Sailing: Captain, Raftel is Here

Chapter 72 Marie, Do You Want To Be My Partner (Ten More!)

Bang! Carl slashed.

However, what this knife hit was not a slash, but a shock wave, which was very similar to the shock wave hit by the two giants just now, but it was different.

The shock wave plowed all the way, and the trees for several miles were swept away.

Carl breathed a sigh of relief and nodded in satisfaction.

"This, you actually learned it, it's incredible!" Dorry and Brogy were very shocked.

"Mr. Carl, you are amazing!" Everyone's glasses widened.

Zoro and Tashigi couldn't help but clench their sword handles, obviously irritated by Carl.

They can learn something at a glance, and this is the first time they have seen it!

Carl explained with a smile: "Actually, my strength has reached the level of a giant, and then only the problem of how to exert strength is left. Just now I saw the technique of the two uncles and learned how to do it. I didn't expect it to be successful. However, I'm not a giant after all, so the Spear of Elbaf I shot is somewhat different from the one shot by a giant."

Everyone suddenly realized.

However, it is one thing to listen and another to do it.

I have to say that Carl is really too strong, which makes people have to admire.

Luffy smiled and said to the two giants: "How about it, the teacher on my boat is amazing, right? We are all taught by Teacher Carl!"

"Kiakiakia/kabababa! So it's your teacher, no wonder!"

Perhaps in the eyes of the two giants, teachers should learn things quickly, otherwise how would they teach students.

For that, you are nothing.

The things on the Prehistoric island have been done, and the next step is to hurry to Alabasta.

Not long after, Sanji came back with a tired face, also dragging a dinosaur as big as a hill. After comparing with Zoro's prey, it seems impossible to tell the difference, after all, there is no accurate scale here.

This hunting competition made the two giants a little dazed, as if they had forgotten something important.

Carl didn't bother to remind, after all, it seems a bit too cruel to say "you have been fighting for a hundred"~years to win the game, let them continue to fight for glory

Before leaving, Luffy made an invitation, but was rejected by the two giants.

It is said that the two have not yet decided the winner.

Luffy didn't force it, after preparing enough meat, the Merry was ready to sail again. Then, the two giant uncles performed Elbaf's gun again, killed the strange fish entrenched on the shore, and sent the Merry out steadily.

Zoro looked at Hakoku one more time, and then went to a corner to think for himself.

It was Mr3, who was put on a seastone bracelet at this time, and locked into the warehouse together with Mr5 and Miss Valentine.

The three of them stared wide-eyed.

As for the Miss Golden Week, since she voluntarily surrendered and Carl persuaded her to surrender, the treatment is different. Now she is sitting on the deck drinking tea and eating snacks.

"Mari, so you are a painter, let's draw a picture." Luffy and Miss sat together and ate cookies during Golden Week.

Mariano is the name of Miss Golden Week.

Marie glanced at Luffy, took out her palette, and drew a yellow pattern on Luffy's chest with a brush.

Luffy froze for a moment, then laughed uncontrollably.

"Huh? This is, fruit ability? No, it's a special ability, very similar to my previous Hypnosis technique!" Zangao could see the difference between this ability and fruit ability at a glance.

"It's about mixing colors. Miss Golden Week hints at people's hearts through the colors of seasonings. It's very powerful!" Vivi understands this very well.

Mari glanced at Vivi and continued drinking her tea.

She doesn't care about arresting the princess or anything. After all, she is already a prisoner, so she should treat it as a holiday.

After the pattern on Luffy's body was wiped off by Usopp, it immediately recovered, but he still insisted on asking Mari to continue the demonstration. Marie thought Luffy was noisy, so she gave Luffy a leisurely green, and Luffy sat down to drink tea honestly, and let everyone call it amazing.

"Now, Marie, would you like to be my mate? I need a painter on board."


Luffy spoke surprisingly, this invitation was too abrupt.

Carl turned his head to the side, he knew that Luffy just thought the little lolita was fun, so he invited her. As for the lack of a painter on board or something, Luffy is a painter with a soul and a hand who knows ass.

Luffy just wants musicians!

Even Marie was very surprised. It was unbelievable to be invited by a big pirate who offered a reward of 500 million.

Then, Marie said, "After the boss is defeated by you, the Baroque Work Agency will probably be disbanded, and I will soon lose my job. It is not impossible to work as a crew member for you. But, do you pay here?"

Luffy shook his head: "No salary."

Marie said again: "I don't want to work, I just want to drink tea and eat snacks leisurely."

Luffy nodded: "There is no job on the boat. Everyone goes out to sea for their dreams. You can have tea and snacks whenever you want. I usually don't want to clean the deck, and then I can eat meat if I want!"

When the others heard this, they all rolled their eyes at the unscrupulous captain.

Don't you feel ashamed that you still dare to say it proudly?

Marie thought for a while, then asked again, "...will you let Mr3 and them go? They are my partners."

Luffy doesn't care: "When Crocodile is defeated, we will naturally release them. If Mr. Carl hadn't said that he was afraid they would go back to help Crocodile, I wouldn't want to take them with me, and fifteen portions of meat would be wasted on the ship every day!"

How to count fifteen servings of meat, everyone is too lazy to pursue it.

In short, Luffy's brain circuit is very strange.

Marie finally nodded: "In that case, I will join you after you defeat our BOSS. But can Mr3 join together? I have been with him for a long time, and his tea is delicious."

Luffy didn't directly agree: "Then let's talk about defeating Crocodile, the money is worth it) If that 3 is a good guy, let him join.

This made the crew look at each other with admiration.

I originally thought that anyone would accept Luffy, but I didn't expect such a delay.

Luffy's income also depends on the person, just like inviting a giant, maybe it is not a whim.

Mary didn't have any objection to this, and continued to drink tea and eat snacks.

With the permanent pointer, the Merry will go straight forward, and will not stop the ship unless it is necessary for supplies or other things. Civil unrest looms in Alabasta, and there is simply no place to stay.

In the next two days, the daily training of the Straw Hats began again.

Seeing that everyone was exercising so diligently, Marie regretted it for a while. She just wants to live a leisurely life, and she has no enthusiasm for work, let alone training.

So every time Carl looked at her, she pretended not to see and looked away.

But maybe Mary didn't know, and Carl was also a little tangled in his heart. .

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