Chapter 053 City-wide Manhunt

The navy of Rogue Town has begun to take action, searching for Nami throughout the city.

Nami, the person involved, naturally does not know that she has been wanted by the whole city.

The three women still wandered around Rogue Town according to the established schedule, eating and drinking along the way, and buying beautiful clothes.

The same is true for Lu En.

He does not know the movements of the navy at this time.

Because, in Lu En's eyes,

Nami's current strength is not worth the navy's efforts.

At this time, Lu En was still in a tavern in Rogue Town, drinking a cup of wine with Makino, and recalling the past in Windmill Village together.

At this time, five navy officers came into the tavern, two of them stood guard at the door, and the other three patrolled separately as soon as they entered the store.

Each of them held a poster similar to a bounty order in their hands, and compared it with every woman in the store one by one.

That's right, just comparing women.

When they came to Lu En and Makino, they quickly followed the usual practice, took a quick look and found that they did not match, and immediately compared it with the next one.

During this gap,

Lu En and Makino recognized the portrait on the wanted poster at a glance.

It was Nami.

Even the clothes in the portrait were the clothes she changed into when she first entered Rogue Town today.

Lu En left the tavern with Makino immediately without waiting for the navy to leave.

As soon as he left the tavern, Lu En immediately contacted Nami and the other two girls through Den Den Mushi.

Sure enough , as Lu En expected, Nami herself had not yet realized that she was wanted by the whole city at this moment.

Fortunately, Lu En reminded her in time, and the three girls were also smart.

They found a women's clothing store nearby and changed their whole bodies, including hairstyle and makeup, and even specially got hats and glasses to cover up.

Rogue Town is not big, but it is not small either.

It is extremely difficult to find a person in such a town , and the person being found also knows the news in advance and changes clothes.

Even if the navy dispatched a lot of people, after all, not every navy is conscientious.

Just like the navy officers who entered the tavern to search just now , they actually compared everyone in the hall one by one during the search.

However, the kitchen and other workrooms in the tavern were not within their search range.

After the routine search, the five people were not in a hurry to leave.

They drank a few glasses in the tavern before going to the next place to continue.

Therefore, even if the navy searched the whole city, Lu En and the girls didn't care too much.

Even if it was a coincidence , it would be no big deal if they were discovered by someone with intentions.

The navy garrison in Rogue Town only has one navy colonel.

Lu En didn't take this level of navy seriously at all.

Even if the three girls couldn't defeat them, they would still have no problem getting away.

According to the search just now, it is obvious that the navy's city-wide search has just begun.

Why did the navy suddenly launch such a big battle at this time ? Is it really just to capture Nami? Why not set up a checkpoint at the entrance to Rogue Town? Wouldn't it be more convenient? This is obviously unreasonable.

Even if Nami is wanted as a pirate by the navy, the navy is also very clear that Nami is not the kind of person who kills indiscriminately.

Otherwise, the navy would have been dispatched to arrest her.

Therefore, even if Nami enters Rogue Town, there is not much harm, so why should the navy do this? Searching the whole city just to find a pirate is not reasonable in itself.

As long as you are a normal person, you will know how difficult it is.

Such actions are more like acting, done for people to see.

The marines who search at the bottom understand this truth, and they are not in a hurry and perfunctory.

So who is the navy acting for? After analyzing this, Lu En has a clear idea in his mind.

In this world, except for the orders within the navy, the only ones left are the so-called world nobles, the Celestial Dragons, who can command the navy.

Then the source of the matter is very clear.

It must be what the three women told me before, what happened in front of the weapon store.

Lu En had never had a crush on the Celestial Dragons, but he didn't expect to run into the three women right after entering Rogue Town.

Would the Celestial Dragons order the navy to search the entire city at all costs just for a few lackeys ? This is unlikely!

Then there are only two remaining reasons: First, the three women themselves.

Second, the knife mentioned in Kaya's Den Den Mushi.

Lu En would not allow anything to happen to his women or the things his women like.

There was another point that Lu En couldn't figure out.

Since the three women were together at the time of the incident, why was there only Nami in the portrait when the navy searched the entire city? Logically speaking, the three of them would be bigger targets, very conspicuous, and easier to find.


PS: This is a new book for Pirates. I beg for flowers and evaluation votes from Yanzu readers. Thank you Yanzu!

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