Sailing: Captain, Raftel is Here

Chapter 394 Franky: A Man's Words Are Hard To Follow (Sixth Watch)

I don't know how long it took, Franky and Senor had a brief break.

Senor was lying on the ground with his face covered in blood, his chest panting like a bellows, obviously exhausted.

Franky also looked miserable, with countless cracks in the alloy skin all over his body, which showed how dangerous it was to bear the Senor's attack head-on.

However, both of them carried it down.

"If you want to ask why you don't dodge the opponent's attack, it's not a very simple reason!"

Franky's face was full of unsatisfactory thoughts, "For example, in a tavern, someone offered you a toast, how can you refuse as a man! You are a real man, pervert, and I will never avoid your fist!"

These words directly shocked the miscellaneous fish and the women.

I didn't expect this pervert iron man to have such a manly side.

Senor slowly got up, with a smile on his face, "Leaving aside the example of the tavern, I can't help but praise you for your spirit. In this case, you come to take my last full blow , if you can take it, then you have won, and I will also take your full attack!~"

Franky gave a thumbs up, "It's decided like this! If a man says -, it's hard to chase!"

Senor immediately opened the distance back, and then suddenly jumped forward, as if he had jumped into the water, and then swam frantically towards Franky, "The next second, he directly threw himself on Franky.

With this thrust, Franky was constantly pushed back, and the ground was separated to both sides like water.

"This ability is really weird!"

Franky complained, but did not take any action, allowing Senor to do it.

Those miscellaneous fishes and women also rushed to catch up, to see the result of the duel between the two real men.

Senor directly took Franky up to the tall building and kept sprinting towards the height. Seeing the sky that was getting closer and closer, Oro couldn't help being in a trance.

"If you keep going up, you should see Lucian, right?"

At this moment, Senor's eyes overflowed with tears, which made Franky stunned for a moment, obviously this pervert man in baby clothes has a story.

However, at this time, I can't take care of these.

The two directly rushed over the tall building, but they couldn't continue to go upstream, and fell straight down under the action of gravity. And this is Senor's strongest attack, bringing Franky to the ground.

Boom! Franky landed on the back of his neck.

A large hole was smashed into the ground, and the surrounding buildings collapsed.

Senor stood up slowly, looked at Franky who was lying on the ground bleeding from all seven orifices, and clicked hard on the pacifier. Obviously, this time is his victory.

However, before Senor could turn around, Franky started to get up.

"It's agreed, now it's my turn, don't hide!"

"Strong right hand!"

Franky clenched his right fist and hit Senor's face with all his strength, Senor immediately flew backwards, and his glasses exploded, revealing Senor's tearful eyes.

Senor didn't get up again, he had already lost.

Franky stepped forward and silently wiped away the tears of this pervert man.

"If there is a chance, let's have a good drink. I want to hear the story of the woman named Lucian.

......Okay, I'll tell you. "

Senor burst into tears immediately, facing the sky and weeping bitterly.

A little forward in time, the battle deep in the factory is also going on.

Chopper's various physical enhancements continued to attack the prisoner, but the prisoner was too weak, and was knocked down before Chopper could use Marine Six Styles.

As for Nami.

The opponent Jorah's attack method is relatively simple, basically a cloud is born from the head, and then thrown at the opponent.

In this regard, Nami said that it was very easy to dodge, and Nami continued to create thunderclouds during the dodge process, trying to kill Jorah with a lightning strike.

But Jorah suddenly raised his head and swallowed Leiyun completely.

This directly startled Nami, and quickly backed away.

I saw a cloud floating above Jorah's head again, but this time it was a large cloud, and it was different from ordinary dark clouds, like the dark clouds in cartoons or oil paintings.

Qiao La grabbed a lightning-shaped pattern from the dark cloud and used it directly at Naye.

Nami quickly dodged with a shave, only to see the lightning pattern hitting the ground, a burst of thunder erupted instantly, and the ground was scorched black by the lightning.

"There is still such a method. Is it too careless for me to stay and stop her?"

Nami was a little uneasy, but since he had already said that he was responsible for stopping Jorah, he couldn't back down, otherwise it would cause trouble for his partners.

...asking for flowers......

At this time, a lot of smoke suddenly spewed out from Jorah's hand, and the smoke spread rapidly, turning all the miscellaneous soldiers into cartoon characters along the way, and the items also became mines for cartoon items.

Nami gritted his teeth, and directly activated the blower shell, which immediately formed a gust of wind, blowing the mist away in the opposite direction.

At the same time, Nami keeps making bubbles and expanding the water vapor here. Not long after, Nami suddenly disappeared in a flash, and Nami was completely out of sight.

"Damn it! Where did this little thief cat go!"

Jorah was a little frustrated, and continued to produce artistic clouds, and kept throwing them everywhere.

At this moment, Nami suddenly staggered and flashed, as if he was avoiding the artistic cloud.

Jora was overjoyed when he saw this, and continued to increase the production of cloud clusters. Countless cloud clusters were thrown at Nami. Nami had nowhere to hide for a while, and watched the cloud clusters hit him.

However, in the next second, just listening to the sound of the bubble bursting, Nami's figure also disappeared at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, the weather rod was attached to Jorah's back, and Nami's figure was also revealed.

I just heard Nami laughing: "I'm afraid you have never seen a mirage. The weather here has been controlled by me. You will not be my opponent. Moreover, you will not be able to observe Haki." I was worried for a long time."

Jorah was startled, and was about to move forward, when suddenly there was a violent impact force from behind.

Nami activated the shock shell, and the powerful shock directly shook Jorah's internal organs, making Jorah faint.

"It's okay if you can't bear it. I specially asked Luffy to save the impact for me. This is equivalent to a punch from Luffy. If you can bear it, the Five Emperors will be ashamed!"

Nami stuck out her tongue mischievously, and turned to look for Chopper.

It just so happened that Chopper had already cleaned up the factory director and those miscellaneous soldiers, and the two walked towards the depths of the factory together.

"Nami is so powerful, he defeated the enemy cadre so quickly!" Chopper couldn't help admiring.

"Hey, Chopper is also very good!" Nami praised.

"Stupid! Even if you praise me, I won't be happy!" The happy Chopper has already started to work. .

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