Sailing: Captain, Raftel is Here

Chapter 469 Tela Nan, An Extremely Strong Man


The partners couldn't help shouting anxiously.

Luo lay there panting heavily, with strong unwillingness in his eyes.

Since joining the Straw Hats by default, Luo has positioned himself in the same position as Zoro, which is the second combat echelon. In this way, Luffy and Carl are in charge of fighting big opponents such as Big Mom and Kaido, while he and Zoro are in charge of such emperors as Katakuri and Flame Calamity.

However, in his current miserable state, it is obvious that his strength is far from enough!

Looking at Zoro's leadership, although Shiryu can't be stable, he can temporarily tie. Shiryu should be about the same strength as Flame Calamity Jhin. Moreover, Master Marie and Master 3 fought hard to defeat the second of the three dessert generals, and Master Blackfoot also firmly suppressed Badgers.

The high-end combat power of the Straw Hats has its own performance, but he is the only one who is outstanding.

How does this make him happy?!

"I! No! Nothing!"

Luo gritted his teeth and climbed up, facing Katakuri again. Although he knew that he was not an opponent, he had no reason to back down, even if he died!

"Terra man..."

Luffy, Zoro, Sanji couldn't help but glance at Luo.

They saw Luo's determination, as well as the courage and will not to admit defeat, so although they were worried, they couldn't stop Luo, because that would only be an insult to Luo.

I can only watch silently and pray that Luo is fine.

Of course, when Luo might be killed, everyone would not care about anything, and just save him.

Katakuri didn't even look at Luo, but looked at Smoothie who fell to the ground, and then at Cracker who was also fainting, his face was so angry that there was an obvious apology.

"Mom, it's because I didn't teach my younger brothers and sisters well, which caused them to fail." Katakuri took all the responsibilities.

"Katakuri, if you want to apologize, then kill all the rest of the Straw Hats, otherwise I will not forgive Smoothie and Cracker. As the three dessert generals

It is the second combat force of the kingdom, and it loses to a group of fledgling rookies, which makes me feel embarrassed!" The aunt's tone was full of murderous intent.

"Yes! Mom, I'm killing Straw Hat Crew!"

Katakuri agreed, and locked Luo with murderous eyes.

Luo just smiled, opened the operation space again, and pointed at Katakuri.

But Carl stared at the aunt with a sneer, and taunted: "Charlotte. Linlin, haven't you been beaten like a dog by us newcomers? I don't see you blaming yourself! You blame yourself for what you can't do. Your children can't do it, you are really unqualified as a parent. Then if I kill you, I believe Katakuri and the others will agree with both hands, after all, as long as you die, they don't need to die!"

The aunt choked on Carl's words, and the anger burst out in her eyes.

"Bastard! I'll show you how good I am now!"

"Mother visits the cannon. Three thousand miles!"

The aunt was really angry, and saw that Ming lightsaber slashed forward, and a huge woman was cut out. This huge woman rushed towards Carl, as if she wanted to tear Carl into pieces.

Carl's double knives crossed in front of his eyes, and the giant sword on the door panel under his feet suddenly produced a strong boost, making Carl rush forward like a rocket launcher, and he was in front of this huge woman in an instant. However, Carl didn't stop, and continued to rush towards the aunt.

"Cross God! Die!"

It was another move of Double Swords and God's Avoidance, which was instantly slashed on the aunt's body.

The aunt suddenly screamed, and flew backwards with blood in her chest and abdomen.

However, Carl was so powerful that he continued to chase after him, and locked the aunt's neck with his two knives. For people like Big Mom, Carl has no mercy at all, if he could kill him here, he would definitely not hold back.

The aunt also knew that she was in danger, so she simply threw the emperor's sword to Taiyang Huo.

Sunfire immediately grabbed the handle of the knife, and the blade plunged into the thundercloud. The three strongest Homiz merged into one, and the tip of the knife immediately formed a huge energy ring. As the sunfire swung the emperor sword, the energy ring immediately fired a huge laser cannon.

"Sound Cannon!"

Boom! The laser cannons are coming straight for Carl.

Carl, who was in the middle of the charge, was unable to dodge for a while, and was immediately hit by a cannon in the air, and there was a violent roar.

At this time, the aunt could barely stop her body, still supported by Leiyun Zhou, her body and face were dripping with blood, it was obvious that her injuries were not serious. But the aunt didn't care about her injury at this time, but stared at the smoke and dust in the air.

...asking for flowers...

When the smoke cleared, Carl's distressed appearance came into view immediately.

At this time, Carl's clothes were in tatters, there was glaring blood at the corner of his mouth, and there were many burns on his body.

But Carl just spit out the blood, with an expression of indifference, it is very common to be injured when fighting a strong person like aunt, so Carl has the psychological preparation

But Big Mom's trick really caught Carl by surprise.

If it wasn't for Carl being strong enough, his body would probably be blasted to pieces.

"Damn kid, it's really hard to kill!" The aunt was obviously very dissatisfied with this result.

"You're an old woman. You're still alive and kicking in your 60s. You should be buried sooner." Carl also responded unceremoniously.


The two confronted each other again, while the battle below continued.

At this time, Luo focused on blocking Katakuri, obviously preparing to stop him desperately.

However, Katakuri didn't take Luo very seriously. Although he was successfully attacked by Luo several times before, in Katakuri's mind, Luo was still not strong enough to easily defeat him.

Swish! Katakuri's figure disappeared.

When it reappeared, it was another move to cut rice cakes, and the arms turned into maces wrapped in armed colors.

But after all, it was in Luo's operating space, even if Luo was not as knowledgeable as Katakuri, he still sensed Katakuri's actions, so he immediately activated his ability.

With one move, the slaughterhouse transferred himself behind Katakuri, and Ghost Cry stabbed Katakuri in the back.

"Your method, I have predicted it a long time ago!"

Katakuri said in a cold voice, and with a spin of his body, he swept Luo away with his kick.

Luo fell heavily again, but this time he got up quickly, throwing a few pieces of sawdust in his hand, and the ghost baby was also wrapped in high-frequency current.

"Slaughterhouse! High Frequency Scalpel!"

Swish! Law switched places with a piece of sawdust, just above Katakuri's head.

The ghost cry went straight to Katakuri's forehead.

"Glutinous ball stabbing!"

However, Katakuri's arms turned into glutinous balls to wrap the trident, and spun towards Gao's head at high speed, unexpectedly flicking the ghost cry to the side, and pierced Jail's shoulder three at the same time. .

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