Sailing: Captain, Raftel is Here

Chapter 95 Nicole Robin, Stop Pretending (Late Update)

The appearance of a rain brought the war to a complete halt.

However, the joy is only temporary, but the crisis has not passed yet.

Crocodile said he hid a bomb in Albana, and said he could take everyone away with one blast, so it was either a huge amount of explosives or a few powerful super bombs.

Vivi and Koza reacted quickly and took action immediately.

The two commanded the rebel army and the guard army, some of them were responsible for searching for bombs, and the other were responsible for evacuating ordinary people in the capital.

Although Crocodile only threatened the bomb and did not say that it must be ignited, but in order not to be controlled by others, the bomb must be dismantled, and if it cannot be dismantled, everyone will be transferred.

In short, Crocodile can't be allowed to do whatever he wants again!

Vivi soon met his partners again, and immediately anxiously informed about the bomb. "703" Nami and the others were surprised at first, and then started a blanket search.

During the search, a large number of sea soldiers were encountered, but not only did those sea soldiers not intend to hunt down Straw Hat Crew, they also offered to help Straw Hat Crew. Needless to say, this is Tashigi's order.

We also encountered Tashigi during our search.

At this time, Tashigi was holding three knives on his waist, commanding the sailors under him majestically, with an unruffled look in the face of danger, he had obviously become an excellent general.

Chopper and Ricky originally wanted to use the smell to search, but there are too many guns here and the smell of gunpowder, so this trick will not work at all.

After a lot of digging and searching, I still couldn't find it.

"By the way, did Crocodile say when to light the bomb?" Sanji asked, lighting a cigarette.

"No, he just threatened my father with a bomb. But the bomb hasn't been blown up for so long, maybe it's just a bluff." Vivi thought with luck.

"You can't think like that."

Luo said: "Since a guy like Crocodile has been planning for many years, he will definitely have a backup at the critical moment. This bomb probably really exists. And the guy's conspiracy was exposed. In order to keep it secret, he probably really killed everyone. We don't have much time. It must be found as soon as possible.”

As he said that, he subconsciously looked at the clock tower, which was the highest in the city.

Everyone also looked at the clock tower.

Then the collective complexion changed: "I haven't gone there yet!"

Now that there is a place of doubt, everyone will naturally rush to it as soon as possible. Although the location of the clock tower is high, but now that Luo is there, it is naturally a breeze. The Op-Op Fruit ability can easily send everyone up.

Well, there are too many people and it is a bit crowded.

As soon as I entered the inside of the clock tower, I saw two agents guarding there.

Seeing that the bomb hadn't started lighting, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and then directly beat up the two agents. After that, let Zangao use the Hypnosis technique to perform Hypnosis and ask about the specific situation of the bomb.

Knowing that there was only one bomb, everyone was relieved. However, after Luo carefully observed the bomb, his complexion suddenly changed again.

"Everyone, this bomb is timed! Regardless of whether it is ignited or not, it will count down when the time is up. Crocodile is really ruthless, how far is he going to play with people!"

Nani?! It's timed!

Everyone was surprised. The two agents didn't say anything just now, so they thought it was all right. Now it seems that these two agents probably don't know that this is a ticking time bomb!

"Everyone, we have to send the bomb away quickly!" Vivi became anxious again.

At this moment, the timing device on the bomb beeped. Seeing that the countdown was only one minute, everyone panicked.

How can it be so easy to get the bomb out of the city in a minute?


Luo suddenly activated his ability, and then directly pulled out Guiku knife to cut the bomb open. Only Luo dared to do this, otherwise it would be someone else who would cut the bomb with a knife and not detonate it directly.

Soon, Luo found the internal connecting wire and cut it off directly, and the countdown stopped immediately.

Seeing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief again.

The ups and downs of this mood are like a roller coaster, which is really exciting. I guess I don't want to experience it again in my life.

"Luo, thank you for saving us all!" Vivi sincerely thanked.

"Well, it's just for self-protection." Luo was a little unnatural, and he was really not used to being thanked for being a pirate.

"Terraman is really our reliable partner!" The Straw Hats lamented.

"Since when did I become your partner, don't talk nonsense!" Luo frowned...

Ever since he got to know the Straw Hats, an unscrupulous pirate group, Luo felt that he could not keep his cool and handsome image. The Straw Hats are simply a bunch of scoundrels and fools, constantly provoking your nerves.

But they are so strong that you can't do anything.

The bomb incident was over. Just in case, everyone asked Luo to dismantle the bomb completely. Only after all the bombs were broken into fragments and it was confirmed that they would not explode did they really feel relieved.

While everyone was busy with these things, Crocodile rolled Cobra and Robin into the royal tomb.

Soon a huge square stone was found in the tomb hall, engraved with characters that no one knew, which was the legendary text of history.

After Robin got his freedom, he rushed to read the main text of history immediately.

Cobra's face changed when he saw this, and he finally remembered something, "You, you can understand these words? You are Nicole Robin!"

Robin didn't look back, and quickly read the main text of the history.

Crocodile asked quickly: "Tell me quickly, what is written on it? Where is Pluton?"

Robin hesitated for a moment, and began to pretend to read, "Casilla conquered Rabasta. In 239.260 years of the calendar, Teima ruled the Bitin dynasty! In 360 years, Eluma established..."

"Hey, hey! Wait! Is this what we 2.3 want to know?"

Crocodile stared at Robin with a murderous expression on his face.

Robin had an innocent expression on his face, "It's just some history of Alabasta.

However, this kind of explanation made Crocodile smile even colder, "Nicole Robin, stop pretending, tell me the real content of the above! You have betrayed me a long time ago, since you concealed the Straw Hats, I can Let you live just to interpret the text of history! If you don’t want to die, tell me the truth immediately!”

At this time, Crocodile really showed a strong killing intent.

He won't bypass traitors!

Robin suddenly threw out a test tube and stabbed it with a dagger in his hand.

Crocodile saw a hand suddenly appear on his shoulder, and that hand caught the test tube, which was full of water!.

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