Sailing: Captain, Raftel is Here

Chapter 306 Usopp: That's Kaku, Not Me (Second Watch For A Reward)

"Byrnndi. World isn't the only guy who came out of Impel down. It's also worth noting that the red earl Baloric Redfield and Bullet, the heir of the devil, especially Bullet is the most difficult guy to deal with. Rayleigh thinks it's too embarrassing for him. At that time, it will definitely be the enemy of the Straw Hats!"

Carl thought about it, and then quickly put away the extra thoughts.

Although it is not a theatrical version now, Luffy's strength is different from the original one. No matter how broken the main line and branch line are, as long as the Straw Hats are strong enough, they will be invincible.

So, what's there to think about?

Shakky showed a dignified look, "Byrnndi. World probably wants to bombard Mariejois, and I have to say he is crazy. Although it is not a pity for Celestial Dragons to die, it is obvious that Byrnndi. World is too naive and too self-righteous. No Whether the Marine will stop him or not, with the strength of the Army, he can definitely be defeated easily. When he dies, he will die, and you, as an accomplice, will face very serious consequences!"

Boya 22. The anxiety in Hancock's eyes was even worse.

Naturally, she knew the consequences. At that time, it was estimated that it would not only be as simple as death, but she might become a slave again.

And not only was she reduced to a slave, the entire Daughter Island could not escape!

"Shakky, what should I do? Do I want to give up those female warriors?" Boya Hancock looked very flustered.

He even thought of giving up those female warriors who were kidnapped by Byrnndi. World, which shows how terrified Boa Hancock is about the consequences of becoming a slave again.

Shakky had no choice but to persuade: "Hancock, don't worry. There should be a solution when Rayleigh comes back. At worst, let this old guy move again. Although he is old, he can still beat Byrnndi World."

Hearing this, Boa·Hancock finally calmed down a lot.

Carl didn't say a word the whole time, anyway, it had nothing to do with him.

This surprised Shakky on the contrary. It stands to reason that with Hancock's beauty, even the old guy Rayleigh couldn't help but take a second look, but this Carl was unmoved.

Except for the surprise at the beginning, there was not much reaction throughout the whole process.

If it were any other man, he would have jumped out and said that he wanted to help, but Carl was so unrelated, he didn't feel like a man.

However, Shakky didn't question Carl about anything.

There are many strange characters in the sea, and there are naturally men who are not attracted to Hancock, so there is nothing strange about it. It just makes Shakky a little regretful. If the Straw Hats are willing to intervene in this matter, Hancock's problem will be solved. It seems that Rayleigh will have to do it himself.

On the other side, Luffy and the others have entered the island separately.

With the arrival of the Straw Hat Crew, the entire Sabaody Archipelago became surprisingly orderly. No one dared to make trouble at this time, and people from the Marine and World Government only dared to spy secretly.

Luffy ran to a bubble car shop, and immediately made the boss tremble with fright.

However, the boss still has to work hard to receive distinguished guests with a smile, not daring to neglect in the slightest.

"Your car is so interesting, can I ride it for fun?" Luffy asked excitedly pointing at the bubble car.

"Of course, it's an honor for the shop that you like it!"

The boss tried his best to maintain a smile, quickly made a bubble, and then directed Luffy to get into the bubble and put it into the frame. Luffy stepped on the pedals of the frame, and the bubble car naturally floated forward.

"Wow! It's fun!" Luffy grinned excitedly.

"We want it too! We want it too!"

Usopp and Chopper couldn't wait to get a bubble car and rode happily.

Half a day later, Luffy had fun, and immediately said to the boss: "Boss, I want to buy this car, how much is it?"

The boss quickly waved his hand and explained: "This kind of car can only be used in Sabaody Archipelago, and it will break down after leaving here, so you don't need to buy it. If you want to use it, you can rent it... No, no, you can Just ride away, I won’t charge any money!”

Although she deceived many people who came here for the first time on weekdays, Lao Mei did not dare to deceive the Fifth Emperor Luffy.

If the five emperors found that the bubble car was broken as soon as they left the island, and then came back to settle the score, the boss felt that he would definitely die. So for the sake of life and business, let's be honest

"What, so it can only be used on this island?"

Luffy was a little disappointed, but quickly smiled and said, "In this case, I'll rent one, just to go shopping on it."

Usopp and Chopper also said: "We want to rent too!"

The boss couldn't help but burst into tears. He didn't expect Wuhuang to be so talkative. He didn't ride the bubble car directly, but rented it according to the rules. It was really surprising.

It is really rare for such a big man to be so down-to-earth.

After paying the rental fee, Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper rode the bubble car casually, and everywhere they passed was quiet. Everyone gave the new five emperors a lot of face, and no one dared to provoke them.

The three walked around and bought a lot of things.

Luffy buys meat, Chopper buys marshmallows, and Usopp likes to buy weird things.

Before they knew it, the three of them rode in front of an auction house. Coincidentally, Chuanya brought Jianbo, Zhongqi, Peijin and Kaku here from other directions.

The guards in front of the auction house were startled when they saw Lu 910 flying them, and rushed inside to report to the boss.

"Huh? Terran, Bepo, Usopp, Xia Qi, Pei Jin, why are you here too?" Luffy greeted loudly.

"Hey! Luffy, that's Kaku, don't call me!" Usopp couldn't help complaining.

Both Usopp and Kaku have long noses, and Luffy often admits his mistakes on the spot. Even though Usopp is present, Luffy can still admit his mistakes. I have to say that the five emperors' eyes are very magical.

Obviously you can work hard for your partner, but you can easily recognize the wrong partner. Do you value your partner or not?!

"The straw hat is the master, the civet cat is the master, and the proboscis is the master. This is Doflamingo's auction house, so I'll take a look, but why are you here?" Luo was a little surprised.

Could it be that the Straw Hat Masters are also interested in the auction?

"Auction house? Well, we just rode a bubble car and ran here." Luffy scratched his head and explained.

Luo suddenly knew that he had misunderstood. The Straw Hat Owner was usually the most unreliable, and he probably didn't even know what an auction house was. Sure enough, you can't expect too much from the Straw Hat Master. Apart from eating meat and fighting very well, you can't trust him in anything else.

"Ahem, since this is the case, let's go in and have a look together. I heard that there is a Devil Fruit auction." Luo couldn't help but seduce. .

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