Sailing: Captain, Raftel is Here

Chapter 478 Kid Carl, I'll Pay You For The Wine

The Blackbeard Pirates failed to win, but Kizaru was already working very hard, and it was normal for Blackbeard to run away with all his heart.

As for Sabo not being able to catch it, it's really no wonder, it's Akainu's failure to hold down the Straw Hats. If the Straw Hats can't leave for a while, then Sabo will naturally not run away, and it will be a matter of time before Sabo is taken down with a smile, so the problem is still on Akainu's side.

Akainu didn't have the nerve to blame and smiled, but took the initiative to comfort and say it's okay.

Next, Akainu had to think about how to deal with Celestial Dragons and Kong's scolding, thinking about it made him feel bad.

Half a day later, the small warship and the Moby Dick arrived near the Calm Belt, the Sunshine and the submarine also landed, and the Straw Hats and the Whitebeards joined together for the second time.

Facing the two sea emperors, Judge only felt Alexander, and immediately chose to resign.

Carl gave the small warship to Judge without hesitation, and Judge hurriedly left with his three sons before he could tell Reiju anything.

North Blue is the foothold of Germa Kingdom, and the Vinsmoke family will not leave here!

"Ace, Sabo, I didn't expect us to meet again so soon!" Luffy and his two elder brothers fisted together, the smiles on their faces could not be suppressed.

Ace and Sabo are also very emotional, it is true that they met again soon.

After all, it is very difficult to meet in the vast sea, but not long after the Summit War, the three brothers gathered together again. However, if Sabo hadn't been in a hurry to leave Dressrosa at that time, I'm afraid they would have gathered long ago.

"Luffy, it's not time to catch up on the past."

Carl quickly said, "Akainu is not far from here, and it's not safe to stay in North Blue after all. Let's go to Calm Belt, find an uninhabited island on Calm Belt, and hold a banquet in peace of mind!"

Naturally, Luffy did not disagree, "Then listen to Mr. Carl, let's talk in Calm Belt!"

Afterwards, Carl and Sanji controlled the black gun again to support all three ships and flew towards the Calm Belt. And just as Carl was worried, not long after they left, Fujitora used his ability to fly a warship to kill them with a smile, and Akainu and Kizaru were among them.

Fortunately, he ran fast, otherwise he might be entangled again.

Although there is no wind in Calm Belt, there are quite a few islands. They didn't fly for too long before they came across a nice island, and the two groups decided to stay here.

As soon as the boat landed on the shore of the island, Carl couldn't help complaining.

"I said Whitebeard, your boat is too heavy, even if I am not injured, it will be very difficult to fly!"

At this time, Carl had already been wrapped in three layers of bandages by Chopper. Like a mummy, Carl didn't even have the right to object, because the injuries he was beaten by the aunt were still too serious.

"Ku la la la! Then I'm really sorry, how about I give you a cup later?" Hu Zi laughed heartily.

"It's an honor to get Whitebeard to pay for the wine, I forgive you!"

Carl was completely speaking on an equal footing with Whitebeard, but no one thought there was anything wrong with it, because Carl had this strength. Moreover, after the last Banquet in the Capital of Seven Waters, everyone was familiar with each other, so they didn't care much.

Next, of course, is to prepare for the banquet.

There are a lot of prey in Calm Belt, and you can hit Sea Kings casually.

However, the Whitebeard group and the Straw Hat group both intend to compete, secretly comparing who can catch the most prey and pile up the ingredients on the island in less than ten hours at most.

As the head chef, Sanji personally directs a group of chefs in the Whitebeard group, and he is very busy.

As for everyone else, they are now moving out drinks and fruit.

The ship doctors are also very busy. Although they have treated the wounded on the way, they are still busy dispensing medicine. Fortunately, the Red Heart Group has a group of medical teams that have not participated in the battle at all, so there is no need to worry at all.

Luffy, Carl, Zoro, and Luo, as high-level representatives of the Straw Hats, naturally sat face to face with Whitebeard, Marco, and Ace, and Sabo mingled among them.

(ccfa) So, Ace, you don't want to be responsible to your sister-in-law like you did before, do you!" Luffy revisited the old story.

"...Of course, I have promised my father that I will go with you to rescue Yamato!" Ace couldn't help but blush.

Ace was too lazy to explain to Luffy.

This guy Luffy admits that it's useless to explain, and Ace has indeed agreed to Whitebeard.

"That's right! Don't worry, when the time comes, I will blow Kaido into the air, and no one can stop you from marrying Yamato!" Luffy was obviously very happy.

Sabo on the side is still a little confused, and doesn't understand what's going on.

Then Luffy explained the matter again. Although the narrative was confusing, Sabo probably understood it.

That is to say, Ace had an affair with Kaido's daughter Yamato, but Yamato was imprisoned by Kaido, so Luffy planned to go to Wanokuni with Ace to rescue Yamato.

"Then I will go too!"

Sabo bluntly said that since he was saving his sister-in-law, he couldn't do without himself.

Luffy laughed immediately, "Then the three of us will go together! When Ace and sister-in-law get married, we can toast to sister-in-law. By the way, Sabo, when you marry your second sister-in-law, Ace and I will go too, remember inform us!"


How did this fire suddenly burn on me?!

"Eh? Sabo has a date? Why didn't I know?!" Ace was suddenly surprised.

"Ace, don't listen to Luffy's nonsense, nothing!" Sabo's ears turned red.

"Sabo! You don't want to be responsible for Koala?! Koala and I have said that you must go when you get married. What do you mean now? Are you abandoning Koala?!" Luffy was obviously a little angry.

Sabo was stunned and didn't know what to say.

At this moment, Ace can understand Sabo's feelings very well, because he was also misunderstood by Luffy and became having an affair with Yamato, and now it is Sabo's turn.

Ace said he would not speak for Sabo.

If you are brothers, you should bear it together, and you must not be the only one who loves pits!

Sabo was defeated in the end, so he had no choice but to say: "Luffy, don't worry about this matter, I will discuss it with Koala myself, and if I really want to get married by then, I will definitely notify you

Luffy was satisfied, just as a plate of meat was served, Luffy grabbed it first without any hesitation.

Seeing the expressions of Ace and Sabo, Carl smiled unkindly, completely forgetting that he was the culprit.

"Come on, Carl boy, I'll pay you for the wine!" Whitebeard poured Carl a bowl of wine from his collection with a pained expression on his face.

"Hey, I'm going to have a good taste." Carl looked triumphant. .

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