Chapter 0082 – World Famous Painting, All Members of the Straw Hat Pirates Arrive!!!

[The huge thrust of the rubber rocket launcher made Bruno slide directly backwards…]

[After more than ten meters, he barely stopped.] 】

[Although he spat out a streak of blood, judging by his grinning smile, Luffy thought he had withstood the blow. 】

“You boy… It’s quite resistant! “】

[Luffy even put his hand in his mouth, intending to launch a move that is even more terrifying than the second gear! ] 】

[However. The next moment…]

[I saw Bruno roll his eyes, and directly fell straight forward]

[Then lay on the ground, motionless…]

[It turned out that when he endured the blow just now, he couldn’t bear it. 】

[The piece of iron that made him trust the most did not resist Luffy’s attack…]

[That’s it, he lost the iron! ] 】

The capital of water!

Lu Qi looked at the picture of the sky, and his face became ugly to the naked eye

Although the leader of CP9 is useless Spandam.

But what really has prestige in the organization and can convince everyone is Luqi himself…

So at this time, he saw Bruno being knocked down by Luffy so easily, and his inner unhappiness can be imagined!

I just said before that I want to let the straw hat kid see the power of CP9 and feel the despair that he has never had.

As a result, the members of the organization were so easily solved, this special…

Don’t say that Luqi was speechless, even Kaku, Gabra, Kalifa, Jitori and a few other people all looked at Bruno with a subtle face.

Bruno, on the other hand, had shock on his face…

Just because he couldn’t believe that his future self actually lost to the straw hat boy?

Moreover, he was the first CP9 member to be defeated!

Is it possible!?

Lu Qi slowly stepped forward and said grimly: “This matter will be dealt with a little, Bruno, it seems that your training has fallen a little.” ”

“Everyone, surround the French House at once, act!”

When all the members of CP9 heard this, they were directly like killers, and instantly rushed towards the French House…

[Just as Luffy defeated Bruno, at the same time…”

[In various parts of Justice Island, others are also working on it! ] 】

[Solon, Nami, Yamaji and others, the younger brothers of the French family, and the people of the shipbuilding company. 】

[They are constantly at war with the Navy and agents on Justice Island!] 】

[And as the judicial picture continues to be broadcast, it also points out the truth contained in the justice island…]

[When you come here, there is no so-called justice! ] 】

[Or in other words, justice that belongs only to the world government!] 】

[Just because even if there is no sin, it will only become guilty when you get here, just because this is the justice of Justice Island! ] 】

[They, no one will be allowed to come here and get out alive!] 】

[All the results are left to their mood to subvert at will, and play with it…]

[The truth contained in Justice Island shocked everyone, is this really justice?] 】

[At the same time, Luffy kept panting after defeating Bruno. 】

[He just got out of the second-gear mode, obviously he is still very uncomfortable, after all, this mode is squeezing his potential! ] 】

[But at this moment, he has no time to use the extra time to recover, looking at the depths of Justice Island ahead, he knows…”

[Robin is locked up there!] 】

[In order for Robin not to give up his last glimmer of hope, Luffy gathered enough strength and shouted towards the top of Justice Island…]

“Robin, I’m coming to pick you up!!! “】

[Robin, who was imprisoned by Spartam on the top of the Tower of Justice Island, was full of body at this moment! ] 】

[Then I looked out the window incredulously…]

[Although at this time, she can’t see Luffy outside the window, nor can she see the companions who came to save her. ] 】

[But at the moment, she… Shocked! 】

[She never expected that these partners would actually chase after them in order to save themselves! ] 】

[Chased down this heavily guarded island, Tongfa Island! ]…】

And equally shocked was Robin in the real world.

At this moment, Robin has already boarded the ship from Sirobu Village with Usopp, and is preparing to continue sailing with everyone…

Although she has a deep shadow of the Demon Slaughter Order, when she sees the picture of Justice Island.

It made Robin feel very uncomfortable.

But years of experience have made her accustomed to hiding her thoughts in her heart and not telling others.

Looking at the scene after scene of Justice Island, her heart was also lamenting…

It turns out that the future self still can’t escape being arrested by the world government and facing the end of the trial?

Even if he saw it, Luffy and a group of people risked offending the world government to come to Justice Island, just to save themselves and Franky.

There was still no wave in her heart…

Because until now, she didn’t think Luffy and the others could compete with the judicial guidance institute more.

You know, this is the place that represents the dignity and judgment of the world government!

Here, there are not only tens of thousands of troops guarding, but also an agent organization like CP9!

With Luffy and his group, can they really compete with them?

Will you be able to save yourself?

Robin didn’t believe it…

But despite this, when she saw the picture.

In order to protect his partner, Luffy used the inspiration of the Navy Six to successfully develop the second gear mode.

And after defeating Bruno…

He was stunned.

Is it because of himself that Luffy made up his mind to become stronger?

He did all this only to save himself!

Take yourself off the Isle of Justice and back on board?

And as Luffy gathered his strength, he shouted out that one…

“Robin, I’m coming to pick you up” after the words.

Robin on the Melly was shocked!

At this moment, her cold heart moved…

Is this your partner?

Is this the person closest to you in the future?

She looked back at Luffy, Solon, Nami, and Usopp standing behind her.

At this moment, she smiled…

It’s just that in those eyes, there are a trace of hot tears.

And Luffy was human, looking at Robin and smiling too…

Everyone did not speak, because everything was silent!

This is the tacit understanding that belongs to partners…

[Although hearing Luffy’s words moved Robin who was bound…]

[But at this moment, she is not very happy, but her face is complicated to the extreme. ] 】

[At this moment, Frenchy, who witnessed everything, suddenly said: “What a touching friendship! “】

[“But I don’t seem to be very happy to see you, as if there is something on your mind, if you want to take a look outside, maybe I can help you…”

[Under Robin’s puzzled gaze, Frankie… Action! 】

[However, it doesn’t matter if it doesn’t move, it almost scares people to death when they move! ] 】

[I saw that Franky’s butt became larger with the naked eye, and the amplitude was like a balloon that was about to explode at any time…]

[Not only Robin was dumbfounded, but even Spandam and the surrounding upper trunk navy were frightened…]

“You, what are you doing?” “】

[Looking at Spandam’s terrified face, French didn’t care to say…]

“Oh, I’m not going to die, so I’m going to blow myself up!”] “】

[“This bomb is not very powerful, it may be… Let’s blow up this building! “】

Unknown seas…

Luffy’s whole eyes suddenly became star eyes!


“Franky’s ass actually explodes?”

“What a powerful ability!”

Nami: “…”

She was speechless, this kind of thing, when you hear it, it’s a lie, right?

Only Luffy, the silly hat, would believe it…

Solon looked serious, as if he was very puzzled, “Can this explosion really blow up the building?” ”

Nami: “…”

Double speechless!

Well, in addition to Luffy this stupid hat on the ship, Solon is also an idiot…

[With Franky’s flickering, Spendham and the other navies were all frightened and stupid, and ran outside like crazy…]

[And Franky also clamped Robin, and with the help of impact, rushed directly outside! ] 】

[At this moment, the iron chains on the two were not only washed off, but they could even see the scene of the fight outside! ] 】

[Both of them were stunned…]

[But in order to protect Luffy and the others and let them retreat, Robin still said words with different hearts. ] 】

[For example, he didn’t want to be rescued at all, or he had already prepared the consciousness of sending him to death, and Franky on the side was stunned. ] 】

[But these, falling in Luffy’s ears, are all ear 2.6 side winds…]

[Luffy picked his nose and looked at Robin, with a puzzled look. 】

[“Robin, do you have a brain problem, why do you want to send it to death? “】

[“Even if you want to send you to death, then wait until we rescue you! “】

[At the same time, a violent wind came out of the corridor, it was Solon’s knife wind, he brought Nami and Choiba and others here! ] 】

[Sanji and Usopp also rushed from the other direction! ] 】

[At this moment, the Straw Hat Pirates are all expensive! ] 】

[Everyone lined up, standing on the wall of Justice Island…]

[And Robin, look at each other from afar! ] 】

[Everyone’s face has a firm and unflinching will! ] 】

“Robin, come back! “】

[Everyone shouted in unison, at this moment, Robin felt the extreme in his heart, and tears were about to burst out of his eyes. ] 】

[And Spandham and CP9 and other navies saw this scene, and their faces were also solemn to the extreme! ] 】

[Luffy clenched his fists and roared with rare seriousness:]

“Next, it’s up to us, Robin!”] “】

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