Sailing: Captain, Raftel is Here

Chapter 463 Liji, The Prettiest Boy On This Battlefield

At this time, there is still a battlefield.

Li Kei turned into a 50-meter-tall lion and ran in the air on Moonwalk.

Because the body is too bulky and huge, every time you step on the Moonwalk, you need huge strength, and it will cause a huge explosion sound, which will also cause a strong impact storm.

Li Kei reached Moonwalk, but many people below were hit by the storm caused by Moonwalk.

But Liji doesn't care, its goal is the huge battleship San Juan in the sea. The wolf!

San Juan. The wolf is a giant, but he has a body bigger than Oz's. It is like a small island. People are like ants in front of him.

Li Ji didn't have a good idea on how to defeat such a guy.

The only thing Liji can do is to use his best!


Li Kei roared like a lion king, and with his huge claws, he used the Finger Pistol of Marine Six Styles, and went straight to the chest of San Juan Wolf. However, the San Juan Wolf didn't even hide, allowing Liji's Finger Pistol to hit him.

With a bang, the San Juan Wolf was successfully beaten and slid back a little distance.

But Liji was in tears, because his paws hurt like hell!

Liji has always believed in his own strength. Its single move Finger Pistol can knock even a giant 787 Vice Admiral into the air. However, Liji is really unable to beat this wolf.

Because Ricky can't shake an island yet!

"Hey, since you're done playing, it's my turn!"

San Juan. The wolf smiled, and slapped him with a slap as big as a warship, instantly blowing Liji away. At the same time, it also caused a strong wind, and a small tsunami began to form.

Sure enough, a huge body is powerful, and this move can even catch up with Whitebeard's Shock Fruit!

Liji flew far away, and then stopped himself by stepping on the Moonwalk, his four paws began to sweep forward rapidly, one after another huge Tempest Kick slashed straight to San Juan Wolf's head.

The people below watched the two monsters fight, and wanted to go home and find their mother.

Li Ji's Tempest Kick slash alone is astonishingly huge, it's likely that half of the island can be cut off with one slash. However, what was even more shocking was that San Juan Bad Wolf casually grabbed the Tempest Kick in his hand, and then easily crushed it.

It was such an understatement, and even yawned.

But Li Kei could see clearly that San Juan Wolf's palm was cut off by Tempest Kick with (ccei) bloodstains.

Liji was very relieved because of this, at least it proved that his attack was useful, it was not a waste of time. It's just that Li Ji is also very distressed as to how to defeat this big guy.

It's just that Likki is just a lion after all, and with his limited brain capacity, he can't think of a way out.

Then he could only continue to rush forward with brute force, and was repeatedly beaten by San Juan. The wolf, and he became scarred after a while, but Li Ji still kept going, his firm eyes seemed to regain the power of the lion king. bit the same.


Carl couldn't help feeling a little lost.

Ricky used to be the pet of the Buggy Pirates. Carl wanted to have an extra mount with him, so that he could use it when he was too lazy to walk. But Li Kei is very competitive and has been following the training

Later, he went to snatch his own Phantom Beast Fruit with his own hands. It can be said that in order to become stronger, Liji tried his best.

After that, he combined with Mari and successfully confronted the substitute Admiral.

He is obviously a lion, but he is very strong and works harder than many people.

It can be said that Li Kei's boarding is just Carl's whim, but Li Kei's growth has long been beyond imagination. How can Carl be indifferent now that Li Kei is being bullied?

Bang! This time Likie hit his head on the San Juan Wolf.

But without the slightest shake, it was pinched by San Juan Bad Wolf with both hands.

Carl became angry immediately, but was stopped by the aunt when he was about to make a move, and he couldn't rescue him at all. Fortunately, Liji was also smart, so he suddenly chose to become smaller and slipped out of San Juan's hands.

If it was a little later, I'm afraid Liji would be crushed into a pulp!

"Go away, old woman!"

Carl yelled angrily, Obsidian slashed out to evade Big Mom, Third Generation Guiche took the opportunity to slash at San Juan Wolf, and a huge Hakoku Lightning Slash went straight to San Juan Wolf.

"It's not good to meddle in other people's battles, Lightning Great Swordsman!"

With a cigar in his mouth, Shiryu jumped up suddenly, his body spun rapidly in the air, and the scarlet slashes scattered the thunder light quickly, thus avoiding the situation where the San Juan wolf was split into two.

No matter how huge San Juan Bad Wolf is, San Juan Bad Wolf can't handle a blow that can cut the island in half!

"You really underestimate me! Shiryu!"

There was a chill in Zoro's voice, and the man appeared behind Shiryu.

"Three swords style mystery! One big three thousand. Big thousand world!"

Pfft! Zoro walked straight through Shiryu, and saw a bloodstain on Shiryu's body, but it was only one.

Shiryu's famous sword was blocked in front of his chest, and successfully blocked Zoro's two mysterious swords. Although the last sword was not able to prevent it, it was only slightly injured, so he would not be knocked down by Zoro.

Zoro's complexion was very ugly, he didn't expect that Shiryu could not be defeated by the three swords technique.

But Zoro is even more excited because of this, because it is this kind of enemy that deserves his best efforts, so as to help him complete the fastest and most stable growth!

And Carl's sudden shot made Li Kei stunned.

Then Li Ji didn't know what to think of, and directly changed back to the size of the body, quickly stepped on the Moonwalk and rushed towards Carl.

"Roar!" Li Kei yelled at Carl.

"Mr. Carl! Devil Fruit!" Chopper's translation officer went online urgently.

Carl was stunned for a moment, subconsciously took out Devil Fruit from his pocket and threw it to Liji, and then he understood immediately, a smile could not be tainted on the corner of his mouth.

The faces of Blackbeard and Big Mom Pirates also changed.

However, Liji had already hugged the monkey fruit, stepped on the Moonwalk with all his strength and rushed to the front of San Juan. The wolf, relying on the smallness of the body, easily avoided the big hand of San Juan. The wolf reached San Juan in an instant Juan. In front of the wolf's mouth.

Blackbeard immediately yelled, "Wolf! Shut up!"

San Juan. The wolf was taken aback, and immediately closed his mouth, but he was used to grinning silly, his lips could not be tightly closed at once, and his teeth were not exposed.

The gap between the teeth is naturally amazing!

Liji directly threw the monkey fruit into the teeth of San Juan Bad Wolf.

The fruit fell into the stomach along the wide throat very smoothly, and was quickly digested. After all, it is a giant, and its digestion speed is faster than anyone else, and Devil Fruit is easy to absorb.

In seconds, San Juan Bad Wolf became powerless, and his whole body began to sink to the sea. .

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