Sailing: Captain, Raftel is Here

Chapter 52 Everyone, Look At The Incredible Mountain

boom! Carl knocked Shigure aside with a knife.

Tashigi's hands trembled, he was out of breath and couldn't speak.

Carl put away the snow and started to comment, "The moves are decent, but the strength is insufficient, the speed is too slow, and the legs and waist are weak. Your current strength is only a little better than ordinary sailors!"

Hearing this, Tashigi couldn't help clenching his fists.

She couldn't refute Carl's evaluation, because she knew how strong she was.

But she is a woman, and her strength is naturally inferior to that of a man...

"You are thinking in your heart that you are a woman, and your strength is not as good as that of a man, is it?"

Carl sneered, "Don't make excuses for your weakness. Weakness is weakness, and there is no necessary connection between men and women! The Four Emperors aunt is a woman, and your Marine's prospective Admiral Momousagi is also a woman, and Vice Admiral is an old lady, so they are strong." It's outrageous! The problem is only on you, you swing the knife hundreds of times a day, and you want to become stronger like this, it makes people laugh!"

Carl's words made Tashigi's eyes widen, and he was speechless for a while.

Zoro was also startled, and his thoughts drifted to a very distant childhood.

He thought of Kuina, how he wanted Kuina to listen to Carl's words, but Kuina was no longer there. It is this impostor who has no strong heart to hear this sentence now!

What a fire!

Zoro suddenly understood Carl's purpose of training Tashigi.

This woman complained about why all the famous knives were in the hands of the bad guys, and loudly said that she wanted to take back all the famous knives from the bad guys, but she didn't try her best to become stronger, which made people furious.

Carl doesn't want to trample on Tashigi's dream, but hates iron for steel.

Zoro has the dream of becoming the world's number one swordsman, so he is desperately trying to become stronger, even in the face of death without fear. But what is this woman doing, wielding a knife hundreds of times a day, and talking about dreams, why don't you die!

The more he thought about it, the more upset Zoro became, and continued to swing the knife with a dark face.

Everyone could even feel the ghostly aura emanating from Zoro's body, and instinctively dodged a little.

"Hey! Carl, you bastard, don't bully Tashigi-chan, Tashigi-chan is a slender girl, you..."


Luffy suddenly and seriously interrupted Sanji, "Mr. Carl is right!"

Sanji was stunned for a moment, and seemed to understand, silently lit a cigarette and stood aside without speaking.

Luffy probably didn't understand Carl's purpose of training Tashigi, but Luffy agreed with Carl's words. Weakness is weakness, don't make excuses for your weakness, it's better to try to become stronger when you have that time.

Only when you become stronger, you are worthy of talking about your dreams, otherwise you are just talking big!

In Luffy's eyes, pirates are free, so Carl can do whatever he wants, and he won't interfere with anything.

Carl's side stared at Tashigi, waiting for Tashigi's reaction.

If Tashigi's reaction is disappointing, then I'm sorry, Carl will not care about it in the future, and he himself is just a whim, making a mistake as an Instructor.

But if that's the case, Carl dares to assert that Tashigi won't go far!

At this time, Tashigi only felt stiff all over, and Carl's words kept flashing through his mind, and he couldn't help trembling all over. She was angry, but not with Carl, but with herself for not living up to expectations. In the moment just now, she actually had the idea that she is weak because she is a woman, so she is not herself at all.

She is also a person who wants to be strong and become stronger!

Tashigi's expression suddenly became serious, he bent down to 90 degrees, and said loudly, "I did have that thought just now, I was wrong! But I won't think that way again, I want to become stronger, I Take back all the famous swords in the hands of the villains! Teacher Carl, although it is not good for pirates to teach Marine, please teach me to become stronger!"

The sound was so loud that it almost echoed on the sea.

Luffy, Zoro, Sanji and the others inadvertently raised the corners of their lips when they heard the words, apparently becoming happier.

Carl took a deep look at Tashigi's sagging but still straight back, and the voice in his ear was so sonorous and powerful that he couldn't help but smile immediately.

But he soon became stern again: "Oh? You want to become stronger? Are you ready to go all out?"

Tashigi shouts Kaidō: "It's done!"

"Okay! Then, before you leave the Merry, I will personally train you, so don't be overwhelmed!"

"I can hold on!"

"Hehe, it depends on your performance. If you can hold on, Xuezuo will be yours!"

"Xuezuo will definitely be mine!"

In this way, Tashigi officially joined Carl's training team.

During breakfast, Usopp sneaked up to Carl's side while no one was looking.

"Mr. Carl, why do you suddenly want to train this female Marine?" Usopp still didn't seem to understand.

"Hehe, there's no reason. As a teacher, seeing such an incompetent guy, I can't help but want to teach him a lesson. And it has nothing to do with status. Don't you think Tashigi is a good candidate?" Carl replied casually.

Usopp was still a little confused, but since Carl said that, he didn't want to ask too much.

Over there, Nami and Tashigi seem to get along really well.

Nami talked about her adoptive mother to Tashigi, perhaps because her adoptive mother is also a daughter Marine, so Nami has a little more affection for Tashigi, and now it feels like finding a best friend on a boat.

Tashigi was surprised by the identity of Nami's adoptive mother, but when he heard about the Dragon Pirates, he instantly remembered the report about Colonel Mouse colluding with the Dragon Pirates to harm the East Blue village, and he felt guilty in an instant. He bowed and apologized to Nami, which made Nami a little embarrassed.

Those who do that kind of thing are Marine scum, even if the apology is from the Marine executives, it has nothing to do with Tashigi.

But Tashigi's sincere apology doubled Nami's favor, and he completely regarded Tashigi as a best friend. If Tashigi is not Marine, I want to keep people on the ship as partners.

At this moment, Luffy's shout sounded, "Hey! Everyone, look! Incredible mountain!"

Everyone looked forward after hearing the words, and saw a towering and stretching mountain range that seemed to grow directly in the sea, and countless Uzumaki even grew around the foot of the mountain, which looked very dangerous.

No wonder Luffy said it was an incredible mountain!

"That's Upside Down Mountain!" Nami instantly recognized it.

She called everyone together, then opened the Grand Line map, and quickly settled down.

"That's right, this is the Upside Down Mountain, we have to climb over this mountain to enter the Grand Line!"

Over the mountain? Do you use a boat?

PS: It's really hard to write here, I don't know if I have expressed clearly, or if the plot is abrupt, I don't know.

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