Ace's parents in both worlds are very happy, including his father Whitebeard!

After almost an hour, although he still has some doubts about the Heavenly Path Comparison System in his heart.

However, the functions of the Heavenly Path Comparison System have been basically mastered.

Look! Looking at the Heavenly Path Comparison System video, what happened a few months ago in the parallel world.

Ace's parents and the Whitebeard group in the Pure Land are very interested in Ace's gossip.

After searching Iska's name, they found that the other party's avatar is a heroic orange short-haired beautiful navy girl, and they agreed with this"marriage" and sent private messages to say hello.

At the same time, the Heavenly Path Comparison video is still showing the development of the sixteen-year-old Luffy in the parallel world!

【(Video): The scene switches, Luffy takes Ace to find his brother Sabo for a long-awaited reunion.

Then, Ace proudly takes out a devil fruit from his bag, which is the natural Flame-Flame Fruit.

He is already a"rubber" fruit user, so he wants to give this devil fruit to the two brothers.

He also muttered that it would be nice if there was one more natural or mythical beast.

The two brothers unanimously want to give the Flame-Flame Fruit to Luffy, after all, he is the youngest of the three brothers.

Who knows that handsome Luffy smiled and pressed Sabo to stuff the Flame-Flame Fruit into his mouth, and the confused Sabo became the user of the Flame-Flame Fruit!

Sabo was confused not because he became the user of the fruit, but because he was pressed by Luffy and couldn't break free!

Although he was attacked by Luffy, he was indeed shocked by Luffy's strength.

Afterwards, the three brothers fought again under the influence of alcohol. Ace and Sabo came first, and the two brothers were evenly matched.

Ace's advantage is his strong physique and resistance to blows; Sabo's advantage is his exquisite moves and high combat wisdom.

Afterwards, Luffy beat up his second brother and his eldest brother Ace.

The eldest and second brothers joined forces to barely resist Luffy's attack.

This was a big blow to the two who wanted to protect their younger brother, and they both vowed to practice hard in the future.

Afterwards, Luffy learned from his second sister-in-law Kerla that his father was very busy, so he didn't go to meet him. After saying goodbye to a few people, he prepared to return to the navy.】

【(Parallel World) World Channel - Capone Bege: Why do I feel like Luffy has suffered a big loss here? He gave up the Nika Fruit of the Name of God when he was a child, and now he has given up a natural fruit!】

【(Parallel World) Tezulo: In the future he will realize what he has lost. He has no idea how powerful the Devil Fruit is!】

【(Parallel World) Marco: That's not the case. Didn't he defeat Ace and Sabo alone?】

【(Parallel World) Sabo: What a pity, Luffy. If you could become the user of the Flame-Flame Fruit, your strength would be even stronger.】

【(Parallel World) Garp: Stupid! Domineering is the coolest!】

【(Parallel World) Rayleigh: Indeed, neither Garp nor Roger have fruit ability, but they still reached the top of the world, right?】

【(Parallel World) Yamato: Let's take stock of who is the strongest in the era! Luffy is the strongest!】

【(Parallel World) Quinn: Master Yamato, even if Luffy has good talent, if he wants to truly become the strongest of the era, he will definitely still need the assistance of the devil fruit!】

【(Parallel World) Yamato: Bastard Quinn! Call me Yamato-chan!】

【(Parallel World) Quinn: Yeah? You changed your mind? You don't want to be a man anymore? I'm a little uncomfortable for a while!】


"Damn Luffy! He actually went to meet the pirates and the Revolutionary Army openly?"

In the original world of Marinford, Sengoku was very angry!

How could this child who had been raised for nine years rebel against the navy?

Do you know how much the navy had been looking forward to Luffy in the past nine years? He was young and frivolous! Didn't he know how to learn patience?

Seeing Luffy rebel against the navy, they were really very angry!

And...! Distressed!

After all, they knew what kind of character the Celestial Dragons were. Luffy killed the Celestial Dragons, and he must be condemned and arrested from a legal point of view.

But from a rational point of view, doesn't this prove that Luffy is kind-hearted and can't stand the ugly behavior of the Celestial Dragons?

But! Sengoku and others looked very solemn at the moment!

This comparison video has been played for several months! According to the development of the matter, the next scene will be Luffy killing the Celestial Dragon Charlos family in a shabby way, right?

Before Luffy killed the Celestial Dragons, it caused a sensation in the whole world, making most people less respectful of the Celestial Dragons, the World Government, and the Navy.

If this video is played... and many people in the original world are also looking forward to it!

After all, since before, the parallel world has mentioned many times on the world chat channel that Luffy killed the Celestial Dragons.

The nobles of this world government, who call themselves the creator and the group of gods, have a strong sense of oppression on the world!

As powerful as the navy is, it is just a gatekeeper for them. Even, only the admirals are qualified to be summoned to work for the Celestial Dragons. This is too powerful!

Of course, fear is one thing, and many people hate the Celestial Dragons and the World Government in their hearts!

Each region of the member countries has to pay a huge amount of heavenly gold every year, which is basically plundered from the people, and everyone hates it in their hearts.

Non-member countries are in war, and they hate the world government that is high above and imposes war on them.

Just like this, in everyone's expectations and the gloom of the two world governments, the video continues to play!

【(Video): In the picture, Luffy took a small boat to the Sabaody Archipelago next to the Navy Headquarters, Marinford, put on his navy cloak, and threw the pirates he caught along the way to a branch.

Then he was ready to play in the beautiful Sabaody Archipelago.

A few miles up from the Navy Branch on Island No. 60 in the Sabaody Archipelago, you will reach Island No. 1.

Luffy encountered a situation, and saw countless people kneeling on the huge and prosperous streets.

Then, the three members of the Charlos Saint family rode slaves and tied up female slaves and swaggered through the city.

Seeing this, Luffy's face instantly became gloomy, and his eyes burst into raging anger. He bought a cigar from the store next to him, lit it, and stood on the street.

The Celestial Dragons found that someone saw them and did not kneel, and the other party was wearing a navy cloak, which made the three Celestial Dragons very angry.

The CP members in black suits and the knights in full armor around them immediately obeyed orders and killed Luffy.


Luffy just drew his sword and killed all the CP members and knights who attacked.

How could the Three Dragons have ever seen such a scene? Even Saint Charlos was so frightened that he couldn't speak for a moment.

In an instant, the people kneeling on the street immediately screamed in fear and fled in all directions.

Luffy approached the Three Dragons indifferently and elegantly avoided the shooting of Saint Charlos's golden pistol.

"I heard that the Celestial Dragons are unwilling to leave Marijoa, but your family settled here. You won't be expelled, right?"

Luffy's eyes were filled with murderous intent, but he spoke frivolously.

Clang -

Luffy swung his sword again, and the three frightened Celestial Dragons were instantly cut off their legs by the Crescent Blade.


Blood spurted out, and the three dragons immediately cried and howled in pain, struggling on the ground.

Luffy showed no mercy, and slowly walked forward, with a look of disgust on his face, his feet wrapped in top-level Armament Haki stomped on the three dragons.

Maybe because he was too angry, or because of the joy and relief in his heart after killing the three, Luffy, who had practiced Armament Haki for nine years, finally broke through and reached the ultimate level! 】

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