Chapter 81 What you dare not do, I, Lu En, will do!

Seeing that the situation was not good, Chalmers was planning to sneak away while everyone was not paying attention.

He just raised his foot to run away,


Her knees softened and she fell to the ground again, her knees bloodied.

The crowd felt the same pain and felt sorry for the poor mother and son.

Everyone was already quite depressed and had nowhere to vent their anger.

Seeing this hateful Celestial Dragon trying to take the opportunity to escape, their hatred became even stronger.


"eye for eye!"

"Every wrong has its perpetrator and every debt has its owner. Killing someone means paying with your life. Debts must be paid back!"

The uniform slogans resounded throughout the execution square!

That was the unified voice of the masses!

That was the emotional catharsis of years of repression and persecution!

That was the simplest and most basic desire, the desire for fairness and justice!

Someone in the crowd suddenly threw an egg and smashed it on the head of the Celestial Dragon Chalmako Saint.

The egg burst on Chalmako Saint's forehead, and the egg white, yolk and eggshell covered his entire face.

Chalmako Saint was frightened by Lu En's domineering aura and could not move.

His eyes were panicked and terrified, and his whole body was shaking like a sieve!

With one person taking the lead, the others became bolder.

The Celestial Dragon Chalmako Saint, who was usually high and mighty and dressed in gorgeous clothes, was no longer recognizable as a human being at this time.

Beside him, all kinds of garbage had piled up into a small hillside, which were all concrete manifestations of the masses' resentment.

However, so far, everyone has not completely He lost his mind, but still retained the last bit of rationality.

Everyone knew that this was a Celestial Dragon after all, and with Lu En's behavior of beating up a Celestial Dragon in the street as an example, they thought that throwing some vegetable leaves or something would not matter, since they could not be found in the crowd anyway.

Tashigi and the navy soldiers could only watch, and even felt very satisfied watching.

After all, the behavior of the Celestial Dragons was really abominable.

Everyone had thrown almost all their things, and their emotions had been released to a certain extent.

Lu En walked towards Chalmaco Saint step by step.

The four girls, Makino, Nochigo, Nami, and Kaya, were very worried when they saw Lu En's action. Because the impression that the Celestial Dragons were high and mighty had already been solidified in everyone's mind, and once they crossed the line, they would encounter crazy revenge and slaughter. The four girls were no exception, and they were worried that Lu En would do something impulsive. So, they rushed forward and surrounded Lu En,

"Lu En, don't be impulsive!"

"Husband, you have to think carefully, this person is a Celestial Dragon after all!"

"Lu En, you don't have to do it yourself! Leave this matter to us, let us beat him up and let Arrietty get revenge!"

"Lu En, if you really think it through, then just do it! We will always be your strongest support, and we will always support you unconditionally!"

The crowd of onlookers noticed Lu En's actions and were afraid that he would do something irreversible because of the stimulation of the mother and son's words and crying.

Everyone tried to persuade him,

"Captain Lu En, just beat this guy up again and leave him with a breath of fresh air, but don't beat him to death!"

"Yes, just help everyone vent their anger. If you really kill this guy, the World Government and the Navy will definitely not let you go."

"Lu En, we admit that you are indeed very powerful! Thank you very much for what you did today, but you are only one person after all, and your ability is always limited."

Da Siqi couldn't sit still anymore and shouted at Lu En,

"Lu En, don't be impulsive!"

"There is still room for recovery!"

Lu En turned around and said to the four girls, Makino, Nokigo, Nami, and Kaya, with a smile.

"I am different from everyone else!"

"Things that everyone cannot and dare not do,"

"I, Lu En, am determined to do it!"

"Don't worry, it's no big deal."

"Don't forget, our honeymoon has just begun."

Lu En touched Keya's little face.

""Ke Ya, lend me the great sword Luo Xia!

" Ke Ya handed the famous sword Luo Xia to Lu En without hesitation.

Seeing that Lu En had made up his mind, Makino, Nokigo and Nami said nothing more.

They were already prepared.

No matter what happened, they had decided to face it with Lu En.

Ask for flowers 0 Think about it from another perspective.

This celestial dragon has done so many evil things that he should have died long ago.

However, because of his identity as a celestial dragon, no one dared to do so.

As a time traveler, Lu En's ideology is deeply rooted in his mind, and he only thinks that everyone is a celestial dragon.

The concept of being born equal.

No matter if they are nobles or Celestial Dragons, they are all the same in Lu En's eyes.

There is no one that Lu En dare not kill.

And not only will he kill, but he will kill in public.

Kill in front of everyone in the execution square, kill in front of everyone in Rogue Town, kill in front of everyone in the world!

Lu En held a big knife in his left hand and held the Celestial Dragon Charles Saint in his right hand.

Under the gaze of everyone in the square, he jumped lightly and brought the Celestial Dragon Charles Saint to the execution platform.

This execution platform was the place where the Pirate King Gol was beheaded.

.D.Roger's execution platform.

The square was silent.

The people below all looked up at Lu En on the execution platform and the Celestial Dragon Zalmako who was kneeling at his feet.

Everyone had a different expression on their face. Some were expectant, some were worried, some were happy, and some were confused.

"No way? Is Captain Lu En really going to kill the Celestial Dragons in public?"

"Although I am also looking forward to it, Captain Lu En is too bold. This is a matter of punishing the entire clan!"

"Great, there should be more people like Captain Luen in this world. In this way, our lives will have hope and we will be able to get rid of oppression and exploitation."

"You are still too young. Captain Lu En is powerful, but he is just one person after all. The World Government can rule the world for 800 years, but it is not just a violent organization like the Navy. Its power should be far beyond our imagination!"

"I don't care about anything else, but this Tianlong man really deserves to die, it's just that I don't have the ability to kill him!"

Lu En picked up the famous sword Luoxia with one hand, controlled the force and swung it down.

The big sword stabbed straight into the execution platform under Lu En's feet, the tip of the sword went 3 inches into the wood, and the whole blade swayed back and forth at high speed, making a buzzing sound!

The square returned to silence again, and everyone's eyes were fixed on the shaking big sword next to Lu En, waiting for the famous sword to stop buzzing.

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