Chapter 044 Miscalculated! Why didn't Lu En follow the routine?

Ke Ya, who was lying on the bed, was feeling uneasy and her heart was beating fast.

She had mixed emotions, some uneasiness, some fear, but more of anticipation, excitement and excitement.

Makino and Nojigo were in the room, quietly high-fiving each other.

"Great! You’re done!"

"This plan is absolutely perfect!"

"What do you think Kaya’s reaction will be tomorrow?"

"If it were me, I would be shy on the outside, but secretly happy and grateful in my heart."

"I think so too! Sister Keya, your sisters can only help you so far. The rest depends on your own performance."

Nami was still at the door of her room.

She was also very happy when she heard Lu En opening the door just now. She was happy for the smooth progress of their plan, and also happy for Keya, who was about to be united with the love of her heart and spend a good night together.

But after being happy,

Nami felt a little melancholy. At this moment, she even fantasized about how great it would be if she were Keya. She fantasized that one day, other sisters would arrange such a plan for her and Lu En.

She also envied Nojigo's boldness and initiative.

If she could be like Nojigo, she would have been inseparable from Lu En.

Nojigo had advised her many times, but Nami could never make up her mind.

Seeing that there were more and more girls around Lu En,

Nami still couldn't make up her mind.

She thought with some hatred:

‘Damn Lu En, can't you see my feelings?’

‘Can't you be more proactive?’

‘Even if you break in, I won't refuse you! '

Just when Nami was thinking about it, the plan changed.

"Why didn’t I hear Lu En enter the room and close the door?"

"It seems so! It can't be that Lu En forgot to close the door, right?"

"No. Did you notice that Lu En's footsteps never stopped?"

"Indeed. Logically speaking, it is very close from Lu En's room to Nuo Qi Gao's room, just a few steps away. It is impossible to walk so long."

"Lu En's footsteps were getting quieter and quieter. What was he doing? Where was he going?"

"What's going on?"

Nami also noticed something was wrong and quietly opened the door to look.

She happened to find that the door of Makino and Nokigo's room was also open.


Nami simply ran to Makino's room quietly, met with Makino and Nokigo, and then discussed it.

"Did you see where Lu En went?"

"Did you see Lu En enter the room where Ke Ya slept?"

The three girls asked at the same time, eager to know the current progress of the matter.

Nami first told them the general situation she knew.

"I found something was wrong. Why did Lu En take so long to walk such a short distance? So I opened the door and wanted to see what was going on."

"But when I opened the door, Lu En was no longer there."

"I noticed that your door was also ajar, so I ran over to meet you and discuss it with you.

Makino closed the door for the time being.

"Nojiko and I didn't hear the door closing for a long time, so we were a little suspicious."

"So they opened a crack in the door to see, but they couldn't see anything."

Makino, Nokigo, and Nami gathered together to discuss the next countermeasures.

On the other side,

Kaya was still lying on the bed, waiting quietly.

From the beginning, she clearly heard the sound of Lu En's room door opening, and her heart was about to jump out.

She closed her eyes tightly with guilt and lay on the bed pretending to sleep.

Then, she heard Lu En's footsteps coming from far away, getting closer and closer to the room where she was.

At that time,

Kaya's breathing became unconsciously rapid, and her head was also imagining the scene that would happen next.

She didn't know how she should face Lu En.

Should she continue to lie on the bed pretending to be drunk like now?

Or should she take the initiative to greet Lu En?

Or are there other better ways?


Kaya heard Lu En's footsteps with her own ears. When passing by her door, there was a very short pause, and then the footsteps gradually went away.

She even wondered if Lu En couldn't get in because the door of the room was closed?


Kaya sat up and looked towards the door as soon as possible,

The wide open door told her clearly that it was not the case.

Then, she began to think wildly again.

Did Lu En find out? He knew that the person in Noqigo's room was her, Ke Ya, so he didn't come in.

Or, did Lu En go directly to other rooms to find Noqigo?

Although Ke Ya was relieved at this time, she was in an extremely low mood. She really realized that she had already fallen deeply in love with Lu En.

Otherwise, how to explain her mood at this time.

Ke Ya sighed lightly and sat up slowly from the bed.

Because she drank a lot of wine, her head was a little dizzy, and she felt a little uncomfortable in her chest.

Ke Ya suddenly wanted to cry.

Finally, she let out a long breath and planned to walk out of the room to get some fresh air first.

Little did she know that

Lu En left the room, only stopped briefly in front of Ke Ya's room, and went straight to the deck.

He really didn't know how to face the drunk Ke Ya, so he simply went outside to get some fresh air.

Just as the three women were still discussing what to do next, light footsteps were heard in the corridor again............................................................

PS: A new book for Pirates, I beg for flowers and evaluation votes from Yanzu readers. Thank you Yanzu!

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