Sailing: Captain, Raftel is Here

Chapter 510 Lord Five Emperors, We Didn't Know It Was You (Sixth)

Tashigi was taken aback by Robin's words.

Her eyes quietly glanced at Zoro, looking at the face under the green hair that usually made her uncomfortable, she felt that she would never tire of seeing it.

Especially thinking of just now, the confusion after killing someone in anger just now, but he recovered the moment he saw Zoro, as if Zoro would feel at ease by his side.

Zoro's shoulders are also very tall and strong.

Thinking of this, Tashigi's face became even more rosy, and he was at a loss for a while.

She quietly approached Robin and asked, "Robin, did you feel the same way about Teacher Carl before?"

Robin said calmly: "I'm different from you. Ever since I met Carl, I've been treated like a little girl and loved all the time. I don't know when it started. I think we should live together, otherwise I will spend the whole day If you think about it, you will feel that there is something missing in your life during the "220th."

"Uh, is that so? It doesn't feel very romantic."

"Of course you young people pursue romance, but I am not young, so I think differently. And don't look at Carl's age, he is actually an old man at heart, and he doesn't understand romance at all. single!"

"Then what should I do?"

"Think about it yourself, and I will give you two words: brave!"

After Robin finished speaking, he took Mari and ran to the front, not giving Tashigi a chance to ask questions. Tashigi was also helpless, she was just ignorant and couldn't understand many things at all.

"What's wrong with you? Are you still okay?" Zoro leaned closer.

"Ah? Uh, I'm fine, I'm really fine!" Tashigi couldn't help but flustered.

"Your face is so red, are you sick? Would you like to show Chopper?"

"They said it's all right! You green-haired three-swordsman!"

Let's talk about Luffy.

After the seven people landed on the island, they began to move forward aimlessly.

Luffy was the first to run ahead. Although he was not afraid of the lightning strikes, he also found it annoying. And walking all the way, I saw almost only rocks, nothing else.

In fact, it is also true, where there are plants that can grow under this thunder and lightning, it is even more impossible for animals to grow.

"What the hell is this place? I still want to find a town to visit, but it seems impossible now. It's fine if there is no town, but I haven't even seen a beast, and I want Sanji to make more for me Some meat to eat!"

Luffy grumbles, clearly unhappy with the island.

Nami, Usopp and the others rolled their eyes, and basically gave no hope to Luffy's IQ.

As long as you are not stupid, you will know that when there is lightning, there may be no towns, and there are probably no living things. Luffy must be stupid, there is nothing to explore in this kind of place

"Huh? Is that a castle?" Luffy exclaimed in surprise.

"How is it possible, Luffy, your eyes are it really a castle? It can't be a mirage?!" Usopp was also shocked.

Everyone also looked up at the high mountain deep in the island, and on the top of the mountain was a magnificent castle. However, there is dense lightning around the castle, and I can't even think about it, even if I have an umbrella.

"Yosi! Let's go to the castle then!"

As Luffy said, he ran away alone, not caring about the other partners.

Nami and the others didn't stop them, they could only watch Luffy's back disappear into the thunder. There is no way, there is no choice but to keep up.

The six speeded up, but Luffy could no longer be seen.

Under the coverage of Jinbei and Sanji's knowledge and knowledge, they couldn't find any trace of Luffy, probably they had already run a long way, out of the range of Jinbei and Sanji's knowledge and knowledge.

The six had no choice but to keep moving forward.

"Look, it looks like a village there!" Jinbei said, pointing to a few houses in the distance.

"It's really a village, wouldn't Luffy run into the village?" Usopp guessed.

"No matter what, let's go to the village first and talk about it. Even if you can't find Luffy, you can still ask about the situation on this island. And with Luffy's ability, we shouldn't have to worry about it.

Nami made a decision, and the six headed towards the village.

As for Luffy, he was already lost by now.

Although there are high mountain guides, Luffy is only slightly less road-crazy than Zoro, and he is also easy to get lost. Moreover, this guy is easily attracted by new things, and will stray off course at every turn.

"Huh? There are lights there, go and see!"

Luffy saw the light with his sharp eyes, so he rushed over quickly. It didn't take long before he arrived at a cave. The light came from the cave... and there were constant noises in the cave, and some people were swearing.

"Is someone in there? Just ask for directions!" Luffy walked into the cave with a smile.

Once inside the cave, the lightning was completely out of reach, which made Luffy feel better. While the lightning doesn't hurt Luffy, it's annoying to be constantly electrocuted like that.

As he walked, the curses in his ears became more and more clear.

"You trash, you can't do mining well, be careful Laozi will kill you!"

"Who is that, what about you, if you don't work hard, be careful Laozi will bring your daughter-in-law back to the castle tonight!"

"Little ghost, how dare you stare at Laozi, Laozi will gouge out your eyeballs!"

Luffy felt very uncomfortable when he heard these scolding voices, and instantly hated this scolding guy. At the garbage station back then, Luffy heard such scolding a lot, and it was really annoying.

The cave turned a corner and saw the end.

And at the end there is a group of young and middle-aged men digging with pickaxes, all of them look exhausted, obviously overworked. There were two guys next to him holding whips, and they were cursing while swinging the whips, and the cursing became more and more ugly.

Even if Luffy has been carefree, he can't listen anymore.

"Hey, you two are so noisy." Luffy rubbed his ears.

"Who?!" The two overseers with whips were startled, and turned around to see Luffy standing not far away.

Perhaps because the oil lamps in the mine were not bright, the two overseers failed to recognize Luffy. Seeing a stranger come out of the mine at 0.1, and it's just a thin monkey. The key point is that the thin monkey thinks they are noisy, which makes them hot.

"Where did you come from, a skinny monkey? Are you courting death?"

"Don't talk nonsense with him, beat him up first!"

The two daredevils walked towards Luffy eagerly, and within two seconds, the two were kneeling on the ground with bruised noses and flattering smiles on their faces.

"Hehehe, Lord Five Emperors, we didn't know it was you!"

"I didn't expect His Excellency the Five Emperors to come to the mine, it really makes the mine full of glory!"

Seeing that the two guys who used to show off their power turned out to be like this now, those young men who were mining looked over curiously, as if they wanted to find out Luffy's identity.

As for the title of Five Emperors, these young and strong people don't know. .

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