Sailing: Captain, Raftel is Here

Chapter 448 Luffy, I Want To Settle This Grievance With My Own Hands (Six More)

The Sunshine is being dragged by Momoo with all its strength.

The submarine also turned on its full horsepower, and quickly followed the Sunshine.

Since I captured Reiju, I have been chasing the snail fleet of Germa Kingdom for a few days.

That guy Judge is really timid, probably because he learned that Reiju failed to stop the Straw Hats for a while, so he chose to run away. No, these days, the snails are exhausted from running, which is dragging the castle.

But even dragging the castle is faster than the sails of the Sunshine.

So after these days, they have not been able to catch up with the Germa Kingdom, and naturally Luffy couldn't do it if he wanted to beat someone up.

But the Straw Hats learned smart this time, since you have the snail tow the castle, I also have the moo tow the boat. The Sunshine is small in size, it can be dragged by moo alone, and its speed has more than doubled.

Here is the North Blue, not the Grand Line, and Nami's navigation skills are more handy.

Finally, on the afternoon of the third day, the Sunshine caught up with the large snail fleet of Germa Kingdom.

I have to say that these snails are really huge, and they are not small in strength. They dragged the castle so far and ran so fast.

It seems true that Germa Kingdom has no fixed territory.

These snails seem to have been bred by Germa's technology, and then built castles on the sea, dragged by the snails, forming a mobile kingdom.

It is also the first time for everyone to see someone running away with the country, which is really novel.

Germa probably knew that he couldn't run anymore, so he simply stopped, and then three snail boats surrounded him. On the prows of the three ships stood three men with red hair, blue hair and green hair with killer hairstyles.

Obviously, these three count as Iji, Niji and Yuji.

Iji first glanced at all the members of the Straw Hats, focusing on Luffy and Carl for a while, while Sanji was ignored by him.

Finally, eyes fell on Reiju.

"Reiju, you actually surrendered to the Straw Hats and brought people back to the kingdom. Could it be that you betrayed your father!"

He opened his mouth without asking any reason, but first questioned.

This alone made all members of the Straw Hats very disgusted.

Luffy's voice was hoarse, "Whether betrayal or not, do you think you can escape? Since we are looking for you, you will definitely be beaten, and no one can escape.

As soon as the words came out, Conqueror's Haki burst out.

All those replica soldiers were affected, even if they were manufactured, under the threat of the powerful Conqueror's Haki, they all collapsed on the deck.

Yiji, Niji and Yongzhi were suddenly faced with huge oppression, and their backs were covered with cold sweat in fright.

At this time, Sanji came to Luffy's side.

"Luffy, leave it to me this time. I want to settle this grievance with my own hands. Only in this way can I get rid of the shackles of this family." Sanji's face was extremely serious.

"Okay. But Sanji, you don't have to be polite when you need help, we are partners!" Luffy said loudly.

"That's natural, I've never been polite to everyone!"

As Sanji said, he suddenly disappeared in the form of thunder and lightning, and appeared in front of Yiji in the next second, and the black leather shoes went straight to Yiji's door.

However, Iji's reaction was not slow, his hands burst into sparks and hit Sanji.

However, it was Sanji who was faster in the end. The leather shoes turned into lightning and disappeared again, and then suddenly appeared behind Yiji, kicking Yiqia on the back.

Yiji was kicked into the sky in an instant.

"You bastard, do you think that having the ability of Thunder Fruit is powerful? I am the one who can really control thunder and lightning!"

Niji's voice suddenly came from behind.

I saw Niji's fist wrapped in lightning and hit Sanji's head, but Sanji avoided the blow with elementalization in advance, and kicked a thunderbolt that hit Niji's abdomen

Knock Niji into the air.

"Trash dares to be arrogant!"

Lvmao Yuzhi punched it with his sandbag-sized fist.

This time Sanji didn't hide (ccej), he raised his foot to meet him, only heard a bang, Yongzhi felt a huge force rushing towards him, and then his body flew out uncontrollably.

The battle between several people was only in the blink of an eye, but Sanji had the upper hand.

Not long after, Iji, Niji, and Yuji flew back with the jets on their feet, and glared at Sanji angrily. They were obviously very angry when they were hit by Sanji.

"You are just a waste, do you think ten of you can defeat us?!"

"Shut up!"

Sanji was furious, "If you open your mouth and keep your mouth shut, what do you think you are! Even if you are trash, you are still human, and you are just tools for that bastard, what right do you have to laugh at others!"

Iji, Niji, Yuji:....

For a while, he didn't know how to refute.

Sanji continued: "After taking off this battle suit, you are no better than ordinary people. There are so many monsters in the sea, and you are nothing more than ants in comparison. You don't even dare to enter the Grand Line. Those who dominate North Blue dare to say that I am a waste here, is it the self-confidence that bastard gave you?!"

After a sentence of cursing, Sanji only felt hearty.

He had wanted to do this a long time ago, only hated that he had no skills when he was a child, otherwise he wouldn't have delayed until now.

And he not only wanted to scold, but also beat these guys, including that old guy, to make them reflect on themselves. Also, he wants to liberate Reiju, if the old thing dares to object

He's going to kill him!

"You have indeed become stronger, Sanji."

Judge appeared from the castle, carrying a spear in his hand, with an unprecedented seriousness on his face.

Sanji couldn't help but clenched his fists and temporarily suppressed his anger, otherwise he would really rush straight up and beat Judge to death.

Judge first glanced at Luffy and Carl vigilantly, and was temporarily relieved when he found that the two big shots were really not moving. When he looked at Sanji again, anger and killing intent burst out in his eyes.

"Sanji, you are my son, what's wrong with me arranging a marriage for you?" Judge tried to communicate.

"I have already left this family, why do you dominate my life? Stop talking nonsense, this time I will beat you up first, and wait until you are convinced!"

Sanji seemed a little irritable and didn't want to talk nonsense at all.

Sanji knows all too well about Judge, the bastard biological father, if you don't beat him up, he will give you a moth. So let's not say any nonsense, let's fight first!

Judge still tried to struggle, "The Big Mom Pirates, the Blackbeard Pirates, and the Kaido Pirates are about to arrive, and the Marine is also encircling North Blue. The Straw Hats are in a dire situation, so you still want to settle the score with me?"

Sanji sneered, "You don't have to worry about it, they come whenever they like, when did our Straw Hats ever get scared?"

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