Sailing: Captain, Raftel is Here

Chapter 320 World, Be Careful With This Straw Hat Boy

"Momo (double)!"

The Moonwalk of Byrnndi. World became fast under the blessing of multiplication fruit, and it reached the sky of Daughter Island almost instantly.

Seeing this, Marigold immediately transformed into a huge cobra, and sprayed venom at Byrnndi. World in the air. It's just that Byrnndi. World dodges easily, and soon arrived in front of Marigold.

"Pulululu! You are the Pirate Empress? Is this the only strength?"

Byrnndi. World looked disappointed, and punched Marigold, sending him flying.

"Lord Gerudo!"

The other female warriors became angry immediately, and shot arrows at Byrnndi. World crazily.

But Byrnndi. World is powerful, and the speed of the bow and arrow is too slow for him, so he can easily dodge. Moreover, he held a few marbles in his hand and threw them directly at the female "September 17" fighters.

"Momo! Fifty times the bullet!"

I saw those marbles instantly became as huge as cannonballs, and they exploded in the group of female warriors instantly, blowing up many female warriors at an extremely fast speed.

"Too weak! Is this the Shichibukai faction recognized by the Marine and World government? It's laughable!"

Byrnndi. World's tone was contemptuous, but obviously such words offended the female warriors. The female warriors rushed up bravely and attacked Byrnndi. World frantically.

Of course, it is impossible to be the opponent of Byrnndi. World.

A minute later, all the female warriors fell to the ground, and the World Pirates also started to land.

Byojack asked: "World, are you planning to take this island?"

Byrnndi. World shook his head, "What do I want this island for? Only in this way can the Pirate Empress be forced to submit. When the time comes, let her use her Shichibukai identity to take us to the vicinity of Mariejois. I only need one shot to send away all the Celestial Dragons. Lululu!"

Byojack looked uneasy, and the rest of the crew also looked terrified.

This Byrnndi. World is crazy, he is so arrogant that he wants to destroy the World government and the Celestial Dragons!

Some crew members immediately said: "I won't do it with you, you madman, you will kill us all!"

If there is one, there will be a second, and many crew members have stood up to express their opposition.

Byrnndi. World sneered, "In that case, let's go.

The crew members were stunned for a moment, then turned their heads and left, but before taking two steps, Byrnndi. World suddenly grabbed the gravel from the ground and threw it out, and all those who wanted to leave fell to the ground and died.

Just listen to Byrnndi. World laughing wildly: "Palululu! Either obey orders or die, there is no third choice!"

Now, everyone is finally completely sure that this guy is really crazy.

Marigold struggled to get up, looking very sluggish, obviously seriously injured, but she still maintained the cobra shape, firmly stopped in front of Byrnndi. World

"I won't let you enter the island, Byrnndi. World! When my lord sister comes back, it's your death day!"

"Huh? Are you the younger sister of the Pirate Empress?"

Byrnndi. World was taken aback for a moment, and then thought of a good way. It's very simple, just take this sister as a hostage, or use the whole island as a threat, if you don't believe Bo Ya Hancock will not compromise.

Many female fighters were caught before, Bo Ya Hancock has never let go, now let's see if she can hold it!

At this time, Byojack looked at the sea with a telescope, and suddenly called out, "World, it's the ship of the Nine Snake Pirates, and the Pirate Queen must be on board!"

"Oh? Is it finally here? It turned out to be out to sea, so I said why it didn't show up on the island."

As Byrnndi. World said, he suddenly rushed towards Marigold. He wanted to take down the sister of the Pirate Empress first, and then threaten her.

Marigold's complexion changed, but he had no time to react, so he could only close his eyes.

Just when Byrnndi. World's hand was about to grab Marigold, a hand suddenly appeared, pinching Byrnndi. World's wrist, abruptly stopping Byrnndi. World's movements.

"Phew! Fortunately, we caught up."

Luffy pressed the straw hat with the other hand, looked up at the strong man with a W-shaped beard, "You are Byrnndi. World? This is my friend Hancock's territory, you want to make trouble here?"

Byrnndi. World's complexion was very ugly, he didn't expect someone to stop his actions.

And I don't know why, facing this skinny straw hat kid, he actually felt a sense of oppression, and he couldn't even move his grasped hand...

Who the hell is this guy?!

Byojack and the others changed their complexions and exclaimed: "World! Be careful of this straw hat boy! He is the five emperors straw hat Luffy of Naval Headquarters who made a big fuss to save his brother!

For the Straw Hat Pirates, who doesn't know the whole sea now?

Who doesn't freak out about Straw Hat Luffy?

This guy can be 50/50 with Big Mom, Kizaru and other monsters!

"Five Emperors? Just him?"

Byrnndi. World obviously didn't believe it, and the other hand slammed into Luffy's face. But Luffy didn't move. He raised his other hand and slapped Byrnndi. World's hand aside, and then punched Byrnndi. World's face.

"Hmph! This powerless fist..."

Byrnndi. World had a sneer, with Armament Haki wrapped around his face, but when Luffy's fist hit him in the face, his face really changed.

I just felt that the armed color in the opponent's fist surged up and poured directly into the face.

Immediately, his whole body was blown away, and his whole head was bleeding from all seven orifices. If it wasn't for his strong willpower, he might faint on the spot.


Byojack and the others panicked, Zhengyi was about to make a move, but was stopped by another attack.

Because Luffy didn't come alone!

"Hey, hey, you are not allowed to interfere with Captain Luffy, otherwise it will make us look useless at 5.5!"

Little 3's voice sounded, and then countless white wax surged up like waves, covering Byojack and the miscellaneous fish crew all at once.

As for the three cadres, Naqin, Sebastian, and Gailam, they jumped to a high place and successfully avoided it.

It's just that if you dodge one, you can't dodge the other, only to hear the sound of thunder and lightning, and then a black leather shoe appeared in front of Sebastian and Gailam

The two were kicked away before they could react.

"Zango, I don't kick women!" Sanji said naturally.

"Sanji, your chivalry is also effective for old women?" Zang Gao was speechless, and threw two circular saws casually, and then Naqin was Hypnosis without accident.

The World Pirates were wiped out instantly except for the captain Byrnndi. World!.

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