…… at the same time.

The other side.


Navy Headquarters.

The battle between Bai Ye and the Admiral in the first half of the Grand Line is destined to attract the attention of the entire world. after all.

The Navy Headquarters has never faced such a terrible battle as dispatching two admirals against a single enemy.

Even in this special period.

The Navy even risked an attack by the Whitebeard Pirates, known as the strongest man in the world.

Don't hesitate to do this.

This shows the attitude of the Navy Headquarters towards Bai Ye.

We must destroy them as quickly as possible at any cost!

In order to let the whole world know how stupid it is to dare to touch the Tianlong people.

And at this moment.

Naturally, the Navy Headquarters is the one paying the closest attention to this battle.

"In the Warring States Period, there is no need to worry about things over there. No one in this world can win against the two most powerful generals."

Marshal's Office.

He, known as the Great Staff Officer by the outside world, stood by the window. Her old eyes stared at the sea that seemed calm but was actually constantly surging at the port of the Navy Headquarters.

"What should the Navy mainly focus on now?..."

Crane murmured:

"But just because the focus is on the terrifying strength of the World's Strongest Man, don't ignore the strategy of that guy with Whitebeard."

Warring States heard this.

There was no rebuttal, and a trace of recognition appeared on his face.

The most terrifying thing about Whitebeard is that he is known as the strongest man of this era, possessing the power to destroy the world.

But underneath that incomparable power.

As a man of the same era, Sengoku knew very well that

Whitebeard was no less difficult than the Roger Pirates in the past, when Roger was not yet famous, but that guy was one of the most powerful monsters!

And if Whitebeard didn't value his family so much, he could have become the Pirate King as long as that guy had the will!

"That guy with white beard...What do you want to do next now?"

Warring States murmured.


"No, not good! Marshal of the Warring States Period! There is urgent information!"

A navy opened the door and suddenly ran over with a nervous expression.

When Warring States and He saw this, their hearts suddenly sank.

Warring States asked:

"What happened? Could it be..."

Warring States' face showed a solemn expression

"Has the world's strongest man already left?!"

"White beard!"

He's heart sank.

But Haijun shook his head.

"No, it's not..."

Warring States and He's expressions changed.

Not news about the Whitebeard Pirates?

"what happened?!"

Warring States asked:

The navy felt the solemn atmosphere in the office that was rapidly increasing, and he bit the bullet and reported:

"Yes, our people discovered another Yonko pirate at the entrance to the new world!"

"The opponent is the trace of"Hyundai Beast" Kaido, the captain of the Beast Pirates!"

The words fell


There was disbelief in Warring States eyes.

"Kai, Kaido?!"

"Isn't that guy messing around in the New World?!"

"Why come to the first half of the Grand Line at this time?!"

The crane on the side looked solemn and had a bad feeling in his heart.

"So where is Kaido now?!"

The navy stammered:

"Kaido ignored the people in our navy and simply relied on his ability to fly across the Red Earth Continent."

"Crossed the red continent...?!!!"

The ugliness on Sengoku's face reached its peak

"What on earth does that guy want to do?! are you crazy?!"

"Or is it that the Beasts Pirates are gathering their forces to capture the Whitebeard Pirates' territory? Was it just a cover from beginning to end?!"

"The actual truth is that the Whitebeard guy and Kaido teamed up?"

"No, with the irresolvable hatred those two guys had, could Whitebeard do this for the successor of the 'worst bloodline'?!"

The expression on Sengoku's face was changing.

Obviously Sengoku couldn't believe that Kaido would come to the first half of the Grand Line at this time.

After all, all the current plans of the Navy.

However, Kaido was not included in it from beginning to end..

With Kaido’s character, no matter how much he acts, it’s usually only in the New World.

As long as Kaido doesn’t come to the Grand Line, the Navy’s plan will not be affected at all because of the commotion Kaido makes in the New World. It brought huge psychological pressure to the people of the Whitebeard Pirates!

So when he learned about Kaido's departure from the Beast Pirates' station, Sengoku didn't care. It can be said that he considered all the possibilities. But he chose the most impossible behavior! Sengoku's face was extremely solemn. One Whitebeard Pirates was already worthy of the navy's unprecedented strength, and now Kaido was suddenly added to the lineup.


Warring States heart suddenly sank.

Today's state of affairs.

The severity is downright awful!

Almost without thinking.

Sengoku suddenly looked at the marine

"go! Let the general Aoji who is already on standby stop that bastard Kaido! In any case, before Generals Akainu and Kizaru come back, Kaido must not be allowed to affect the current plan!"

"What?! Are General Qing and Qing Pheasant also going to be dispatched?!"

Hearing this, the navy's eyes showed a hint of shock.

All three generals left the navy headquarters....

But it’s an unprecedented event!!!

If the Whitebeard Pirates take the opportunity...

The navy's heart trembled.

But he still nodded and said:

"yes! Marshal of the Warring States Period!"

The navy left, and Seng Guo's face became extremely solemn:

"Kaido...What did that guy who likes to fool around want to do in the first half of the Grand Line? If you don't just stay in the new world, is your target the Navy Headquarters?! hateful!"

Warring States clenched his fists.

Then he subconsciously looked at He

"By the way, what is the situation with Akainu and Kizaru? Once the target is destroyed, let them come back immediately without stopping at all. Now the Navy Headquarters cannot lack their combat power."

As he said that, Sengoku saw He took out a phone and contacted the navy fleet responsible for destroying Bai Ye.


He didn't respond for a long time.

A bad feeling emerged in Sengoku's heart.

"How is the current situation there? He said nothing and put down the phone in his hand.

Crane's face suddenly showed an unprecedented seriousness.

He said slowly:

"I'm afraid something happened during the Warring States Period. The navy over there should have kept in contact at all times....Unable to contact now"


Warring States face changed drastically.

He stood up suddenly.

He recalled the scene recorded by the phone bug of Bai Ye evaporating into the sea with a knife.

He said in disbelief:

"Isn't that man powerful enough to fight two navy admirals?! Are you kidding me?!"

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