Sailing: Captain, Raftel is Here

Chapter 482 Polusalino, You Didn't Slow Down On Purpose, Did You?

Although only one day has passed since North Blue's King's War, it has already spread throughout the sea.

Now North Blue is also buzzing, and everyone is talking about it.

The fact that the Straw Hats almost overthrew the Big Mom Pirates and the Blackbeard Pirates was spread by word of mouth, making the Straw Hats the most popular sea emperor at present.

Although the Whitebeard Pirates came to the rescue and Marine made trouble afterwards, the strength of the Straw Hats is definitely the strongest so far!

Many young people are gearing up now. Some want to go to sea to join the Straw Hats, and some want to learn from the Straw Hats to dominate at a young age. This makes Marine and the people very headache.

The sea is already chaotic enough these days, young people nowadays don't dream of justice, but want to become pirates one by one, and they can predict the bad future of the sea.

But that has nothing to do with Carl.

To be honest, this time is considered a troubled time, and the root of all evils is the brutal rule of the Celestial Dragons.

As long as the ruler oppresses too much, there will naturally be more people who fall into the grass and become bandits.

The reason why pirates are said to be pursuing freedom is because being a pirate does not have to be oppressed by the ruler, and they can do whatever they want. But this is not a good thing. Some pirates are either greedy in the first place, or their original intention of pursuing freedom has deteriorated. They burn, kill and loot everywhere, and the people are the victims in the end.

In the final analysis, a thief is a thief, and there is no way to clean it up.

Carl never thought of whitewashing himself, nor did he think of defending the pirates. The Straw Hats just wanted to sail freely.

As for the common people, the Straw Hats only need to stick to themselves and not persecute them, and they should be able to have a clear conscience. When necessary, you can even help ordinary people and experience the feeling of being a hero.

This world is still too chaotic, it is ironic that pirates can be heroes!

With a sneer on the corner of Carl's mouth, he shook his head helplessly.

Although I came here through time travel, it should not be to be the savior, after all, I am also a selfish person. To overthrow the decadent old order and establish a good new order, this kind of thing is left to the revolutionary army. I just want to sail freely and take a good look at the world.

"Carl, your Straw Hats are famous now, they say you are the youngest and strongest emperor of the sea," Marko joked.

"Oh? Brother Ma, you seem to be very happy. Luffy's reputation surpasses that of your father. You are so happy. Are you an unfilial son?" Carl fought back.

"I'm going! Don't talk nonsense! How can I be unfilial? I can give my life to my father! I am happy for my father. After all, the more popular the Straw Hats are, the more troublesome guys are. I will go to your Straw Hats, so Dad can be much quieter, after all, Dad is too old and seriously ill, so he still needs to recuperate."

"So that's how it is. I can't see that you are still a dutiful son."

"I'm a filial son, okay? I have been with my father for a long time. It can be said that I was raised by my father. If I am not filial, will I have the face to be a man?"

"Okay, okay, I was just joking."

Carl quickly calmed Marco down, but then said again, "However, you captains are still too weak. Many times, you can't share the pressure on Whitebeard. You can't support the entire big family, and Whitebeard is constantly worrying about it. This is also a kind of unfilial piety!"

Marco choked suddenly, feeling powerless to refute.

As Carl said, although the captains of the Whitebeard team have some strengths, they are not at the top.

In this way, every time top enemies like Kaido and Akainu appeared, Whitebeard had to take action. Captains like them couldn’t bear the heavy responsibility at all, and it had to be said that this was extremely unfilial.

The old father is so old, but he still has to make a move, which shows that it is useless!

Marco looked bitter, "Carl, I actually know what you said, but we captains are not too young, and many people's strengths have been stereotyped, and it is difficult to grow. The only hope is Ace, It’s just that Ace is too dependent on fruits now, it’s very difficult to reach the top.”

Carl rolled his eyes, "Why is it so difficult? Go to Wanokuni and ask his father-in-law Kaido to hit him with two sticks!"

“Yes! Teacher Kaido’s training class!’

Marco's eyes lit up, but he quickly asked suspiciously, "Carl, is this reliable? Don't Ace be killed by then!"

"Believe it or not, Luffy and I only became so strong after being hit by Kaido, and the Armor Color Blowout and Conqueror's Entangling are also learned that way."

"So it's true! I thought your report was written to disgust Kaido!"

"I don't have that much free time. That report is absolutely true. We are all our own people. I won't lie to you!"

"Since you say so, then I believe you! I will go with Ace at that time, let him continue to be beaten if he can't learn advanced Haki, and only ft] will be able to take over the post of captain in the future!"

After Marco made his decision, he felt much more relaxed.

Now almost everyone in the Whitebeard regiment thinks that Ace will be the next captain, so training Ace is the top priority. If Marco can worry about things, he will never let Whitebeard.

Son worry.

The two flew to the Calm Belt with plenty of drinks.

But as soon as the two left, Kizaru arrived on the back, and both sides just missed.

A smile appeared on Kizaru's wretched face, and he called Akainu, "Moses, Marshal Sakazuki, I'm a little late, let Carl and Marco run away."

"...Polsalino, you didn't slow down on purpose, did you?"

"How is it possible! Although the Marshal didn't give me any extra money, I was definitely traveling at the speed of light. I was really late this time, and I didn't lie!"

Okay (no good), Akainu convinced Dian.

Kizaru has already mentioned the matter of adding money, so he is definitely fishing on the way!

But Akainu probably understood what Kizaru was thinking. The extra money was just an excuse. Kizaru deliberately didn’t want to meet Carl because it was thankless.

Now Kizaru can't beat Carl at all, and with Marco rushing, he will definitely suffer at that time.

So Kizaru missed on purpose!

Although Akainu intends to let Kizaru stop the person first, and then commit suicide with Yixiao himself, the three of them will definitely win against Carl and Marco. But Kizaru didn't think so. Kizaru thought that he couldn't stop Carl, and he might be beaten violently. It would be better if he didn't catch up in the first place.

Akainu had no choice but to let Kizaru return.

This action was just a temporary idea, and if it failed, it was a failure. It just let Kizaru run for a while, and there was no loss, so it was not a big problem. .

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