Chapter 055 Cabbage

Lu En was very curious now.

What on earth were these people looking for that required such a thorough search?

Since they searched so carefully, it meant that what they were looking for must not be big, at least they could hide it with them.

Even, it was possible that it was hidden in the fluffy hair.

It was not possible and unnecessary to check long hair one by one.

Another point was that the black instrument in the hands of the young man must also be related to what they were looking for.

In other words, the black instrument could detect the target they were looking for to a certain extent.

Based on the pattern of the"beeping" sound emitted by the previous instrument, Lu En roughly guessed that it should be generally that the faster the frequency of the"beeping" sound, the closer it was to the target they were looking for.

However, the accuracy of this black detection instrument was not very large, at least it could not be accurate to the accuracy of a certain person.

It was estimated that the accuracy was only within a radius of five to ten meters, which was equivalent to the area of the current food store.

Therefore, they sealed off the store and checked it one by one after confirmation.

Lu En sorted out the clues and thought of the mysterious voice again.

Maybe what they are looking for is the real body of the sound that he just heard with his ability to listen to the voice of all things.

Lu En lowered his head and looked at the cabbage in his hand again.

It didn't seem to be anything special.

Are they really looking for just the cabbage in his hand? It shouldn't be!

If it is a cabbage, even if there is something special about the cabbage in his hand, he can't see it for the time being.

Then this group of people should directly target the cabbage.

Why make the search so complicated and troublesome.

Therefore, Lu En is sure that it is definitely not as simple as a cabbage.

"Lu En, what are you thinking about?"

"I see you holding this cabbage for a long time. Do you want to eat it?"

""Okay, no problem. I'll make it for you when we get back."

Makino said as he was about to take the cabbage from Lu En's hand.

"I don't want to eat cabbage"

"How should I explain this to you?"

"Makino, look at this cabbage in my hand, is there anything special about it?"

"In other words, what is the difference between this cabbage in my hand and other cabbages?"

Makino tilted her head and looked at Lu En, and found that he was not joking with her.

So, she looked carefully at the cabbage that Lu En mentioned.

However, after looking at it for a while, Makino really didn't find anything special.

So she asked tentatively,

"Is it particularly fresh?"


"If I really have to say, what is the difference?"

"I did find something, but I'm not sure. The difference isn't that big!"

After hearing what Makino said, Lu En looked again.

But he really didn't find anything unusual.

"Makino, what do you think? What's the difference?"

Makino was about to answer, but a sharp cry suddenly came from the door, interrupting what she was about to say.

Because the woman's cry was too miserable and harsh, people couldn't help but distract their attention.

At the same time, just as Lu En and Makino were looking at the door, the outermost large leaf of the cabbage in Lu En's hand moved slightly.

There was no wind in this store, and it was not an external force that blew the cabbage leaves.

However, Lu En and Makino had not noticed this small detail.

Back to the screams at the door of the store, when it was the woman's turn to check just now, she was very cooperative at first.

She handed over everything in her pockets one by one, and let them check the basket for buying vegetables.

She also took off her shoes, but she was unwilling to take off the long-sleeved shirt on her body.

It's strange to say, this season is already very hot, and everyone has basically changed into short sleeves.

Generally, few people would wear long sleeves.

This was a bit strange in itself, and she insisted on not taking off her coat.

This made the people who were looking for something pay more attention.

The more the woman was unwilling to take off her coat, the more suspicious they became.

Two fists are no match for four hands, let alone an ordinary woman facing several strong men.

In the end, amid the woman's shrill and desperate cries, she was still held down by several people and forced to take off her coat.

The tall and thin steward kicked angrily,

"What? I was so happy for nothing. I thought I had finally found it and could go back and report it!"

"It's just a slave brand! What's the big deal?"

"That's right, although there are many scars on his body. But in such a hot day, what's the point of covering the scars? It's just asking for trouble."

Several guards followed the butler's words and continued to flatter and insult.

The crowd watching were all ordinary people who couldn't bear to see their companions being abused and oppressed like this.

There was already a hint of riot, and there were many more voices complaining about injustice.

"This is simply too much!"

"We have cooperated so patiently, what else do you want from us?"

"At worst, we can fight with them, fight to the death, fight to the death!"

"Forget it, let's finish the inspection and leave as soon as possible. We can fight them, but what about the whole family?"

Unfair things happen all the time and everywhere.

It's not that Lu En doesn't want to take care of it, but he can't do it alone.

As the woman left crying, the crowd returned to silence again and silently accepted the interrogation.

Lu En looked at the cabbage in his hand again,

"Makino, please continue, what is the difference? I really can't see it"...........................................................

PS: This is a new book for Pirates. I beg for flowers and evaluation votes from Yanzu readers. Thank you Yanzu!

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