Lightning regrouped in his head, and Luffy opened his eyes blankly as if he had just woken up, and muttered to himself:

"Oops, why did I fall asleep? Teacher, what are you doing? Let's continue."

With a cold snort, Zefa pointed his index finger at the students and stabbed Luffy in the chest.

Luffy wanted to cry but had no tears, so he could only grit his teeth and hold on.

"This is a finger gun, which can make your fingers as powerful as bullets."


"This is a razor, which can suddenly appear behind the enemy and deal a fatal blow"


"Next is the Moon Step, which allows you to stay in the air, and can also be combined with another move, Storm Kick, to launch an aerial attack."

"Help, I’m dying!!!"

"Finally, there is paper painting, which can make your body as flexible and soft as paper to avoid enemy attacks."

"Hey, wait, Mr. Zefa, I haven't used this trick yet....ah!!".....

Ten minutes later,

Zefa clapped his hands, exhaled a breath of relief, looked at the dumbfounded students, and asked loudly:

"Do you understand?"


What did you understand? Did you understand how miserable it was to be beaten by Liu Shi?

They did see that the hidden little monster had really fainted.

As for the rest, they didn't understand anything and didn't know anything.

Looking at their bewildered and helpless appearance, Zefa felt exhausted.

"Alas, you are the worst class I have ever taught.

The seniors who came before you didn’t need me to teach them. They could learn after watching it twice.

You are nothing like me. You are a bunch of useless people!"

Not far away, the seniors who were training were sweating coldly.

‘Teacher , you are bragging, don't take us with you.

We can't learn the six styles by watching twice!

'Naturally, everyone can't hear the voices of the seniors.

Everyone is now shocked by Zefa's words.

They didn't doubt it, after all, who are Zefa's students.

The three admirals, many vice admirals and major generals, it can be said that those who are a little famous in the navy now are all students brought up by Zefa.

If those big guys can learn the six styles by watching twice, everyone really believes it.

So just like that, one dares to say and one dares to believe.

Under Zefa's scolding and encouragement, the students began to practice as if they were injected with chicken blood.

Zefa didn't expect them to learn the complete six styles, but let everyone choose the appropriate learning for themselves.

He pointed out their mistakes and omissions in training.

Luffy, who was lying alone on the side, was completely ignored by these people.

It was not until ten minutes later that he woke up slowly, and Zefa looked at him and told him to go back and continue practicing.

Helplessly, he had to drag his wounded body and start training step by step.

Now, except for Moon Step and Paper Drawing, he has mastered the other four styles by himself.

But in Zephyr's opinion, his six styles sounded a bit like Garp's.

It was still a little far from his own six styles.

So under Zephyr's tough correction, Luffy improved some small habits of using the six styles.


Just like that, from that day on, Zephyr reduced the rough physical training. He began to teach them more carefully the various skills and moves in battle.

He improved their strength in a more systematic and comprehensive way, and taught students in accordance with their aptitude.

He saw which aspect the students were better at, and sent special instructors to teach them individually.

Just like Ain, she was very talented in swordsmanship, so Zephyr specially sent a colonel instructor who was proficient in swordsmanship to teach her.

Others like Cook, Binz, etc. were the same.

Only Luffy was a little special. If he really compared his strength, his strength was no less than some instructors, or even stronger.

In addition, he had the relationship with Garp after all, so Zephyr finally decided to teach him personally.......

Time flies, just like when you and your girlfriend are in bed, it goes by in the blink of an eye.

6 years later.

A 12-year-old boy, nearly 180cm tall, confronts Zefa on the playground.

"60 million volts thunder beast!"

The boy's whole body was filled with dazzling lightning, and he gently waved his hand forward.

A ferocious thunder wolf came out of his body and roared towards the tall man opposite.

"It's the same move again. I told you, don't rely too much on the fruit, kid."

He threw a punch wrapped in a thick color of armed color, and the Thunder Wolf, which was 6 or 7 meters tall at the shoulder, was instantly scattered.

Zefa waved his hand to sweep away the arc that blocked his vision, and when he looked at the place where the boy stood again, there was no one there.

"Just a greeting, don't you know my abilities, teacher?"

Lightning gathered behind Zephyr, Luffy gathered lightning in his right leg, and kicked him hard in the waist.

"Speed is power. Teacher, have you ever been kicked by lightning?"


Zefa's whole body was covered with armed color. He gritted his teeth to catch the attack and said viciously:

"Kid, don't talk like Borsalino."

After saying that, he hugged Luffy's thigh and threw him far away.

At the same time, he twisted his waist and kicked out a large-range storm kick, slashing at Luffy who was flying backwards.

Turning over in mid-air to adjust his body shape, Luffy also kicked out a slash, making the slashes collide and cancel each other out.

Then he drew the long sword at his waist, attached lightning and rushed towards Zefa again.

Zefa was not to be outdone, and swung his sandbag-sized fist to start fighting.

The sword blade and fist collided, making a golden sound.

Even outside the elite camp, the fierce collision caused by the fight between the two could be heard.

"Oh——Kawa, that speed and way of speaking are really similar to mine. Is

Luffy already so strong?

But the teacher seems to still have something against me, because I saved him last time, so sad~"

On the side of the playground, Sengoku, Garp, Crane and the current three admirals watched the battle very seriously.

The person who just spoke was one of the three admirals, Kizaru, Borsalino.

Two years ago, Zefa was attacked when he took 10-year-old Luffy and other students to sea for internship.

At that time, he gave up his nap time and worked hard to rescue, which saved the lives of a boatload of people.

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