Sailing: Captain, Raftel is Here

Chapter 87 Crocodile, I'm Going To Fly You (Seeking Subscription And Flowers)

At this time, the Merry had already reached the river section between Rainland and Albana.

"From here to the west is the rainy land, and to the east is Albana." Vivi said, looking at Albana with deep worry.

A war is about to break out, and she doesn't know if she can stop it.

Nami put his arms around Vivi's shoulder and comforted: "Vivi, it's useless to worry now, we can only do our best and try not to let ourselves regret it!"

Vivi nodded slightly, but the worry in his eyes really couldn't be resolved.

Tashigi was standing next to Vivi, she could see Vivi's eyes clearly, but she didn't know what to say to comfort her. Tashigi doesn't know what choice he will make, the first thing to do now is to go to Albana first, and if he can meet Captain Smaug, he will obey the captain's orders.

Luffy said: "Vivi, I'm going to the rainy land with Terran and Ricky, and you and the others are going to Albana. Don't worry, I'll beat Crocodile!"

Vivi didn't reply, just nodded heavily.

Luffy, Rowe and Ricky went ashore immediately, and the Merry headed eastward.

Luffy, Law, and Ricky waited until the Merry disappeared into the distance before they turned and headed west. The reason for bringing Liji this time is actually Luo's suggestion. After knowing that Liji ate the Zoan phantom beast fruit, Luo knew that Liji would be a very good helper.

The first is that it can be used as a mount.

Luffy and Luo took Liji to the rainy land, which was not only fast, but also basically did not consume their physical strength. As for Liji, this path is as simple as eating and drinking.

Then it can be used as combat power.

Give Crocodile to Luffy, Mr1 to Luo, and the rest are basically miscellaneous fish, so Liji is enough.

This is the maximum use of manpower. Two people and one lion complete the crusade against Crocodile, and everyone else rushes to the capital Albana to help.

After everyone listened to it, they basically adopted it without objection.

At this time, Li Kei was running westward at high speed, Luffy and Luo sat on Li Kei's back, both of them looked very serious.

Luo also took a secret look at Luffy and found that Luffy's anger was brewing. If he happened to meet Crocodile at this time, then it is estimated that the sand crocodile will really suffer.

It is said that people can't stand talking.

As soon as Luo thought of this, a sandstorm appeared in front of him.

In mid-air, a man with a big back and a stitched scar on his face was flying with a cigar in his mouth. However, the way of flying is not to flap the wings, but to continuously turn the lower body into sand and shit to provide flight power.

This man is Crocodile without a doubt!

Unexpectedly, before the rainy land arrived, this guy came to the door by himself!

"The Straw Hat is in charge, this person is Crocodile! He has left the base camp and is heading east, which means he is going to the capital Albana. It seems that the riots in the capital are about to begin~~!"

But Luffy only heard the first half of the sentence, and couldn't hear the latter at all.

Only a high-pitched long howl sounded.

"Crocodile! I'm going to blow you away!"

Luffy's figure suddenly disappeared from Liji's body, and appeared in front of Crocodile in the next second.

Crocodile also just saw two people and one lion. He was a little surprised at first, and then recognized Luffy. It's just that Luffy's speed is too fast, Crocodile didn't even have time to say a word to pretend to be aggressive, and Luffy's fist had already reached his face.

Bang! The punch hit Crocodile squarely in the face.

Crocodile's whole body flew backwards, with crazy hot blood from his mouth and nose.

Luo was amazed.

"Sure enough, Haki is indeed an effective means of restraining ability users! Crocodile is Logia Sand-Sand Fruit, but he can't even dodge it. This punch is very heavy!"

The Crocodile fell to the sand with a thud, looking miserable.

"Ahem! Straw Hat Luffy, I didn't expect you to appear here!"

Crocodile's voice sounded, with anger in his tone, "It seems that the woman betrayed me by saying that it was just an unknown pirate group targeting me, but it turned out to be your straw hat group. But even if you have the ability to fight Admiral , I am Logia, this is the desert, my home field, even if Admiral comes, he will not be my opponent!"

Luffy pressed his straw hat, unable to see his expression clearly, "Traman, it seems that Mr1 is not here anymore, you and Liji are also going to Albana to support."

"The Straw Hats..."

"No problem, I'll fly Crocodile, I'll leave Albana to you!"

Hearing this, Luo patted Liji on the back, and Liji immediately turned around and ran towards Dong.

Crocodile didn't care about Luo and Li Kei, he wiped the Bloodline from his face, his eyes were full of gloom. As for Straw Hat Luffy, he also mostly learned about it from the newspapers, knowing that this person is not a weak person.

But he is also confident.

In this desert, let alone Admiral, Whitebeard can fight every time he comes.

This is called home field advantage!

"...Heh! Do you want to defeat me by yourself? Although you have occupied the front page of the news many times and gained a great reputation, it is impossible to defeat me in the desert! You still have some skills, why don't you come here How about following me, I promise I won't treat you badly!"

"Crocodile, a guy like you deserves to be shot!"

Luffy was even more angry, and with a shave, he flashed in front of Crocodile, and punched him again, the target was still the face.

But this time Crocodile took precautions and directly chose to desert, successfully avoiding Luffy's fist.

However, Luffy's move was more than that, a rubber whip came later, and directly hit Crocodile's waist, sweeping Crocodile aside.

Crocodile couldn't hold back another mouthful of old blood.

This kick almost dried out his kidneys, and it made him even more annoyed. If the tiger didn't show its power, he would be regarded as a sick cat. in good thunder

"Desert Sword!"

A huge sand blade sliced ​​from the ground.

However, with a few casual steps, Luffy easily dodged the attack and walked towards Crocodile.

"Damn it! Is it really Observation Haki? Look at me, Huyue Dune!"

Crocodile rushed towards Luffy, his arm turned into a crescent-shaped sand blade and slashed towards Luffy. However, this attack will not work at all under Luffy's strong knowledge and knowledge. You must know that Luffy's current knowledge and knowledge can still compete with Kizaru, let alone Crocodile's impressive speed.

One rolled over to avoid the sandblade, and kicked Crocodile with a flying kick.

But Crocodile became very vigilant, and when he saw that he had missed Luffy, he immediately chose to desert, and Luffy's attack also failed... no wonder!

I saw Crocodile gathered somewhere after desertification, but Luffy's arm was already stretched like a twist. .

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