Chapter 035 Let’s go play on the slide!

Lu En coughed lightly.

"All right, all three of you go back to your seats."

"Alita is back too."

"After dinner, I'll take you to play a fun training game together!"

Makino got off Lu En obediently, and before leaving, she did not forget to give Lu En another big kiss.

Nami and Nokigo were a little unwilling, but they had already grabbed Lu En's hands and rubbed them on their little faces for a long time, but so far, they had not found any changes in the skin on their faces.

In the end,

Nami and Nokigo, the two little girls, could only go back unwillingly, and they were in no mood to continue eating at their seats.

The two girls just supported their chins with their hands, looking at Lu En pitifully and with a sad face.

Seeing that Lu En ignored them, they stared at Makino's pink, smooth and fair face with envy and jealousy.

Alrita had just sat down next to Nami when suddenly a small hand touched her cheek

""Alrita, your skin is so good! It feels exactly the same as Makino's!"

Nami touched Alrita's face with envy.

"Alrita, how come the skin on not only your face is so good, but also your arms, waist, and thighs are so smooth?"

"How do you maintain it?"


"Do you have any secrets? Please teach me!"

"I think my skin is the worst! Compared to yours, my skin is not smooth at all!"

Noqi Gao added pitifully,

"And me! My skin is much worse than Makino and Alrita's."

Alrita looked anxious.

She had not yet adapted to the change of her identity. After all, a few hours ago, they were still enemies fighting for life and death.

"I ate the slippery devil fruit."

"This is actually the unique ability of the Slippery Fruit, which makes my skin smooth and can even slide away attacks."

Nami continued to ask,

""Alrita, can you use your ability to help me make my skin as smooth as yours?"

Alrita shook her head apologetically.

Lu En saw these girls talking endlessly.

"I'll go set up the deck first, come over after you finish eating!"


As soon as the four girls, Makino, Nokiko, Nami, and Alrita, came to the deck, they were shocked by the huge slide in front of them.

One end of the slide, which was the highest point, was placed on the highest mast on the ship.

The other end of the slide extended from the deck to the sea surface.

"The training was very hard in the past few days, but the results were very significant."

"I'm sure you can feel the physical fitness of the three of you. Compared with before, it can be said that it has improved greatly."


"On the basis of continuing to improve physical fitness training,"

"You can gradually start to explore and practice the six forms"

"The six moves are: shaving, iron block, paper painting, moon step, storm kick, and finger gun."

"The most fun of the six moves is the Moon Step."

"Our honeymoon tour group is sailing on the sea. If we learn the moonwalk, we can avoid falling into the sea to the greatest extent."

"The most important thing is,"

"The Moon Step is the coolest and most interesting."

Makino, Nokigo, Nami, and Alrita have all seen Lu En use the Moon Step before.

Now they are a little impatient to hear that they can also learn the Moon Step.

This is understandable.

Since ancient times, humans have always longed to be able to fly freely in the air.

It can be said that flying is a long-cherished wish of mankind.

Lu En performed the Moon Step and came to the highest point of the slide.


Let me show you a demonstration!"

Lu En took off his shoes, and swooped down from the highest point of the slide barefoot.

His body leaned back slightly to further reduce air resistance.

Because Lu En possessed the ability of the Slippery Fruit, he accelerated barefoot through the inclined board and glided on the smooth soles of his feet, just like wearing skates.

When he reached the end of the slide, his speed had accelerated to the fastest, and the whole person was thrown into the air like a cannonball.

At the same time, he floated in the air with the help of inertia, and his feet continuously stepped on the air.

The four girls looked at Lu En moving freely in the air with envy and admiration in their eyes.

Alrita was thoughtful and nodded from time to time.

As a user of the Slippery Fruit, she understood the key to it at the first time, and she admired Lu En's teaching method.

At the same time, she was a little curious why Lu En also possessed the ability of the Slippery Fruit.

Lu En returned to the deck,

"It's probably like this. You can try it yourself later."

"Everybody take off your shoes. I will give you the ability to slide on the soles of your feet, so that you can also reach the speed I just achieved."

The four girls were wearing bikini training suits.

They lined up obediently, took off their high heels, sat on the deck, and raised their tender feet high.

During this process,

Alrita was still hesitant, because she already had this ability.

So, in theory, she didn't need Lu En to give her the ability to slide.

However, if she was standing alone, she always felt a little different and strange.

Therefore, she simply followed the three girls and had some small expectations in her heart.

Lu En looked at the four bikini girls who were sitting with their legs raised, and suppressed his anger a little.

He brushed the white soles of the four girls' feet one by one with one hand, causing the four girls to giggle and giggle.

There was also a small episode during this period.

When Lu En walked to the end, that is, in front of Alrita���When he saw Lu En, he hesitated and just exchanged glances with her.

Alrita quickly lowered her head, her cheeks flushed, not daring to look directly at Lu En.

She had never felt that time would pass so slowly, and the emotions of expectation and loss kept alternating in her heart. Just when she was about to retract her feet.

Alrita felt her feet being held by a hot big hand, and then, she felt an itch in the soles of her feet.

Alrita felt dizzy, and she stood up with the three women around her, looking completely absent-minded.

"Why don’t you start with Alrita? You are more familiar with the sliding ability, so you can set an example for everyone!"


Alita instinctively responded when she heard Lu En calling her name.

Seeing that Alita was reluctant to move after agreeing, Nami stretched out her index finger and gently poked Alita's waist.

"What are you thinking about? Go quickly!"

Alita was already standing at the highest point of the slide, ready to slide down at any time.

But her mind was still a mess at this time.

Obviously, she had not recovered from the physical contact with Lu En just now.............................................................................

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