“Selling the whole town?!”

“How to sell the town?”

Not only Nami, Kalina and Kuina were shocked by El’s words.

Even the knowledgeable Robin was confused by El’s words.

“Captain Al, there’s no way the town can be sold!”

“Who said it can’t be sold?” El grinned and said,”Since we are here, from now on, everyone in this town belongs to our El Pirates!”

“The world of pirates depends on strength!”

“Kuina, go make some noise and tell everyone here that this place belongs to our El Pirates!”

“Anyone who dares to disobey will be burned to ashes!”

“Anyway, everyone on this island, one by one, it’s no problem to kill them all!”

After leaving the East China Sea and entering the Grand Line, Al bared his fangs for the first time!

He is not a pirate group like the Straw Hat Pirates who are keen on adventure.

It is true that he likes adventure, but it is not limited to adventure.

“Robin, please look after Nami and Kalina, and do what a pirate should do.”

“Don’t have any psychological burden, we are lawless pirates!”

“But…..”Robin is still a scholar at heart, and is a little hesitant.

“Robin, don’t worry, I’m not a bloodthirsty person”

“Pirates have their own moral code”

“I don’t do shit like robbing ordinary people.”

“To get rich, you must rob those who deserve to die.”

“And there won’t be any civilians in this kind of place, it’s a pirate paradise!”

Hearing Al’s words, Robin nodded and agreed with Al’s words.

“Since the captain has said so, we will naturally obey!”

Al stood at the port of Whiskey Town, looking at the relatively prosperous town and grinning.

“Captain, what are you going to do then?”

“Me? Of course I’m going to find a buyer for this town!”

“Make as much noise as you like, especially Kuina, let loose!”

“There is no one here who can threaten you. You can stand there and let them beat you for a whole day, but they can’t hurt you at all.”

“I taught you the direction of developing devil fruits, you can experiment here as much as you want.

Just as they were about to enter the town, a rather large pirate ship came over from the port.

“Kid, move the boat out of the way, or I’ll blow your head off!”

On the boat, a fierce-looking, three-meter-tall giant was carrying an exaggeratedly large sword and holding a gun in his other hand, pointing at Al.

“What are you looking at, kid!”

“Why don’t you get out of the way of your uncle Palu?”

“Want to die?”


Palu fired without hesitation, the bullet hit Al’s forehead and bounced off the iron block.

The four girls around Al showed furious expressions on their faces.

Someone actually dared to attack their captain!?

“It’s so noisy!”

Al looked at Palu as if he were a dead person, and stretched out his little finger to pick his ear.”Such a noisy port can’t cover up your loud voice?”

“Are pirates so spirited? Can’t sail a ship if the sound is too low?”

“”What a desperate little devil, go to hell!” Palu fired again.

But this time, before he could pull the trigger,

Kuina turned into a ball of fire, soared directly into the air, and swung a huge slash covered with blazing flames!

It directly split the arrogant Palu in half, and then was burned by the flames.

“You dare to shoot Captain El, damn it!”

Kuina’s voice was cold, and relying on the recoil of the flames, she collected her knife and flew into the air, as majestic as a goddess of fire.

“Captain Palu, who was offered a bounty of 20 million berries, was…..Killed by a single blow?!”

With that move, all the small pirates on the entire pirate ship were silent, not even daring to breathe.

“Well done, Sister Kuina!”

“You dared to shoot at Onii-chan, well done!”

Nami and Kalina applauded.

Robin also put away her crossed arms and looked coldly at the pirates on the ship.

“All right, Kuina, Robin, Nami, Kalina, let’s go to the town and do what we need to do.”

“Go tell the people in this town that they, along with all their treasures, belong to the El Pirates!”

After El started talking, Kuina in the sky put away the cold murderous intent all over her body. As soon as the voice fell, Kuina turned into a ball of blazing fire and flew towards the center of the town.

Robin took Nami and Kalina, stepped on the moon steps, and followed Kuina closely.

El didn’t even look at those small pirates, and followed the road sensed by the observation color, rushing towards the person in charge of the underground exchange.

In the town, Kuina relied on the ability of the Flame-Flame Fruit to fly in the air like a little sun.

While recalling the swordsmanship recorded in the booklet that El taught him at that time, she tried to use it.

Countless slashes with blazing flames, like a natural disaster, covered the center of the town.

Even when flying in the sky, Kuina could see many pirates and bounty hunters who were doing evil.

There are also many bounty hunters and pirates fighting, where are the ordinary people?

Kuina really displayed her flame swordsmanship without any scruples.

After all, training on the ship is just training, which is completely incomparable to actual combat.

“what is that?!”

“Flames flying in the sky?”

“Are you kidding me?”

When Kuina was using her fire swordsmanship, many fierce people below were stunned.

How could someone suddenly attack indiscriminately?

A madman?

Robin, Nami, and Kalina attacked everyone they saw.

Just now, El was shot in the head, which made them extremely angry.

Although the culprit had been killed by Kuina, they all blamed themselves and felt that they were not strong enough.

Otherwise ,���If they did, they could kill anyone who dared to attack El just like Kuina did.

The three of them were not as strong as Kuina, but they regarded all the criminals on the island as targets to train their own strength.

“Onii-chan said that only through actual combat can one improve one’s strength at the fastest speed!”

“Since Onii-chan said that this island belongs to our El Pirates, then it is ours!”

“All those who don’t accept it are enemies!”

As the four women started fighting, the whole island became a mess.

The few people on the island who were responsible for maintaining law and order were stunned.

They had no idea what was going on.

“who are you?”

“Why indiscriminate attacks?”

“Don’t you want to live anymore?”

Kuina stopped the sword in her hand, looked at the few slightly stronger minions, and said:

“From now on, this island belongs to our El Pirates!”

“Who has any objections?”

Several people in charge of maintaining public order were stunned.

“Are you kidding me? Rob an entire island?”

“Are pirates nowadays so lawless?”

“They are just a few little kids, but they are so brave!”

“Sager, take them down for me!”

The man named Sager looked grim, staring at Kuina in the flaming state in the sky, and raised his hand to swing a flying slash.


“He’s actually a swordsman?”

“However, you dare to resist? Even a swordsman is useless!”

Kuina didn’t even dodge, letting the slash pass through her body, and casually swung a flaming slash, severely injuring the man named Sager.

“I ask again, who has any objections?

Many people on the island looked at Kuina in the sky with extremely ugly expressions.

“The user of the natural fruit ability and also a swordsman!”

“Looks like he’s only about ten years old!”

“When did such a strong person appear in this sea?”

At the same time, when Al sensed that Kuina and the others were causing a commotion in the town, he walked into the underground exchange.

Sitting at the wine table, Al played with the wine glass and said to the bartender:

“Go call your person in charge.”

“I want to sell him something.”

“Oh, what are you selling?” The bartender was stunned for a moment,”Gold?”

“It’s not gold!”

Al grinned and said gently, making him sweat.

“I want to sell the entire Whiskey Town!”

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