Under normal circumstances.

At this time, Kuina’s strength is not much stronger than Arlong.

After all, Arlong was once a cadre of the Sun Pirates, and his strength in the East China Sea is still quite strong.

Even the so-called future overlord of the East China Sea, Creek, will not be Arlong’s opponent.

But unfortunately, Kuina never thought about confronting him head-on.

The first knife took advantage of Arlong’s unpreparedness and directly injured him seriously.

The second knife, perfectly coordinated with Robin’s strong control ability of the Flower-Flower Fruit, directly cut off Arlong’s head.

It can be said that this battle was fought unexpectedly.

If the four women choose to fight the Arlong Pirates head-on, even if they can win, someone will definitely be injured.

But in the world of pirates, there is no such thing as despicable or not. As long as you can win, any means don’t matter.

“Nami, Arlong is dead, the Arlong Pirates are destroyed!”

Kuina was worried that Arlong was not dead yet, so she stabbed him a few more times to make him die.

Kuina had no objection to killing people. She had been mentally prepared the day she became a swordsman.

What swordsman doesn’t kill people?

Nami stared blankly at the bodies of Arlong and the other fishmen, tears streaming down her face.

“Bellmère, I have avenged you!”

“I have El Oni to take care of me now, you don’t have to worry about me anymore.”

At the moment of Arlong’s death, Nami, who was only eight years old, cried out.

At this moment, she belonged to the El Pirates for the rest of her life.

During the time she was with El, she had seen many strong men. She also knew how strong Arlong was.

Nami knew very well that if she relied on herself, she would have to live in fear of Arlong for many years.

She once desperately thought that if she relied on herself alone, she would never be able to avenge Bell-mère in this life.

But now, after joining the El Pirates, it has been less than a month.

Not only did she learn the Navy’s Six-style Shave, but with the help of her companions, she directly avenged her mother’s murder!

Nami was extremely grateful to El, and it was El who gave her hope.

She had made up her mind to follow El for the rest of her life.

At this moment, El was a little worried about the few people and called.

“Robin, what’s going on?”

“Is the matter resolved?”

Robin glanced at Aaron’s body and replied:

“Captain, Arlong is dead and the Arlong Pirates are destroyed!”

“We are not injured, don’t worry.”

“That’s good!” El breathed a sigh of relief,”Calm down Nami, and then you can go back to Rogue Town.”

“”Elone-chan!” Nami took the Den Den Mushi and sobbed,”Thank you for helping me!”

“What are you talking about, Nami? We are partners, you are my crew member, who should I help if I don’t help you?”

“Don’t be sad or cry, Nami. No one will be able to bully any of you anymore!”

“No matter who it is, no one can do that!”

El’s words were firm.

As a captain, if he couldn’t even protect his own crew, what kind of captain would he be?

Nami listened to El’s words, stopped crying, and stood up from the ground

“From now on, I will be Elone’s eternal navigator!”

Karina wiped the tears from Nami’s face with a piece of paper and held Nami’s hand tightly.

Robin and Kuina looked at Nami with a smile on their faces.

“It’s great to be a member of Captain El’s crew~”

Then, Nami and Nojigo talked for a while, and they accepted the villagers’ thanks, but confiscated their gifts.

At around 3 pm, the four left Cocosia Village and rushed back to Rogue Town to reunite with El.

After this training, the four had some changes in their character.

After the bloody experience, they began to slowly possess the mentality and aura of a strong man.

At the same time, in Rogue Town, El continued to search for possible superhuman barrier fruits.

He even saw the fourteen-year-old Bartolomeo in a village near Rogue Town.

But there was still no trace of the barrier fruit.

“Could it be that the old guy Kurozumi Chanmaru is not dead yet?”

“Oden has been dead for eight years. How can this old man still be alive?”

Al frowned, looking a little annoyed.

“Look around one last time, and if it doesn’t work, forget it!”

“After Robin and the others come back, if we still haven’t found it, we will stop looking and go directly to Sixis Island to look for the Nature-type Flame-Flame Fruit!”

“The Barrier Fruit is not certain, but the Flame-Flame Fruit is certain to be on Sixis Island.”

After making the decision, El decided to use his Observation Haki to sense what Bartolomeo was thinking.

El always felt that he could find clues from Bartolomeo…..

“found it!”

“I didn’t expect that this barrier fruit was not ownerless.”

“It was collected by someone else!”

El used his Observation Haki to sense people’s minds and found a fruit that looked like the Barrier Fruit in Bartolomeo’s mind.

“It was at Bartolomeo’s grandmother’s house.”

“In the original novel, Bartolomeo often mentioned his grandmother. He even went out to sea without a navigator, and he relied on him to call his grandmother to ask”

“It seems that Bartolomeo ate the barrier fruit at his grandmother’s house when he went out to sea.”

“I just don’t know if this old lady knows the magic of the fruit at this moment.”

Without delay, El went to the old lady’s house immediately.

It didn’t take much time to explain. The old lady didn’t know that the fruit was a devil fruit. She just thought it looked good and collected it.

In the end, after El got the parahuman barrier fruit, he quietly left a box of Bailey for the old lady and left.

Although he is a pirate, he still disdains to take advantage of ordinary people.

After returning to the hotel, El looked at this top-level parahuman devil fruit.

The fruit is as big as a child’s head, and the whole body is transparent green.

The barrier fruit is not recorded in El’s devil fruit illustration, but the characteristics of the barrier fruit and its appearance are too closely related.

Even if it cannot be confirmed with the devil fruit illustration, El can be 100% sure that this is the barrier fruit

“I didn’t expect that after only two or three months at sea, I harvested two devil fruits.”

“Find time to sell this other superhuman quick-kill fruit.”

“As for who to give the Barrier Fruit to, we need to think carefully about it.”

El has other ideas about the Barrier Fruit.

“In the Drum Kingdom of the Grand Line, there is also a top-level superhuman Swallow-Swallow Fruit.”

“If we really talk about the power, the Swallow Swallow Fruit is much stronger than the Barrier Fruit.”

After eating the Swallow Swallow Fruit, you can eat anything and turn it into a part of your body, or synthesize something new! You can also eat your own body to change your body shape, and you can make yourself thinner.

The most powerful ability is to obtain the abilities of other ability users by swallowing them.

El has an idea.

That is, don’t eat anyone with the Barrier Fruit, and let Kalina or Kuina eat the Swallow Swallow Fruit.

Then, try to see if you can let the Swallow Swallow Fruit ability user swallow the Barrier Fruit but not digest it.

It is equivalent to putting the Barrier Fruit in the empty stomach of the Swallow Swallow Fruit ability user.

Then try to see if the Swallow Swallow Fruit ability user can use the Barrier Fruit ability.

If you can, then it is not ordinary powerful!

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