Kuina recorded El’s understanding of the Flame-Flame Fruit with great care.

She spent time to engrave these precious understandings in her mind.

In November of the 1510th year of the Sea Circle Calendar, after the last supplies were replenished,

El and his party left the East China Sea by boat and headed for the Grand Line on the other side of the Upside-Down Mountain.

After they were freed from their worries, under the command of Nami, they rode the favorable wind and current and arrived at the entrance of the Grand Line at a very fast speed.

“Is this the entrance to the Grand Line?”

“It was the first time I saw the water flowing upstream!”

“If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t have imagined that there was such a wonder in the world!”

The Red Earth Continent, which is over 10,000 meters high, is like a giant dragon stretching across the planet, stretching as far as the eye can see.

The ship of the El Pirates is like an ant in front of the Red Earth Continent.

Everyone on the ship looked up at the Red Earth Continent towering into the clouds.

“It is hard to imagine how such buildings as the Red Earth Continent appeared in this world.”

“”It’s so magnificent!”

Nami, Kalina, and Kuina were deeply shocked.

The closer they got to the entrance of the Grand Line, the faster the ship went.

The breeze gradually grew stronger, and the channel at the entrance swallowed up a huge amount of seawater like a funnel, absorbing the wind blowing through the entrance.

“Raise the sails, friends, say goodbye to the East China Sea and enter the Grand Line!”

Robin smiled slightly, crossed his hands, and used his ability to untie the sails tied to the mast.

The moment the sails were lowered, they were blown up by the wind, and the speed of the boat increased a lot.

After entering the channel, the upstream sea water carried the boat, and accompanied by the howling wind, the whole ship rushed to the highest point of the mountain like an arrow!

The reverse thrust brought by the super-fast speed directly caused the few people on the boat except Al to fall down.

“”Be careful!”

El stepped on Shave, and held Nami and Kalina in his arms.

Kuina and Robin also held El’s arms one in front and one behind.

“Hold on to the ropes!”

“The wind is too strong!”

Al quickly rushed over and pulled a rope over, letting several people grab it before he breathed a sigh of relief.

“Our boat is too small and not stable enough”

“When we get to the Seven Waters City, we must use the Adam Treasure Tree to build a large ship of the best quality!”

Al frowned.

This small merchant ship not only cannot carry weapons, but also has average quality.

Just now, he even heard the creaking sound of the ship’s keel.

After Nami stood firm, she quickly ran over to control the rudder and adjusted the bow that almost hit the wall of the channel.

Under Nami’s control, the ship gradually stabilized, and the few people had time to turn their heads and look at the East China Sea that was about to leave.

“The East China Sea is so magnificent and so big.

Looking down at the East China Sea from thousands of meters above the sky is a novel experience for several people.

“Donghai, here I go!”

“When our El Pirates become the strongest, we will come back again!”

Nami said as she looked at the vast East China Sea that was rapidly receding in her field of vision.

The favorable wind and the extremely fast current made the ship go faster and faster.

In just less than ten minutes, the entire ship reached the highest point, and then changed from a bottom-up posture to a rapid dive from the bottom up!

The sailing speed increased several times, and even left the water surface of the channel and flew up.

The sudden violent turbulence directly threw Kuina, Nami, and Kalina out.

Kuina directly fired a flame shock behind her, and the recoil force brought her back to the boat.

El quickly flew to Nami and Kalina on the moon step, hugged them in his arms, and stood on the deck again.

“So exciting!”

“Elone-chan, you don’t have to save us!”

“Although we haven’t mastered the moon step yet, we can still do it by stepping on the sky!”

As they said that, Nami and Kalina reluctantly left El’s arms, stepped on the air twice, flew to the deck and landed.

The thrill just now did not make them feel the slightest bit scared.

Whether it was the twelve-year-old Kuina, or the eight-year-old Nami and Kalina, they were not panicked at all.

After experiencing the battle with Arlong, their psychological quality has long been much stronger than that of ordinary people! After the few people landed on the deck, the entire ship also completely rushed from the highest position into the waters of the Grand Line and hit the sea heavily. The endless Grand Line was displayed in front of them.

El looked up at the lighthouse next to the Twin Cape on the right side of the channel that had just been rushed through.

At this time, Crocus, the ship doctor of Roger’s pirate group, had already settled here.

But El did not plan to meet him. After all, the two did not know each other and there was nothing to talk about.

“Is this the Great Route?”

“It seems that there is not much difference from the East China Sea.”

“It’s calm.”

Nami felt the weather with her body, looked up at the bright sun, and was excited.

“This sea area is much more dangerous than the East China Sea!”

El’s observation Haki was fully activated. Under his perception, the life waves emitted by the sea kings below the sea area were many times stronger than those in the East China Sea.

Even at a deeper location, El also sensed a huge life wave that made him feel difficult.

He knew what kind of creature this life wave was.

“Is the island whale rab?”

“It’s already this big now!”

“It is several times larger than the average sea king.”

“Even for me now, if I want to kill this island whale from the outside without any injury, it will take a lot of effort.”

“However, if we go to war with Lab, the huge waves it stirs up will cause our ship to be smashed.���”

“Right now, I am not strong enough to ensure that Nami, Kalina and the others will not get hurt when fighting Rab.”

“Besides, Crocus is here too, so there is no need to fight with the mild-tempered Lab.”

Besides Lab, there are more powerful life waves in the deepest part that El’s observation Haki can sense.

These life waves are like warnings, reminding El.

Even if your talent is the best in the sea, and you are a natural monster!

But now you are just a swordsman who can only swing a flying slash, and you can’t even master the Haki, you are still too weak!

“Armament Haki, Conqueror Haki, Conqueror Haki Entanglement, Ryusakura, Devil Fruit Ability, Navy Six Styles, Great Swordsman Strength….”

Feeling the fluctuations of life beneath the sea, Al looked at the calm sea and thought to himself:

“There are still nine years until the start of the war on the top!”

“In the next nine years, I still have a lot to learn and master!”

“We can’t go on being so comfortable like this!”

“You must focus on improving your own strength!”

“In nine years, you must master high-level Armament Haki, master Conqueror Haki, become a great swordsman, and preferably develop the Slow Fruit to the awakened state!”

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