After seeing the Joker slaughtering Impel Down in the sky, Shanks gave up the idea of letting his pirate group run to the East China Sea to protect the other party.

Especially when the newspaper dropped by the news bird in the sky was caught by him

{Buggy the Clown destroyed the Permanent Record Pointer of the Final Island in Impel Down, and recruited Douglas Barrett, a former member of the Pirate King Pirates, to perfectly replicate the contents of the Sky Curtain, with the bounty increased to 4 billion!} The content of this newspaper made Shanks’ heart fluctuate greatly.

At this moment, the location of the Red Hair Pirates is exactly the Sabaody Archipelago where Rayleigh is in the original novel.

After letting his crew dock the pirate ship at the shore of the archipelago, Shanks ignored the fearful eyes around him and headed towards the target step by step.

Half an hour later.

Rayleigh and Shanks met secretly.

“Long time no see, Mr. Rayleigh.”

Shanks hadn’t been so polite to someone for a long time. He put his sword on the table, and smiled and greeted Rayleigh who was looking him up and down beside him.

Silvers Rayleigh.

The old man first looked at Shanks’s demeanor carefully, then sighed and sat down next to Shanks. He held the wine glass and asked his Xia Qi to serve him wine.

After taking a big sip, he turned around and smiled,”Ah, the red-haired kid is now one of the Four Emperors, and he still knows to come and see an old man like me.”

“Mr. Rayleigh, you are joking.

Shanks also took out the wine glass from his waist and filled it with wine, then grinned and responded to the other party.

“Why didn’t I come to see you? I’m sure you can understand from the perspective of the former deputy captain, right?”

The two smiled at each other, then raised their glasses to drink.

But after a few seconds, they fell silent at the same time.

Maybe a few seconds had passed, or maybe it was a long time, anyway, the two didn’t speak for a long time.


Rayleigh slowly put the wine glass on the table and slowly took off his glasses.

He seemed to say meaningfully:”When people get old, they even have to replace their glasses from time to time. The little ghosts on the ship have changed their appearance. They have matured and have their own ideas.”

Shanks’ face suddenly became serious.

He thought for something, then shook his head and smiled:”I hope I can go back to that time, when I would be taken care of by Mr. Rayleigh and Captain Roger.”

“Hahahaha, after all, you and red-nosed Buggy were the weakest at that time, and I was just doing the best I could.”

“Hahahaha.” Shanks also laughed in cooperation.

But slowly when the laughter died down, the two men became serious.

Shanks took the lead and asked Rayleigh seriously,”So Mr. Rayleigh, what kind of person do you think Buggy is now?”

Rayleigh didn’t even think about it, and replied without hesitation:”A pirate who acts recklessly and has resentment in his heart”

“……”Shanks was silent for a long time.

Shanks finally spoke, clinking his wine glass with Rayleigh’s.”That being said, Buggy… he seems to resent me.”

“No!” Rayleigh slammed his wine glass on the table, looked at Shanks seriously and said:”He doesn’t hate you! He hates me, or rather, he hates Roger who is already dead.”

Without waiting for Shanks to react, Rayleigh directly expressed all his opinions.

“I know why you came to me, red-haired boy. Tianmu has made it very clear… Buggy resented what Roger and I decided back then. He couldn’t accept that he was hiding like a weakling at that time, and then he witnessed the fact that his companions on the ship were arrested and executed by the navy in a safe place on the news.”

Shanks didn’t waste time at this time, he also asked directly,”Even you think that the Joker abused the kid in Impel Down in the end, was he venting his dissatisfaction?” 1.

“Hahahaha, that’s natural!”

“You actually know that, don’t you? The reason why Buggy didn’t kill the other person was entirely because he saw in him the”unyielding” in his heart that he had in the past and at this moment. He hated, he hated that he didn’t have the ability and strength at the beginning, he hated, he hated the selfish decision of this old man and Roger.”

Shanks was silent.

If there is a difference between Shanks in reality and Buggy in the sky, it is that both of them understand this truth, but Shanks chose his own way and chose to forgive the two former captains in his heart.

But Buggy walked on with this hatred. In his twenty years, or in the next twenty years from now on, Buggy the clown will inevitably act because of this hatred. He wants to do everything he wants.

Shanks drank heavily, like an alcoholic lazy man. After a while, even his eyes turned red. He said to Rayleigh with a very incomprehensible emotion:”But if Buggy continues like this, he will eventually reach an unimaginable ending. Maybe one day he will……”

Rayleigh raised his hand to interrupt Shanks and said with a smile:

“Can you stop him? Or do you think I can stop him? Buggy has had his own ambitions since he was young. He has hidden the treasure maps seized from our ship countless times. What do you think he wants to do? Have you ever thought about what he wants?”

Shanks said nothing, Rayleigh restrained his smile and continued:”You don’t know, red-haired boy….No, Shanks, with your current status, you can already do many things that ordinary people can’t do. I just want to say, have you never seriously thought about the fact that you and Buggy parted ways when you were young, as revealed in the Sky Curtain?”

Shanks’ eyes lit up, as if he had grasped something, but he seemed to have only a vague understanding.

Rayleigh shook his head, feeling that he was still a young man after all.

He no longer concealed his opinion directly.

“Roger led us to search for the location of the super ancient weapon, and also to search for the”historical text” stone tablet that only he could understand.

The onepiece he mentioned……”Rayleigh was a little reluctant to say it, but he couldn’t help but say it in the end,”Whatever the onepiece Roger is talking about, do you think Buggy, who can destroy the permanent record pointer hidden in Barrett’s hand without hesitation, is aiming at what ordinary people think is the final island, Raftel? His performance has already shown that he doesn’t want to go there directly by taking shortcuts.

“Hiss, what does Mr. Rayleigh mean?”

“Think about it carefully, what do you think he will do next? You can’t possibly think that Buggy wants to become the Pirate King as Roger said, right?”

“……Of course not.”

Shanks already understood.

After the two of them talked about the past, Shanks said goodbye to each other without hesitation.

However, Law, who had been monitoring this place, guessed what the two meant, which was also the theme of what he was going to fabricate in the future about what Buggy would do.

“What a coincidence, my guess and fabrication turned out to be the same as what they thought, tut, you really can’t underestimate others.”

What is the truth?

That is – no matter how evil Buggy the clown is, he will never vent his hatred on his former companions. What he wants to do is to truly inherit Roger’s deeds, not the spiritual inheritance that Shanks often talks about.

That’s right!

He relies on himself to walk through Roger’s old path again, step by step to find the historical text that only Roger can understand, unravel the truth of the blank 100 years, and do what Roger can’t do… He wants to completely disclose the truth, and then! Destroy the navy that killed his companions and the absolutely problematic world government!

This is also what Shanks didn’t figure out before, and he was also disappointed with the future clown’s evil deeds in the sky… But now after Rayleigh’s guidance, he can be regarded as understanding and understanding Buggy. It

‘s true that people become smart as they grow old.

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