Sailing: Captain, Raftel is Here

Chapter 413 Everyone, Where Will Aokiji Go After Leaving Marine

"Where do you think Aokiji will go after leaving Marine?" Zoro brought up the topic.

"I know I know!"

Luffy raised his hand and laughed, "Aokiji can be a pirate!"

For Luffy's answer, the partners rolled their eyes in unison.

This is impossible no matter how you think about it, Aokiji is the original Marine Admiral, no matter how depraved he is, he will not become a pirate. Otherwise, Zephyr probably crawled out of the grave

The least convinced is Tashigi.

In Tashigi's view, the justice in Aokiji's heart is still firm, and he will definitely not become a pirate!

Sanji lit a cigarette and thought about it, and then judged: "I think, I should pull up my own team and form a new Marine. After all, the current Marine can't perform his own justice, so he will pull up the team to be the boss, let the sea Come and witness his justice right or wrong!"

This idea is still plausible, but the weird Straw Hat Crew has its own answer.

Usopp: "I think Aokiji will sell popsicles. His ability to sell popsicles is very convenient, and he will definitely make a lot of money!"

Little 3: "Should be an ice sculpture artist, he and curly hair are suitable for being an artist!"

Zang Gao: "I will find a place to retire. I heard that he is very lazy and always sleeps at work. Now that he has retired, he should simply find a leisurely place to sleep for the rest of his life.

Brook: "I heard that Aokiji is very horny, I guess he will find ten or eight girls to accompany him, and live a decadent life, yohohohoho!"

Franky: "Aokiji will be a courier, he can ride a bicycle on the sea, and it is super convenient to travel between islands."

Chopper: "I agree with Usopp, but not only popsicles, but also ice cream, and it would be nice to sell cotton candy."

Nami, Tashigi: "...Your claims are so unreliable!"

Everyone in the Red Heart Group:...... We are very speechless and don't know what to say.

I have to say that the ideas of Straw Hat Crew are more weird than the other, except for Sanji's conjecture, which is more reliable, the others are all nonsense.

But if you listen carefully, they have their own reasons.

It seems that in this way, it becomes a matter of course what Aokiji will do in the end.

"Robin, what do you think?" Carl asked softly.

"I don't know, he's very thoughtful, and it's generally impossible to guess what he's thinking. Robin shook his head.

For Aokiji's situation, Robin's mood is very complicated.

(ccae) Aokiji is one of the accomplices who destroyed Ohara and the murderer who killed Saul. Robin can't forgive Aokiji. However, Robin survived because of Aokiji, and he is actually grateful from the bottom of his heart.

Robin knows Aokiji better than everyone else, but he dare not guess what Aokiji will do next.

"What about Mari? What do you think Aokiji will do?" Carl asked again.

"Mr. Carl, don't ask children such esoteric questions, and how Aokiji chooses has nothing to do with us. Even if you want to ask, you should ask Mr. Carl's thoughts." Marie silently gnawed on the biscuit and asked the question Throwing it back in Carl's face.

Then, everyone looked at Carl, wondering what Carl thought.

"I agree with Luffy's guess, Aokiji will become a pirate, and he will go under Blackbeard's command." Carl could only say helplessly.

"Huh?!!!" This kind of speculation surprised everyone, "Does Mr. Carl have any evidence?"

"No basis, but I think Aokiji is still following the justice in his heart. It is normal to be an undercover agent under Blackbeard's command. It happened that the conditions were met, he failed in the duel, missed the position of marshal, and was rejected by Akainu, so he just did it The Pirates, and Blackbeard, who seems to be the most promising, is all so taken for granted.

As soon as these words came out, the smart people present understood.

This time is indeed a good time to take the opportunity to break into the Blackbeard Pirates.

Aokiji failed in the duel, pretended to have a good future for himself, resolutely turned back to Marine, and joined Blackbeard's command. Blackbeard is currently recruiting men, and should accept Aokiji. Although Blackbeard will still guard against Aokiji, once Aokiji enters the interior, it will be difficult to defend against him.

As for why they did this, it was because Marine saw a great threat from Blackbeard.

The three-series Demon fruit power has never been seen in the sea for so many years, so it must be taken seriously. In addition, Blackbeard is ambitious, so he can't take it too seriously. Why not send an Admiral undercover?

Of course, this is the imagination of smart people.

Anyway, Carl guessed casually. In the original book, Aokiji defected to Blackbeard after losing the duel. He should have joined the Blackbeard pirates. As for the purpose, Carl didn't know.

Anyway, let everyone guess freely.

However, after listening to Carl's guess, everyone seems to believe it.

After all, Carl is considered a jack-of-all-trades, he can tell a lot of things, and often they are right, which makes everyone want to believe subconsciously.

Luffy was not happy, "Mr. Carl, why is Blackbeard the most promising? Why not me? Aokiji should come to me!"

Everyone was speechless again, as expected Luffy didn't understand.

What I don't understand is Chopper, this innocent kid is also standing on the same front with Luffy at this time.

Luo patiently explained: "The Straw Hats, Carl said that Blackbeard is dangerous, so Marine sent Aokiji to be an undercover under Blackbeard. And our Straw Hats have Tashigi as an undercover agent, so there is no need to send Aokiji."

Tashigi felt extremely helpless when she heard the words [Is she still counting as an undercover agent now?

There is no one who exposed his undercover identity as soon as he got on the ship, and even served as an undercover job openly, as weird as he wanted.

Suddenly, Luffy hit his left palm with his right fist, "So that's true! Really, Mr. Carl, you made it clear, I almost misunderstood!"

Carl didn't bother to talk to this stupid apprentice.

It is recognized that Luffy is stupid, and his reading comprehension was taught by Dadan, so he is not qualified at all.

Therefore, Carl never asked Luffy in terms of IQ. If he insisted on asking, he would be the one who was tired. So I simply let it go, "The faithful wife Luffy is strong enough, everything will be auspicious.

However, it seems like a good thing if Aokiji joins the Straw Hats.

After all, there is already Tashigi as an undercover agent, so Aokiji should not be an undercover agent. If he joins the Straw Hats, the Straw Hats will be a group of three kings, and their combat power will directly stand at the top of all the pirates, so we ask who else is there.

Of course, just think about this kind of thing, it is impossible to happen.

Afterwards, Straw Hat Crew discussed Marine's global recruitment plan.

He said it was a discussion, but it was just nonsense. He didn't discuss any aspects of Marine's plan at all.

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