Sailing: Captain, Raftel is Here

Chapter 343 Neptune, Poseidon's Secret Has Been Revealed (Third Watch)

At this time, Luffy, who was eating and drinking, stood up.

I saw him walking up to Neptune while eating a big stick of flesh and blood, "If that's the case, let us deal with Vander and the like!"

Neptune didn't expect that Luffy would really help in this matter, so he didn't know what to say for a while.

"After all, being invited by the uncle to such a luxurious banquet, a little help is considered a reward for the uncle.

As Luffy said, he stuffed the big stick of flesh into his mouth, even swallowing the bones.

"Captain Straw Hat, I didn't mean to ask you to do anything when I invited you to the banquet, I just wanted to make friends..." Neptune said hastily

"So we're friends already, aren't we?"

Luffy said with a smile: "My friend's daughter is being bullied, how can I just sit idly by? Uncle, don't worry, just leave this matter to our Straw Hats, and I promise to blow that Vander away!"

Luffy's words completely stunned Neptune.

He originally wanted to make friends with the Straw Hats, but he didn't expect it to be so easy.

He was simply invited to the banquet, and the straw hat Luffy regarded him as a friend, which really made him unbelievable. But what he didn't know was that it was because of his sincere invitation that Luffy recognized him, and the word "sincerity" is the most important!

Luffy looked at Carl, "Mr. Carl, where should we find that Vander?"

Carl said casually: "You and Sanji go directly to the hard shell tower, and if you see a weapon flying, just follow the direction of the weapon flying to find it. Remember to bring someone who knows Vanderdeken IX, otherwise you Might hit the wrong person."

Carl is very worried about Luffy's ability to recognize people.

Sometimes this guy can even admit his mistakes to his partners, let alone others.

Therefore, it is much more reassuring to bring someone who knows Van der Deckens.

Neptune immediately said: "Since this is the case, I will let my three sons and soldiers cooperate with you, so that it will be much easier for you to move around on The fish men island!"

With Neptune's consent, Luffy and the others acted immediately.

Carl felt that it would not take so many people to deal with a Van der Daken, so he didn't plan to act together, and (ccdc) continued to drink with Neptune.

Mari, Nami and Robin also stayed.

Mari is purely lazy, Robin has something to ask, and Nami is interested in the treasure of Dragon Palace.

Jinbei didn't leave when he saw this, he felt that there must be something important for Carl to stay, so he continued to sit where he was, waiting for the topic Carl brought up.

Carl thought for a while, and asked King Neptune to dismiss the others, including the two ministers as well.

Neptune immediately knew that there was something serious to discuss, so he followed Carl's wishes, but Jinbei was left behind.

Robin was the first to ask: "King Neptune, I have read the main text of Haizhisen's history, and I want to know who Joey Boy is, and who is the letter of repentance written for? What's the story in it? "

Neptune looked surprised, "You mean, can you understand the text on it?"

Even Jinbei was surprised, but when he thought of Robin's identity, he immediately took it for granted. However, even Jinbei didn't know the story of that piece of historical text, so he couldn't help being curious at this moment.

Robin explained: "I'm an Ohara survivor, if you don't want to say that's fine.

Neptune couldn't help but get tangled up, it seemed that there was a lot of secrets inside.

In the end, Neptune gritted his teeth and said: "This matter has been passed down from generation to generation in our royal family, and we cannot tell others. Please forgive me for not being able to say it. I am sorry!"

Carl, who was drinking, was taken aback for a moment, but he understood after a little thought.

Now it is different from the original book. In the original book, the Straw Hats rescued The Fish Men Island, so Neptune trusted the Straw Hats very much, and only then told the secret. Now that the Straw Hats have just arrived, everyone is just a friendship with a banquet together, and they can't reach the trust of the original book, so Neptune naturally has to keep his mouth shut.

Robin was a little disappointed, but he didn't force it, "You have something to hide, so you don't need to apologize."

Carl said at this moment: "King Neptune, I know that you still can't fully trust the Straw Hats, and it's only natural that you can't say it. But unfortunately, I already know it, and I guess you have kept the biggest secret in your heart." Before long, the secret of Poseidon!"

Neptune turned pale with fright, and couldn't help holding the trident beside him.

Carl waved his hand and said, "You don't have to be nervous. I don't mean anything malicious. I'm just reminding you. The fish men island is still too weak. Even if it is protected by Whitebeard, on the day Poseidon's news comes out, the World government will definitely not let you down." I will just sit back and watch, but I don't know if you are ready, King Neptune.

Neptune suddenly became short of breath, and his face was full of anxiety and pain, apparently unwilling to accept the fact.

But Carl's last sentence completely broke Neptune's psychological defense.

"Why do you think Vander Dyken IX would pester Princess Shirahoshi so hard? It's just because Princess Shirahoshi's cry attracted the Sea Kings when he was a child. Vander Dyken IX has already guessed what!"

"What?! So it was because of this reason..."

King Neptune's pupils shrank, and a murderous intent appeared in his eyes [it took a long time to stop.

Finally, he sighed decadently.

Jinbei immediately said: "Your Majesty, if you have any difficulties, please tell me, I will do my best to help you achieve it!"

Neptune shook his head, "Ah! Jinbei, this matter is related to the future of my The fish men island. I have never dared to be hasty. I never thought that it was still a secret. That guy Vanderdyken IX actually knew about it, no I know if he told others. But if I continue to hide it from you now, it probably won't make much sense.

Then, I reorganized the language and started to talk about Robin's question:

"Joey Boy is a person who has existed on the ground for a hundred years, and the article in the historical text was written to the mermaid princess on this island at that time. It is his apology for failing to abide by the agreement with The fish men island. Text. Although the content has not been handed down in detail, one day there will be a person who will replace Joyboy to fulfill the agreement. This is the legend that has been passed down among our royal family. We firmly believe in this and have guarded Noah for generations. .”

"Noah? What's that?" Nami asked.

"It's a super big ship near The fish men island." Jinbei explained.

Jinbei also came to a sudden realization at this time. He knew that the royal family was protecting Noah, but he didn't expect such a story to exist, and it was a story that had existed for more than 800 years. It was really unimaginable. .

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