Sailing: Captain, Raftel is Here

Chapter 93 Liji, The Eternal God (Continued)

For a while, everything around the palace fell silent, even the rebel army looked at Vivi.

"It's Princess Vivi!"

"What a princess! What is the princess doing here?"

"Whatever he does, it must be the Naferutali family who came to persuade us to surrender! We can't survive anymore, how can we surrender!"

"That's right, we are a rebel. If we don't overthrow the king this time, we will die!"

"But, Princess Vivi is not that kind of person..."

The rebels talked a lot, and even Kosha stood in front with a frown. As Vivi's childhood sweetheart, he has a natural trust in Vivi, but Kou Sha maintains his rationality.

Otherwise, I wouldn't be the leader of the rebel army at all!

"National citizens, the early morning of the country is the conspiracy of the Seven Warlords of the Sea Crocodile, and he also did the dancing fan incident! He instigated rebellion just to become the new king of Alabasta! Trust me, don't use force, please Keep calm, everyone's life matters!"

Vivi's words made the audience riot again.

Some people directly choose to believe Vivi, while others express doubts, thinking that Vivi is deceiving people. After all Crocodile has been Alabasta's hero for all these years and there's no way Ke could do such a thing.

Kosha asked, "Vivi, do you have any evidence?"

Vivi nodded decisively at 920: "I have evidence! I have been lurking in Baroque Works, and the president of this organization is Crocodile. I have already collected many criminal evidences of this organization's secret activities. As long as you read it, you should understand... ..."

Bang! A sudden gunshot startled everyone.

The gunshots came so suddenly that everyone was caught off guard.

However, everyone soon discovered that a lion appeared in front of Vivi at some point, and the smoking bullet just fell from the lion's paw.

Someone assassinate Princess Vivi!

This time, both the rebel army and the palace guards were blown up.

Princess Vivi is very popular in Alabasta, even in the rebel army there are many fans of Vivi. Even if they want to overthrow the king, many people still have great affection and goodwill towards this girl.

But now someone is going to shoot the princess!

Bang! Another shot.

Li Kei showed a humane sneer, and appeared in front of Kosha in a flash, and a smoking bullet fell from his paw.

"Someone assassinate our leader! It must be the King's Guard! Kill! Let's kill in!" (cbab)

I don't know who suddenly yelled, instantly inciting the anger of many people.

Vivi looked very anxious and tried to dissuade him loudly, but it didn't seem to work. Kosha obviously also realized that someone was at fault. If the lion hadn't rescued him, he would probably have been shot, and the situation would be even more difficult to control by then.

However, now the crowd is so angry that it cannot be suppressed at all.


An earth-shattering lion's roar overwhelmed all other voices, and Liji suddenly grew bigger, instantly turning into a 35-meter-high monster, and opened his mouth to roar again.

This time, the audience misfired.

Faced with a monster like Liji, many people were scared to pee, who would dare to shout again?

Vivi glanced at Liji gratefully, and then immediately said loudly, "National citizens, there are spies from the Baroque Workers' Association in the ranks of our two armies, and they just wanted to shoot me and Kosha to start a war. Don't be fooled! Life is precious, don't die anymore, please!"

Vivi said with tears in her eyes.

Both the rebel army and the guard army finally calmed down.

Kou Sha also had a complicated expression on his face. He was obviously the one who started the rebellion, but now he finds that he seems to be being used by others. If Vivi hadn't arrived at a critical time, I don't know how many innocent lives would have disappeared because of this rebellion.

At this moment, a sandstorm suddenly rolled up in the air.

I saw a man with a big back and a golden hook in his left hand turned into dust and rolled up a man and a woman in the air.

That woman is Miss Quan Sunday, and Vivi recognizes it.

That man is the king of Alabasta, Vivi's father, Cobra!

Not only Vivi recognized Cobra, but everyone present recognized him. And many people also recognized Crocodile, and now Crocodile kidnapped the king in public, directly confirming what Princess Vivi said before.

Drought and rebellion in Alabasta, it's all Crocodile's fault!

"Dad!" Vivi yelled anxiously.

"Vivi!" Cobra also shouted, "Vivi, control the situation, don't let everyone fight anymore, this is Crocodile's conspiracy! Even if I die, I can't let the people bleed again!"

The king's words made those present burst into tears.

They wrongly blamed the king, but they didn't expect the king to be worried about their safety.

Crocodile was in a panic at this time, apparently seriously injured, and he yelled ferociously, "Cobra, take me right away, or I'll let my subordinates detonate the bomb hidden in the capital, and when the time comes, your daughter and your citizens will be killed." It's all over!"

Cobra's expression was very painful, and he immediately said something to Crocodile.

Crocodile immediately flew west with Cobra and Robin.

The guards and rebels directly fry the pot, and many people point their weapons at Crocodile one after another, trying to save the king, but Crocodile is too fast, and soon disappeared.

Vivi was full of suspicion, because Crocodile was obviously stopped by Luffy, why did he appear here?

At this time, a high-pitched voice resounded through the capital:

"Crocodile! Get out! You coward, you escaped halfway, I will beat you!"

Vivi immediately raised her head in surprise, only to see Luffy riding Bell towards this direction at a high speed.

Go back in time a bit, back to Luffy's fight.

Crocodile was bullied badly by Luffy, and Luffy's rubber moves were used on Crocodile one after another, and the beating was exhilarating.

Because Luffy's knowledgeable color is very good, basically Crocodile can't avoid it.

After a long time, the fight became embarrassing.

"You are really resistant to beating!" Luffy was obviously very dissatisfied.

Luffy is not in second gear yet, but he's confident he can beat Crocodile. It's just that I didn't expect Crocodile to be able to carry it so badly, and he still didn't faint after suffering such a serious injury

It really made Luffy a little unhappy.

Crocodile's face became even more gloomy, he didn't expect that there was such a big gap between himself and straw hat Luffy.

It is completely being suppressed and beaten!

Thinking of his plan, Crocodile felt that he couldn't stay here any longer. Once he was defeated by Straw Hat Luffy, everything would be in vain.

Then, Crocodile raised his right hand, and a tornado swept across.

"Sha Lan!".

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