Sailing: Captain, Raftel is Here

Chapter 392 Luffy, A One-To-Many Battle

The situation of Luffy also affects the hearts of the partners.

"It's not fair! Why are these people ganging up on Luffy!" Tashigi couldn't help shouting.

"There is no unfairness. The martial arts association itself has such rules, and there is no restriction on the combination of players." Zoro has a different opinion from Tashigi.

"But if this is the case, Luffy's situation is very bad!"

"Hehe, Luffy's strength is not something that these people can fight together. Take a closer look, what's wrong with Luffy? He didn't even use the third gear, let alone the fourth gear!"

"...well, you're right"

Tashigi was convinced by Zoro, but still looked worriedly at the arena.

Sanji, Brook, and Ace didn't speak, because there really was no unfairness. And even if Luffy is hit, it doesn't mean that Luffy has lost, Luffy hasn't contributed yet!

Katakuri took back the mochi mace and frowned tightly.

I saw Luffy turning over and landing steadily, and the armed color behind his back also slowly faded, obviously successfully preventing Katakuri's sneak attack.

In this regard, Katakuri is not surprised.

He has fought against Luffy before, and he knows that Luffy's Observation Haki is very good, and he can predict the next second like himself. He doesn't believe that Luffy can't predict his sneak attack.

"Wu Shuang Rice Cake Blade Bomb!"

Katakuri's arm directly turned into a machine gun, but countless mochi bullets fired wildly at Luffy.

Luffy maintained the second gear, constantly dodging Katakuri's attacks. And Luffy is a rare chicken thief who hides in crowded places, and many miscellaneous fish are also taken away by Katakuri's rice cake bombs.

For Katakuri, these miscellaneous fish that are allied together are useless, so killing them is killing them.

Not long after, all the miscellaneous fish on the field were cleaned up, leaving only Luffy and these seven masters. However, Kid, Hawkins, and Apu are only responsible for making soy sauce, and the real output has to be Katakuri and Badgers.

Qingjiao pulled out his head and patted it with a smile.

He knew that Luffy was powerful, so he didn't care that he was almost knocked down by Luffy's punch.

Seven people surrounded Luffy, and the atmosphere of the scene became dignified. And the audience didn't feel that Luffy was being bullied at all, but felt that the seven people beat Luffy as badly as possible.

Otherwise, Pede would be meaningless.

“Peerless Donut`!”

Two rice cake donuts popped out of the ground, and two huge fists shot out from the two circles, hitting Luffy hard.

Luffy didn't make a hard catch, he knew how powerful Katakuri was, and these two punches were definitely wrapped around the powerful Armament Haki. And if he was in a stalemate with these two punches, he would be attacked by others.

So, Luffy player dodges back

"Straw knife!" Hawkins' sword suddenly stretched like a straw straight to Luffy's chest.

"Magnetism. Xuan!" Kid was still a mechanical fist as always.

"Eat me!" Urouge also waved the giant pencil at Luffy.

The three attacked from behind, but they were already predicted by Luffy. Luffy didn't take it hard, and kept dodging to avoid it. In a one-to-many situation, it will be very disadvantageous to receive the enemy's attack.

Although Luffy is usually inconspicuous, he becomes very smart in battle.

The attacks of Hawkins, Kid and Urouge missed, but Badgers' elbow came in front of him at this moment, and it came so fast that Luffy had no time to dodge.

Helpless, Luffy could only meet with his palms, bumping into Badgers' elbow.

Boom! There was a roar when the palms and elbows touched.

In the next second, Badgers only felt his complexion change drastically, as if he had hit the island, not only could not shake the opponent at all, he was even shocked by the opponent, his hand bones seemed to be shattered.

It was as if something had penetrated into his body and began to tear his body apart.

Then Badgers was sent flying, vomiting blood crazily in mid-air, looking very miserable. But Badgers is not pretending, he is also very helpless, okay?

"Armed color outside? It's really dangerous, no wonder you can beat mom!"

Katakuri's expression was extremely dignified, his eyes seemed to respect Luffy as if he were an emperor. Of course, as a member of the Big Mom Pirates, it is naturally impossible for him to make friends with Luffy.

His goal now is to defeat Luffy!

"Nine-head rice cake!"

Katakuri threw out nine rice cake donuts and immediately rushed out of the donuts, a fist wrapped in an armed color.

Luffy suddenly didn't hide this time, he stepped on the horse, his fists were also wrapped with armed colors, and even Conqueror's, a jet machine gun hit nine fists.

Boom boom boom! Boom boom boom!

The fists of the two sides collided crazily, and thunder resounded throughout the arena.

Moreover, there was an energy fluctuation spreading invisible, not only shaking the entire arena and even the arena, but even the entire Dressrosa.

As the fluctuation spread, many ordinary people fainted and fell to the ground.

"...Ahaha, the Conqueror's Haki conflict? This old man got involved too!"

Qingjiao was not reconciled to losing to the young man, his shiny head was covered with armed colors, and his whole body also jumped into the sky, heading straight for Luffy.

"Eight Punch Boxing Profound Truth! Invertebrate Dragon. Invertebrate Fight!"

Qingjiao's head went straight to Luffy, and the speed was extremely fast.

Luffy was not used to green peppers either, he opened his mouth and bit his fingers and blew wildly, forming a huge rubber fist wrapped around Armament Haki and hitting the green peppers.

There was only a bang, and the green pepper was blown away without any accident.

And I don't know if it was a coincidence, Luffy's fist touched Qingjiao's forehead, and Qingjiao's head just returned to the shape of pointed vertebrae at this time.

Qingjiao was taken aback for a moment, and touched his conical spear in surprise.

Then he smashed his head on the (good Zhao) arena, smashing the arena in half and falling into the sea. It is rumored that green pepper has a trick of green pepper to open the door, which can divide the land into two. I didn't expect it to be really powerful.

"Qingjiao, leader of the Eight Treasures Navy! Defeated outside the field!"

Gaz immediately became excited, "As expected of the Five Emperors Luffy, he defeated the famous 500 million pirates with one punch, his strength is so terrifying!"

Luffy doesn't know what's going on with the sharp spines of the green peppers, and doesn't want to know.

As long as the old man doesn't bother me anymore, otherwise, he will give him another beating.

At this moment, music suddenly came to my ears, and I saw Apu, a long-handed tribe, playing and singing with his hand as a musical instrument, not to mention the music was quite nice.

Luffy was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Apu who was blowing and singing, and suddenly felt that danger was coming.

He hurriedly dodged, but the feeling of danger still did not dissipate. .

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