Facing the eyes of the crowd watching him for fun, the five-year-old Luffy was not afraid at all.

He looked directly at Smoker and said with a serious face:

"Smoker, do you really think I'm playing a prank?

No, quite the opposite.

I snorted when you were smoking, banged on your door when you were in the bathroom, and even watched you secretly in the middle of the night...."Mmmmm~"

Luffy was halfway through his words when Smoker, who was filled with shame and anger, quickly covered his mouth.

"Bai, idiot! You are slandering me! Believe it or not, I will throw you into the sea right now."

Smoker picked up Luffy and tried to run away.

The nearby navy officers looked at him with mocking eyes, and some of them who knew him even joked loudly.

"It's okay, Smoker, you're only 22 years old, it's normal to be a little curious"

"But it's better to watch than to do some things. If you really want to, you should find a girlfriend as soon as possible."

After saying that, everyone laughed out loud.

Smoker's face instantly turned red, and he even wanted to die.

At this time, Luffy struggled violently.���Taking advantage of his unpreparedness, she got rid of the hand covering her mouth and said loudly:

"What are you doing? You just secretly read the"Six-style Training Manual" at night, why are you so excited?"

After the voice fell, the whole audience was silent for a few breaths, and then a loud laughter rang out.

Smoker's face was completely lost, and he didn't care about Luffy, just left him there, and flew away in a flash. Looking at his embarrassed escape, the navy who were watching him laughed and laughed again, and then slowly dispersed.

The fun just now gave them something to chat and gossip with their friends in the next few days.

Luffy didn't care that he was thrown to the ground, he patted his butt and climbed up directly.

‘Phew~ So cool, I didn't expect that young Smoker is still a shy person.

Your character is not good enough, I haven't said anything yet, why did you reveal yourself? '

After a few jokes in his mind, Luffy nodded with satisfaction, turned around and wanted to rush home.

"Ahem, Luffy, it seems that you had a lot of fun while I was away."

A familiar voice came from behind. Luffy had just taken a step, but his body froze instantly after hearing this voice. He turned his head mechanically and looked at Garp who had arrived at some point. He forced a smile and greeted him:

"Grandpa, welcome back."

‘"Crack, crack~"

Garp walked behind him with a clenched fist and a very kind smile. He punched him on the head with a punch that was neither too heavy nor too light. Luffy cried out in pain and squatted on the ground with his head in his hands. Tears of pain flowed down his face. With a dark face, Garp grabbed the back of his collar and lifted him up. He scolded loudly:

"You bastard, is that the right attitude for a senior?

Just wait and see how I will deal with you when I get back!"

"Private, private Marseille, I will never dare to do it again!"

"Haha, it's too late to apologize now, come on, go home with me"

""Wuwuwu~ No!!!"

Looking at the little devil struggling in Vice Admiral Garp's hand, the navy watching couldn't help laughing again. Well, now there is one more topic to talk about.....

Being carried all the way home by the angry Garp, Luffy started crying and struggling at first, but gradually stopped resisting.

When the two of them entered the house and Garp put him down, his expression instantly changed to a smile, and he said with a grin:

"You are worthy of being a veteran even the Warring States grandfather has certified, Grandpa, your acting is really good."



Luffy was hit on the head again, rubbing his head and looking at Garp in confusion.

"Idiot, this is just the basic ability of an excellent marine. Is this all you have learned from me over the years?!"

"Of course not!"

After hearing what Garp said, Luffy immediately retorted indignantly.

Knowing that this is the world of One Piece, how could he do nothing?

If you want to live better in this world where the strong prey on the weak, you must first have strong strength.

Ever since he could run and jump, and learned the language and writing of this world.

He has been working hard to learn knowledge and exercising according to Garp's instructions.

Although he dare not practice too much because of his young age, the protagonist is the protagonist.

With his talent, he thinks that he has made great progress over the years.

"Grandpa, I didn't tease Brother Smoker for fun.

Without using the power of his fruit, he chased me all the way from the Navy dormitory to the square and still couldn't catch me.

Apart from anything else, I am still very confident in my speed and agility."

Facing Luffy's proud eyes, Garp nodded subconsciously.

He had just returned from a mission today, and he happened to see Luffy running with Smoker.

Even if Smoker was not serious, Luffy was indeed outstanding for being able to tease him, a young officer who graduated from the elite camp, like that at the age of 5.

But this is far from enough.

"Luffy, your strength is sufficient. Starting tomorrow, you will report to the new recruit camp."


Luffy opened his mouth in shock, his eyes almost popping out of their sockets.

"Grandpa, you, you are kidding. Although my strength is OK, I am only 5 years old.

Who is sent to the recruit camp at the age of 5? Isn't the minimum recruitment requirement of the navy 14 years old?"

Luffy is not resisting and does not want to become stronger, but he always thinks it is a bit magical for a 5-year-old child to join the army.

"You only need to tell Sengoku about that matter, and the sooner you join the army, the sooner you can get promoted.

Don't you want to be an admiral? Wait until you are 14 and join the army, and then step by step, you will be promoted. You have to be 30 or 40 years old to be an admiral. If you join the navy earlier, you may become the youngest admiral in the history of the government.

Come on, grandpa believes in you."

After a skillful deception, Garp walked around Luffy who was thinking, walked to the sofa and sat down

"Okay, don't think too much, go cook for grandpa.

I'm almost starving after rushing back all the way."

"Ah, okay, here I come."

Luffy's thoughts were interrupted, and he walked into the kitchen obediently.

After the ingredients were prepared, he stepped on the small stool and started cooking, and then he suddenly reacted.

‘Shit, I was actually PUA.

The damn old man was just too lazy to teach me and just wanted to throw me into the recruit camp.

What excuses did he have to find?

He didn't even cook for himself, but let a 5-year-old child do it. How shameless. '

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