“Then go to war!!!”

Face the warning of the Supreme Divine Thousand Finger Star.

People who are abnormally sheltered.

Without the slightest fear.

Extremely stiff in response.


With abnormal containment meeting.

The power that you have now.

It is indeed enough to dare to go to war with a supreme divinity!

Although said.

The star of a thousand fingers is.

A monster of the highest divine level.


But among the countless supreme divinities.

The strength of the Thousand Finger Star.

Not very powerful!

Such an opponent.

People who are abnormally sheltered.

I didn’t think I would lose.

After all.

Lore is the protagonist.

Already contained.

Countless abnormal containments.


It has already received countless advents!

It can be said.

Lore is now equivalent to a supreme divinity!

Coupled with the large number of strong people in the abnormal containment society.

To know.

Now they are unusually sheltered.

Light is a five-level reality distorted.

That’s more than a hundred!

Every level five reality is distorted.

It’s all terrifying.

It is possible to play with reality.

The existence of distorts everything.

More than a hundred Level 5 reality warkers have joined forces.

It can be said.

The power that can be exerted,

Even as well as close to.

A supreme divinity!!!

Equal to saying.


They are abnormal in the overall combat strength of the containment society.

It is equivalent to two supreme divinities!

Will be afraid of the thousand-fingered star.

Is there a supreme divinity?”

This is obviously impossible.

People who hear about unusual shelter meetings.

with the Supreme Divinity.

The Thousand Finger Star declares war head-on.

People all over the world.

It’s all boiling!

Navy headquarters, Marin numerous.

“The people of the abnormal containment meeting have declared war with the Supreme Divine Thousand Finger Star! Moreover, it was a positive declaration of war, how can I always feel that they are not afraid at all even in the face of a supreme divinity! ”

Peach Rabbit was shocked and exclaimed.

He just now.

Still thought.

People who are abnormally sheltered.

Will be because of the fear of the supreme divinity thousand finger star. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

And all the people who abandoned their sea.

But let,

What no one expected.

People who are abnormally sheltered.

Not only did not abandon this sea!

And there is no fear of the supreme divinity,

but with the Supreme Divinity Thousand Finger Star,

Positive declaration of war!


Look at the tone of the abnormal containment meeting.

They don’t seem to be afraid at all.

The Supreme Divinity is the same as the Thousand Finger Star!

“What a terrifying force, daring to declare war head-on on a supreme divinity! But I hope they can achieve the final victory! ”

Sengoku gasped.

Can’t help but pray. 、

Right now.

The fate of the whole world (well).

It was all in the hands of the Abnormal Containment Association.

Once the abnormal containment will win!

Then this sea.

will not appear again.

Abnormal containment!

And if it is abnormal, the servant will be defeated.

Then wait for them in this sea.

There are only two endings.

The first ending is to stay in this sea.

Wait for death!!!

And as for the second ending.

That is, return to the Thousand Finger Star to die!.

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