of Fire Fist Ace turned out to be such a result. This time, it can be said that Marine ended in a disastrous defeat. Of course, the Whitebeard Pirates also suffered heavy losses.

Blackbeard, who should have been the winner, didn't get (ccfg) any favors either.

The Straw Hats also lost their love boat.

The only happy thing is that these prisoners were living in darkness in Impel down, but they never expected to return to the sea one day.

It's just that, although Naval Headquarters was destroyed, Marine's elite powerhouses must have survived. Now that they are so close to the Marine, many people are still a little scared, lest the Marine will catch up.

Buggy left with a group of prisoners without hesitation.

"Straw hat boy, this time you got help from me, so you can just smile! One day if we meet at sea, you have to be careful, then you and me will be enemies!" Buggy said with his nostrils up Say harsh words.

"Oh! You are indeed Captain Buggy, and you are worthy of the Five Emperors!"

"Captain Buggy, we will always follow you!"

"The Straw Hats! The Whitebeards! Be careful! When you meet our Captain Buggy on the sea, be careful not to eat too much. Our great Captain Buggy will show mercy and let you go!"

The prisoners cheered for Buggy one after another, making Buggy, who was pretending to be aggressive, tremble all over, and hurriedly led the prisoners away.

"What are these guys doing?"

Luffy still can't figure out the situation, and everyone in the Straw Hats doesn't bother to bother.

It's nothing more than a self-righteous red nose and a group of prisoners with bad brains, don't take it too seriously.

At this time, Ivankov also took a group of ladyboys onto the boat and was about to say goodbye.

"Hee-hop! The Straw Hat Boys, and everyone in the Straw Hat Group, Ivankov, the king of the monsters, is here to bid you farewell. Woohoo, you are really a good group of guys. The sudden farewell makes people really sad, sad, sad! Hee-hop!"

"So it's not sad!"

Ivankov plays with his memes, and the ladyboys cheer him on.

All the members of the Straw Hats just felt hot-eyed, especially Sanji had already been hiding behind, and Sanji didn't have any appreciation for creatures like shemale.

Ivankov chatted with Sabo for a few more words.

Sabo is not planning to leave yet, and wants to spend more days with Luffy and Ace.

Ivankov must return to the country of monsters with the team of monsters, ready to respond to the call of the revolutionary army at any time. And Ivankov believes that with Sabo's strength, even if he acts alone, there will be no danger, and he will be able to fly to the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army alone by then.

"Hey! Straw hat boy, I will tell Drago personally about your safety and well-being." Ivankov talked to Luffy again.

"You know my dad?" Luffy still had no idea who Ivankov was.

"Of course, your father and I are both veterans of the Revolutionary Army, and we have worked together for many years!"

"It turned out to be like this! Little Ivan, thank you for being able to save Ace this time!"

"Little, little Ivan? Forget it, little Ivan is just little Ivan. Then goodbye, Straw Hat Boy, and the candies of the Straw Hats!"

"Well! Goodbye, little Ivan! Help and say hello to my father!"

The ladyboys are gone too, and now only the Straw Hats and the Whitebeards are left.

The grief of losing the Merry has begun to heal, Luffy held a banquet without hesitation, and warmly invited the Whitebeard Pirates to participate.

Whitebeard did not refuse. After a big battle, he really needed to relax.

And sitting on an equal footing with the Straw Hats, the Whitebeard Pirates didn't feel anything wrong.

The Straw Hats have this strength and qualifications!

Then Nami took out hundreds of millions with a distressed face, and let Sanji and the chef of the Whitebeard Pirates make a big purchase together. Fortunately, the mayor of Bingshan was very talkative, so he sent a lot of wine and food, and at the same time, he also found a good location suitable for holding a banquet.

In the middle of the night, the smell of food and wine permeated the entire capital of seven waters.

Holding a glass of wine, Luffy said loudly: "Partners, friends, for the victory of this big battle to rescue Ace, cheers!"


Everyone clinked glasses happily, and then started eating and drinking.

Both the Straw Hats and the Whitebeards liked banquets, and after drinking, the originally unfamiliar relationship was directly drawn closer. Later, because Zangao started his own dance performance, many people also joined in the excitement, everyone laughed and danced at the same time, the scene should not be too happy.

The three brothers Luffy, Sabo, and Ace also clinked glasses and drank happily, as if they had returned to the time when they were sworn brothers when they were young. .

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