Sailing: Captain, Raftel is Here

Chapter 353 Boss Jinbei, Do You Believe That Straw Hat Luffy Will Destroy The Fish Men Island?

After everything was packed, Carl became a coolie, holding the huge package with a giant sword on the door panel, and left Pappagu's clothing store with the girls smiling.

Camie also shouted kindly: "Carl, Robin, Marie, Nami, Tashigi, come to The fish men island when you have time, remember to come to the store again!"

Nami also responded with a smile, "Camie, that's a must, I'm still waiting for Master Papagu's masterpiece!"

Papagu immediately rolled his eyes and passed out.

I'm afraid Nami has become the nightmare of Pappagu's life, but Nami doesn't know it, even if he knows it, he might be proud of it.

While Carl and the others were shopping for clothes, Luffy and others came to the Mermaid Cafe led by Jinbei. Sanji and Brook had already floated into the coffee shop, seeing all the beautiful and lovely mermaid girls shouting welcome, the bones of the two old embryos were crisp.

Even men like Usopp, Zang Gao, and Xiao San feel like spring breeze.

No wonder it is said that this is the favorite place of human beings on The fish men island, and it really makes sense. Whether you are a man or a woman, you can enjoy high-quality services.

Of course, men are definitely the happiest, especially lewd men.

Luffy doesn't really like coffee, and the cafe doesn't serve meat, so he can't sit still. It didn't take long to wander around the cafe and finally broke into Mrs. Shyarly150's room.

Mrs. Shyarly is the owner of this coffee shop, that is, the sister of the evil dragon.

At this time, Mrs. Shyarly was sitting on the sofa with a cigarette stick in her mouth. When she saw Luffy, she was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help but shrink her pupils.

"You, you are the Five Emperors Straw Hat Luffy? Why are you here?"

Obviously, Mrs. Shyarly is very afraid of Luffy.

After all, many people with common sense know about the terror of the sea emperor, and Mrs. Shyarly is no exception. Although she vaguely knew about her brother's evil dragon, she dared not be hostile to Luffy because of it.

Not to mention that the Five Emperors cannot afford to offend, but to say that the evil dragon was at fault in the first place, and Mrs. Shyarly will not be indifferent to right from wrong.

Luffy saw a huge pearl ball on the table and asked, "What is this for?"

Mrs. Shyarly quickly replied: "This one is for divination."

"Divination? It seems very powerful. Do you know how to do divination?"

"Yes. But I don't do it anymore. Knowing the future is not a good thing."

"Is that so, can you mermaids poop?"

Mrs. Shyarly's face turned dark, she didn't expect the five emperors to be so vulgar, but after thinking about it, no matter how the emperor of the sea is a pirate, how could he ask the other party to be elegant.

In order not to annoy the other party, Mrs. Shyarly had to suppress her anger.

At this time Jinbei also came in, "Brother Luffy, so you are here."

Luffy laughed and said, "Oh, I'll just take a look. Jinbei, this mermaid sister will take it!"

"Hahahaha, I know this, Mrs. Shyarly's divination is very famous, and every time the divination is correct, her ability is very convincing.

Jinbei smiled, and then introduced to Mrs. Shyarly: "Mrs. Shyarly, this is Luffy, the current Five Emperors, the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates. But don't worry, brother Luffy is a good friend of our The fish men island, and just now led The Straw Hats defeated the rebel Hoddy Jones, the benefactor of our fish men island!"

Mrs. Shyarly was shocked.

She only heard that there was a rebellion just now, but she thought it was a fake so she didn't go to see it. Unexpectedly, the rebellion really existed, and it subsided quickly, because the Five Emperors took action in person!

She knows that Jinbei will not lie, which means that Luffy in the straw hat is really the benefactor of The fish men island!

"Sorry, I was rude just now." Mrs. Shyarly apologized.

"How do you do this divination?" Luffy was still staring at the pearl ball.

"Then let me do a divination for you."

Mrs. Shyarly walked in front of the pearl ball, and after some operations, she saw the screen projected on the pearl ball: I saw a fire on The fish men island, and only Luffy in the straw hat was seen in the fire

Mrs Shyarly was shocked by the sight.

"How? Did the divination come out?" Luffy was clearly interested.

....... I didn't see anything. I guess I haven't done it for a long time, and my strength has regressed. I'm sorry. Mrs. Shyarly chose to hide.

"Well, then I went to play elsewhere."

Luffy felt bored and left the room.

Jinbei didn't leave, looking at Mrs. Shyarly holding her forehead, Jinbei knew what Mrs. Shyarly saw.

Mrs. Shyarly whispered: "Boss Jinbei, do you believe that Straw Hat Luffy will destroy The fish men island? I just saw that The fish men island is surrounded by flames, and Straw Hat Luffy is the only one in the flames!"

Jinbei's pupils shrank, and then he shook his head immediately, "I believe in the character of brother Luffy, he would not do such a thing!"

"That's right, after all, he saved The fish men island!"

As Mrs. Shyarly said, she pushed the pearl ball directly, and the pearl ball broke into two halves with a ping-pong sound.

"Mrs. Shyarly..."

"Divination is really unreliable. It's better not to know the so-called future."

Immediately after Luffy and his group left the Mermaid Cafe, soldiers came over to say that the banquet was ready, so Luffy led them straight to the Dragon Palace.

As for Sanji and Brook, two reluctant guys, they were dragged away directly.

I met Carl and others halfway, so all the staff went to Dragon Palace again.

Needless to say about the process of the banquet, except that Luffy ate and Zoro drank, in addition to Brook's playing and Zangao's dancing, they are used to the banquet on weekdays.

The night passed quickly, and it was time for Straw Hat Crew to set sail.

Nami looked at the record pointer and saw that the pointer was shaking violently, he was shocked immediately.

"Nami, is the record pointer ready? Where is our next stop?" Luffy asked excitedly.

"The record pointer seems to be broken!" Nami panicked.

Seeing that she found other record pointers and found that the situation was the same, she was at a loss for a while, and looked to Carl for help.

Just then Jinbei came over, holding a strange pointer in his hand, and saw that there were three pointers on the dial, and each pointer pointed in a different direction.

"I was thinking that you would be troubled by this, so I brought a new pointer."

"A new pointer?" Nami took the new pointer and looked at it.

"Yes, this is an upgraded version of the previous pointer. The three pointers above point to different islands, and the more the pointer shakes, the more dangerous it is. Generally, many people will choose the most stable direction of the pointer." Jinbei explained .

So this is ah!

It seems that the New World's magnetic field is even more chaotic, which is a huge challenge for her navigation skills. .

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