Chapter 062 Ready to Go

Based on the above analysis, it should not be difficult to find the residence of the Celestial Dragons.

The three Nami girls first went to the shops and markets where the crowds gathered, and selected the five most luxurious residences in Rogue Town.

Lu En, Makino and Arrietty inquired about the news from these five residences to understand the general movements of the Celestial Dragons.

In the end, two more places were eliminated from these five places.

Now there are only three target places left, and they only need to check them one by one.

Lu En looked at the three places marked on the map.

One is in the center of the town, which is very likely; one is near the port, which is slightly remote; the last one is less than 1 kilometer away from the naval garrison base.

Lu En judged that the two places in the center of the town and close to the naval garrison base are the most likely.

But the place near the port cannot be ignored.

Even to a certain extent,

Lu En felt that the first place to be checked was this place near the port.

Because if the Celestial Dragon really lives near the port, it means that he wants to leave Rogue Town and return to Marijoa as soon as possible.

This is exactly what Lu En and his group least want to see.


Lu En asked the three girls of Nami to go to the residence closest to their current location, that is, the center of the town, to investigate the situation.

Lu En, Makino and Arrietty went straight to the residence at the port.

Originally, with Lu En's ability of the Door Door Fruit, it would only take a few minutes to travel.

But now that Arrietty is with him, and Arrietty obviously cannot pass through the portal, they can only travel on foot.

Fortunately, Lu En and Makino's speed is really not slow.

Arrietty is still in the old position in Lu En's shirt pocket.

She watched Lu En and his group running around and rushing to help her remove the slave collar. Arrietty was moved, worried, and a little nervous.

Worried that Lu En and his group would be in danger; nervous because she was afraid that the collar controller would be taken away by the Celestial Dragons and leave Rogue Town.


Arrietty didn't know how long she would have to carry this slave collar?

Could she take this slave collar off in this lifetime?

If she couldn't take off the slave collar, would she be a mute forever and unable to speak?

Just as Arrietty was worried and thinking about all sorts of things,

Lu En's Den Den Mushi rang again.

"Lu En, the three of us have just arrived at this residence in the center. Have you arrived?"

"We are still on the way. Nami, don't rush in. Observe the surrounding defenses and find out the situation."

"Lu En, don't worry!

Although I am impulsive, I have Nojigo and Kaya here, and they are more comprehensive.

This is what the three of us planned. We didn't see any guards or any navy personnel outside the residence.

However, people living nearby just told us some not-so-good news.

They said that the Celestial Dragons did live in the center before, and they often saw the hooded Celestial Dragon coming in and out.

But not long ago, a large group of people came, and they left quickly after not staying for long.

After that, it has been quiet here, without any movement."

"It seems we are still a step late"

"Lu En, this is indeed the case. Just now, Nokigo went in alone to investigate and just came back. It has been confirmed that there is no one inside now."

"Nami, you three, go to the residence near the naval base and find out the situation.

It is very likely that the headquarters of the navy has already sent people to help.

So, remember not to act rashly and keep in touch with me at any time."

After listening to the conversation between Lu En and Nami, Makino quickened her pace.

Lu En had deliberately slowed down to take care of Makino.

Makino knew what was going on, and she was very pleased with Lu En's subtle and thoughtful gesture.

But time was pressing at the moment, so

Makino was very sensible and directly increased her speed to the limit she could bear.

Lu En held Makino's hand to help her reduce her physical exertion.


At the Rogue Town Naval Base, Dashiqi's office.

A navy officer rushed into the office.

"Sergeant, Master Chalmar is angry again. He repeatedly asked the colonel to personally protect his safety."

"He also said that if he didn't do so, he would order the world government to dismiss the colonel directly. He would also be held accountable for previous mismanagement."

"So, as soon as I heard about it, I immediately came to report to you."

Seeing him nagging and talking endlessly, Dashiqi immediately interrupted him and said:

"Okay, I know this situation."

"Thank you for your trouble. Go back and continue to strengthen the alert. Report to me in time if there is any situation."

Tashigi came to Smoker's office, feeling a little embarrassed.

She knew Colonel Smoker's temper very well. He would not indulge the Celestial Dragons.

However, as a subordinate, she had to inform him of this matter.

"Dashigi, why are you here? Did you find the person who beat up the Celestial Dragon so quickly?"

"Or has Vice Admiral Taotu arrived?"

Dashiqi waved her hand.

"The person has not been found yet, but through investigation, we already know that the person's name is Lu En"

"Master Taotu has been contacted and is on his way. It will probably take some time to get to Rogue Town."

"In addition, there is one more thing, which is related to the Celestial Dragons."

Smoker continued to puff out smoke.

"Lu En? His name is Lu En?"

"How come we have never heard of it?"

"Judging from the situation at the scene, it is obviously the deterrent effect of the domineering color domineering"

"Such strength is one of the best in the East China Sea, but how come I have never heard of it before?"

Seeing that Smooth was only thinking about Lu En's affairs and seemed not to have heard her last sentence at all, Dashiqi could only repeat it again.

"Colonel, the Celestial Dragons have sent a message to invite you to……"

Before Tashigi could finish her words, she was interrupted by Smoker.

"Fuck off! I'm busy!"

"Get this bastard out of the East China Sea as soon as possible. It makes me upset just hearing about it!"

"What a retard! I don't care about generals and marshals. A celestial dragon wants to tell me what to do!"


On Lu En's way, an unexpected incident occurred.

Through the ability of the Sticky Fruit, he actually obtained the bloodline factor of the Dondatta tribe.

This was the first time that the bloodline factor was obtained after the upgrade of the Sticky Fruit.


Lu En didn't know what the effect was and how to use it.

At the moment, he had no time to take care of it.

After arriving at the residence on the port side, Lu En sneaked in personally and quickly ruled it out.

In this way, after layers of screening and exclusion, only the residence near the naval base is left.

If there is no one there, it means that the Celestial Dragons have now left Rogue Town.

Fortunately, just as Lu En was on his way back from the port, news came from the three Nami girls.

As soon as the three girls approached the final target location, they found naval soldiers on guard on the periphery.

Moreover, after asking the surrounding residents, they learned that the Celestial Dragons had just moved here not long ago.

Calculated in terms of time, the other party moved directly here from the central base of the town.

In terms of motivation, it is also very reasonable. After all, this place is closest to the naval base and has the highest security.

The three girls followed Lu En's instructions and waited for Lu En to arrive before making a joint plan.

Little did they know that a plainclothes navy was about to call a telephone bug to report the situation a hundred meters away from Nami and the other two girls.

The navy near the port also found Lu En's traces and was about to report to the base.

Vice Admiral Taotu was also about to arrive in Rogue Town.

People from all over the world rushed here.

What's more coincidental is that this place happened to be in the Pirate King Gor·D·Near Roger's execution platform.

Storms are gathering, and a melee is about to begin!


This failed author is expected to be published at noon tomorrow.

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