Sailing: Captain, Raftel is Here

Chapter 496 Straw Hat Boy, You Have Learned Conqueror's Winding

Carl knew Bullet's terror.

However, when I saw it with my own eyes, it was a different feeling.

Bullet is too powerful, how many Armament Hakis of this level can there be in the entire ocean?

Carl listed it in his mind, only Garp, Whitebeard and the mysterious Five Elders were selected, and everyone else had to be ranked behind Bullet. Roger should be fine too, but Roger's dead

However, Carl still has confidence in Luffy.

Bullet's Haki is indeed strong, but Luffy's is not weak either.

Maybe the amount of Luffy's armed colors is not too much, but the quality is quality first, and Carl is more confident in the texture of Luffy's Haki!

At this time Luffy is flying around the giant.

This giant is too huge, almost like half an island, and towering into the sky, it can't be completely circled in a short time. Of course, Luffy's purpose is not to play around, but to find weaknesses.

The weak point is also unquestionable, and it is Bullet himself!

Bullet should be driving the giant inside the giant, so as long as you find Bullet's position, and then output with all your strength to defeat Bullet himself, you will be able to win.

It's just that this matter is easy to say, but extremely difficult to do.

Luffy flew around the giant for a long time, but couldn't find Bullet's position.

So, Luffy decided to use guessing.

Guessing based on Luffy's knowledge of robots, the cab is usually on the head or chest, and they are all in the middle. It's not obsessive-compulsive disorder, but it's so easy to drive.

If the cab was in another position, the giant might not be able to walk in a straight line.

Unsurprisingly, Luffy chose the giant's head, and immediately flew to the highest altitude. As soon as he got close to the giant's head, he sensed the existence of Bullet.

Luffy was overjoyed, but felt danger when he was about to attack.

So he quickly accelerated his flight, and the huge fist just slashed against his belly, but fortunately he was not hit, otherwise Luffy's fourth gear would have been directly knocked out.

"Bullet! Take your life!"

"Rubber-rubber gun!"

The huge fist retracted into the arm, and then suddenly smashed out towards the giant's head.

Before the fist reached the giant's head, the entangled Conqueror's shook suddenly, shattering the giant's head from the air, revealing Bullet's figure. In the next second, the fist smashed into the giant's cab under Bullet's astonished expression.

Boom! The head of the ultimate giant exploded and instantly became shattered.

And Bullet was twisted by Luffy's punch, and he couldn't hold back the blood from his mouth, and even his eyes turned blood red.

But Bullet had a crazy grin on his face.

"Hahahaha! That's great, straw hat boy! You even learned Conqueror's winding, your strength is getting closer and closer to Roger's, I'm so excited!"

Bullet didn't care about how much blood he vomited, and the whole person became crazy.

Before he was blown away by Luffy's fist, he immediately pressed his fists on the headless giant's neck, and the giant's head grew again, and Luffy's body was also stuck in the giant's head.

Against the severe pain in his body, Bullet also punched Luffy.

Luffy couldn't help vomiting blood, but he gritted his teeth to keep himself in fourth gear. And Luffy felt that although Bullet could also master the Conqueror's winding stretch, it seemed that he was not very proficient.

Therefore, Bullet's advantage lies in the armed color, and its own advantage lies in the knowledge color and Conqueror's entanglement!

Luffy figured this out instantly, and wrapped the Conqueror's around his body immediately. With a shock, he shattered the giant's head again and punched Bullet at the same time.

Bullet vomited blood, but returned it with a punch.

The two punched each other on the headless giant's neck.

But compared to the melee combat at the beginning, now it's Conqueror's Haki.

Bullet's armed color is extremely powerful, the defense is very terrifying, and the destructive power of the armed color is invincible. But Luffy is not too far behind. He can predict the future by one second and can successfully dodge Bullet's attack. Conqueror's entanglement can also break through Bullet's defense.

Just like that, Bullet seemed to have forgotten his ultimate giant, and fought Luffy to the flesh again.

The collision of Conqueror's entanglement and armed color release caused the celestial phenomena in this sea area to begin to change. Thunder flickered constantly in the sky, squalls and showers continued, and tsunamis burst on the sea surface, which made everyone thrilled.

An hour passed.

Two hours passed.

Three hours....

The two continued to fight each other as if they were tireless, and the injuries on their bodies were also visible to the naked eye, but both of them had unyielding characters, even if they were exhausted, even if they were seriously injured and weak, they still persisted.

They are waiting for each other to fall!

The first to fall loses!

That's right, the two competed again, this time the competition was about willpower!

Only those with strong willpower are worthy of being called strong. The person who falls down first must be the one with weak willpower, so he must be the loser!


"Straw Hat Luffy!"

The two roared angrily, and both punched their fists forward, hitting each other's faces at the same time.

At this moment, the eyes of both of them were a little bit white, and they staggered back a few steps at the same time, their bodies fell forward in a leisurely manner.

However, at this moment, Luffy's fourth gear began to dissipate, and with the help of the airflow from the body, the 650 Luffy's forward tendency was successfully blocked. And I don't know where Luffy got his strength, he suddenly took a step forward and managed to stabilize himself.

On the other hand, Bullet has fallen down.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! I, I, I win...."

After saying this, Luffy also fell down, with a triumphant smile on his face.

Bullet's face was pressed against the giant's neck, and he tried to raise his eyelids to look at Luffy, with a smile on his face. Indeed, this time he lost a bit, but it also allowed him to find his future goals.

Goal: Defeat Straw Hat Luffy!

In the past, it was to defeat Roger. After Roger's death, he lost his life goal. Now the goal has been established again. This Luffy will be the one he will continue to defeat!

It shouldn't be boring to compete with such a guy for the title of One Piece!

The moment the two fell, the headless ultimate giant lost its support, and began to slowly fall towards the other half of the island, and the speed of falling was very fast.

Just hearing a bang, the other half of the island also began to shatter, showing signs of sinking.

As for Luffy and Bullet, it started falling from a height of several thousand meters.

"It's over? Who won?" Many people looked around, because the fight between Luffy and Bullet was so high up that many people couldn't see it. .

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