There are lions.

There are giant bears.

And crazy gorillas.

Muscles are more developed than one~!

but struggling.

It is also more intense than the other!


The orangutan hangs its head and hangs its feet.

Even with the hardening of the armed color, more than half of the fur was burnt-!

Fight to the last breath.

He jumped up.

Jump directly to the Holy Land, that's right, he wants to escape the bombing range!

The lion and the giant bear are a little slower.

The three roared.

Suffering enormous torment, he rushed forward.

Just a few seconds.

More than half of the Haki covering the whole body wasted!


The lungs of the orangutan CPO are burning like a dry exhaust fan.

It's a coincidence.

Also lucky.

He only ran a few hundred meters before he ran out of the last aftermath range! He came to the edge.



He fell on the stone bricks, and fell from the animal state back to the human form.

Qi is like a gossamer.


No one is perfect.

the rest.

Without exception, all of them were buried in the heat wave!


Only 100 meters away from Pangu City, Five Elders naturally witnessed this scene with their own eyes.

Ten old eyes.

Instantly squinted up!

"The is it much stronger than the one forty years ago?"

"Pluton's last roar, of course, will burn out all his strength.

The old man in white robe said lightly.

This look that you don't even know makes the old man with a long beard a little upset.

"Okay, just confirm the solution."

"Even if the CPO is so far away, it can't stop it, not to mention it's much higher than expected, and it almost involves our Rodin Pirates being strong, so we can't survive.

"Wait, something is wrong!"

The elders were chatting.

Suddenly the bald old man interrupted and put down the microphone at the same time.


Extremely heavy.

This appearance also made the hearts of the rest of the elders thump.

Subconsciously feel uneasy,


What happened again?

"It's over there at Naval Headquarters."

The four elders heard the words.

Qi Qi gave a sigh of relief, as long as there is no trouble with Rodin.

"What's wrong?"

"The Revolutionary Army launched a surprise attack, and it should be ready... But judging from the report, it is far more than the Revolutionary Army's manpower, and the situation on the Marine side is very bad!"

"Need immediate support!"

The bald old man said.

The blond old man nodded, and said unhurriedly: "Then support, let Kong pass by by the way, and don't need to guard the Holy Land..."


The bald old man interrupted again.


Several people frowned.

What's the matter, can you say it in one breath?


Is it fun??

0...seeking flowers0

"Breath! Their breath hasn't disappeared yet!"



The four of them lost their composure.

The bald old man was the most knowledgeable of them all.

Said it didn't disappear.

There's a good chance it's still alive!

"How is it possible, it's clearly at the center of the detonation!"

The fluffy old man couldn't believe it: "I have to contact Kong immediately..."

"Don't contact him anymore!"


A voice very familiar to Five Elders suddenly sounded.


Immediately afterwards.

A muscular old man with a white haircut and a white cape looked like a dead fish.

Fall from the sky.

There was a 'bang'.

Blood gradually stained the turf.

The Five Elders turned pale with shock.



The Commander in Chief of the Three Armies... just died like this??

How long!

The five suddenly raised their heads.

"How about it, do you still like it?"

The flying boat was slowly falling down, and the tone was like a guest from afar.

for master.

A small gift was given.


I don't know who swallowed.

The old man in white robe among Five Elders clenched the long sword in his hand.


A black-purple sharp blade was revealed, pointing directly at the sky.


The remaining four people.

Although he doesn't have a weapon, he is ready to attack at any time!

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