Sailing: Captain, Raftel is Here

Chapter 50 Garp, It's Your Grandson Again (Asking For Flowers!)

Even if he had fought Hawkeye before, or even defeated the Golden Lion, it was not enough to explain anything.

Because Hawkeye can keep his hands, Golden Lion is old and frail, and cannot fully prove Luffy's strength. Now I have officially fought with Admiral Kizaru, who is active in Marine, and he has retreated unscathed, which directly gave everyone a reassurance.

It can be said that the Straw Hat Pirates are not afraid of anyone now!

With the power of the storm, the Merry successfully threw off the Marine fleet and headed towards the Upside Down Mountain.

Zango, Nami, and Usopp frantically put bandages on Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji. Although there is no ship doctor on board, they still know some basic trauma dressings.

Carl laughed and said, "Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, how does it feel to face a strong enemy? Have you forgotten what you just learned?"

Luffy smiled: "I feel very excited, Marine Admiral is really amazing!"

Sanji smoked silently, with a low voice, "I didn't expect Marine Vice Admiral to be so difficult to deal with, I'm still too weak."

The corner of Zoro's mouth is curved: "Things that I only realized when I was dying, how can I forget them so easily, I will remember them all my life, even if I become the strongest!"

The others couldn't help but smile when they heard this.

Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji are strong in their own right, and now they can go one step further, which is really very happy.

Everyone is already thinking about how to kill the Quartet after arriving at the Grand Line!

Then, Carl looked at Zango, Nami and Usopp, "Then, the next step is to train your weak trio. Be prepared, the devil training is waiting for you!"

The three of them shivered when they heard the words, their expressions were uglier than crying.

Here in Logue town, the storm has started to die down.

The Marine fleet is preparing to return to the headquarters, and Smog is forced to help Huoshaoshan and Ghost Spider, two Vice Admirals.

Smaug was unwilling to reconcile. He was very confident in his own strength, even to the point of conceit. Since he came to Logue town, none of the pirates can leave Logue town safely.

However, reality slapped him directly.

He couldn't survive a move in the hands of Straw Hat Luffy, even his weapon was taken away, and his motorcycle almost became the spoils of the Straw Hats. Fortunately, the straw hat Luffy seems to have forgotten, otherwise the motorcycle would not be kept.

Later, I heard that the straw hat Luffy even drew with Kizaru Admiral, which hit Smaller even more.

Seeing that he is only seventeen or eighteen years old, he can already fight with Marine Admiral, and then looking at himself with such little strength, where does he get the capital of arrogance?

Thinking of his usual conceit, Smoker wished he could find a piece of tofu to crash him to death!

To Smaug's shock, Tashigi seems to have been kidnapped by the Straw Hats!

"Ghost Spider Vice Admiral, Huoshaoshan Vice Admiral, are you saying that the girl in glasses wearing a floral shirt was blown onto the boat of the Straw Hat Boys by the wind and taken away by the Straw Hats?!"

asked Smoker, clenched his fists.

Both Vice Admirals nodded: "Yes, we and Kizaru Admiral have seen it, that girl is your subordinate? Alas, my condolences, Smaug, a girl boarded the ship of that vicious pirate, what consequences do you have?" You should be able to imagine it!"

Smaug was even more angry, and directly bit off the two cigars in his mouth.

Something happened to Tashigi and it was his fault!

He blames himself, so he will definitely save Tashigi even if he is killed by Straw Hat Luffy!

Not far from the port, Kizaru found a clean place to sit down, looked at the miserable scene in Logue town port, and couldn't help sighing for a moment.

Marine seems to lose a lot of money!

Although it can be completely ignored, it will affect Marine's reputation. After all, Logue town is an important port of East Blue, and many merchant ships pass by here, some of which are noble merchant ships.

Marine decides to deal with the Straw Hats in Logue town, so he has to take responsibility.

It's just that I didn't expect that this time not only failed to catch the Straw Hat Crew, but also destroyed the port of Logue town so badly, which can be said to be a big loss.

Thinking of Marshal Sengoku's anger, Kizaru felt dizzy.

He silently took out his phone bug and dialed the number of Sengoku's office, waiting for Sengoku's stormy rage.

"Moses Moses, Polusalino, did you catch the Golden Lion? And straw hat Luffy, did you catch it too?" Sengoku's voice was relaxed.

Kizaru almost cried when he heard that.

Sengoku believed him so much, his tone was so leisurely.

Kizaru said with a bitter face: "Marshal Sengoku, the Golden Lion was not found, only some crew members of the Golden Lion were captured, and they are about to be brought back to the headquarters for interrogation. In addition, I am in Logue town with two Vice Admirals, Huoshaoshan and Ghost Spider. The Straw Hat Pirates rounded up, but the strength of the Straw Hat Pirates exceeded our predictions, and finally let them run away!"


Sengoku's voice was trembling, obviously extremely angry, "You have an Admiral with two headquarters Vice Admirals, and you can still let people go. Are you fishing again, Polusalino!"

"No! Absolutely not this time! Marshal Sengoku, we have seriously miscalculated the combat power of the Straw Hats. They have two Admiral-level combat powers. The Straw Hat Luffy is tied with me, and there is one named Carl who directly burns The two Vice Admirals of the mountain and the ghost spider have finished their abuse..."

It was the first time that Kizaru found it so difficult to explain.

Sengoku took a deep breath, clearly not believing what Kizaru said.

However, two Vice Admirals, Huoshaoshan and Ghost Spider, were also present, so the possibility of Kizaru lying is very small. But because of this, Sengoku finds it incredible.

A small pirate group that has not yet entered the Grand Line has two Admirals. Can you believe it?

Now, the problem is really serious!

"Porusalino, you and Huoshaoshan Vice Admiral rushed back to the headquarters immediately, and remember to bring back the Golden Lion's crew. The ghost spider Vice Admiral continued to search for the Golden Lion's whereabouts in East Blue. The old rooster did not catch it for a day. I'm always uneasy."

After explaining, Sengoku hung up the phone wearily.

Garp on the side was still eating biscuits heartlessly, and the sound of cracking cracked made Sengoku very irritated.

"Garp! It's your grandson again!"

Sengoku growled, "Didn't you already know what happened to your grandson's ship?!"

Garp plucked his ear, and said calmly, "Oh, you said Luffy and Carl, they are really powerful in combat, and if they work together, even this old man will suffer."

"Then why didn't you say it earlier!"

"You didn't ask me!"

Seeing Garp's indifferent attitude, Sengoku became even more frantic, grabbed Garp's biscuits directly, poured them all into his ears and mouth, and even threw the bags to the sheep under the table to eat.

Garp was not willing to admit defeat, and directly quarreled with Sengoku, which made the sailors standing guard outside the door very helpless.

Look, the chicken and dog jumping has started again.

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