Boom boom boom!

The huge blue-white lightning illuminated the night like day.

The deafening thunder was like a roar from the sky.

Heavy rain poured down on the deck of the warship.

It turned out that Char's decision was right. He seized a warship in advance, which allowed the trio to have the capital to deal with bad weather in the Grand Line.

The rooms on the warship are mainly divided into officers' lounge and soldiers' lounge.


The treatment is naturally the best, and it is also the only big bed room on the warship.

The soldiers' room is more like a dormitory. Although there are many beds, it is only one meter wide.

Because the three of Char lived in the largest officer's room, they were inseparable. At this moment, looking out through the transparent round window, Nami couldn't help but sigh:"The climate of the Grand Line is really changeable. Just today, we have experienced several seasons!"

Kalina nodded:"Fortunately, Char got this warship. If it was the previous boat, it would probably have been buried at the bottom of the sea!"

Only Char was lying on the bed and sighed.

Looking at the two beautiful figures, he felt that he was being targeted by the Rider-Rider Fruit.

Why can only the mount change its age?

I can't change myself!

Although Charana already has some functions, it is very big and powerful, but it is not the biggest and most powerful.

If I do it, it will always feel not perfect.

""What are you looking at?"

Kalina came to Char, and her tone was full of desire:"What are you thinking about?"

Facing the hint

, Char certainly understood what Kalina meant. After all, for this long-time companion, both of them regarded each other as the person to be entrusted with in this life. Some things are bound to happen sooner or later. However, as Kalina's age changed, it seemed that she had reached a certain condition that could be tested.


That's it.

The warship sailed on the sea for more than a month. The sea breeze was gentle and the weather was clear.

During this time, the wanted order for Char's trio was also issued.

Kalina and Nami were a little confused when they saw their wanted orders.


丨 Handsome photos 丨



DEAD-OR-ALIVE (regardless of life or death)

SYA (Char)

BJ730,000,00- (73 million berries)

MAEINE (issued by the Navy).........


丨Young photos丨



DEAD-OR-ALIVE (regardless of life or death)

CARINA (Carina)

BJ700,000,00- (70 million berries)

MAEINE (Navy release)............


丨Young photos丨



DEAD-OR-ALIVE (regardless of life or death)

NAMI (Nami)

BJ100,000,00- (10 million berries)

MAEINE (Navy release)............

"What? I didn’t do anything, why is there a bounty of 10 million Baileys!"

"Also, it would be great if the photo was taken now.~~~~"

On the deck, Kalina and Nami were looking at their wanted posters. Following Char, they were no longer afraid of the wanted posters, but they were very dissatisfied with the photos on the wanted posters!


The photos on the wanted posters were all taken in Rogue Town. At that time, they were all girls of fourteen or fifteen years old.

But now, after the blessing of the beauty collars, they are all at the peak of their beauty.

The difference is so big that it's like a person in his thirties looking through his QQ space and looking at the non-mainstream photos and words in it. The sadness is enough to move everyone in the world, embarrassing……

Char was drinking juice in the 100th year:"When we have a ship of our own, we will officially establish a pirate group. As a member of the pirate group, Nami, you will definitely be rewarded. After this journey, your bounty may be even higher!"

"Higher?" Nami asked curiously.

"Yes, look at Kalina, she has hardly ever done anything to hurt others, but why is her bounty so high? It's because she has the most terrifying destructive potential in the ocean, the natural Flame-Flame Fruit.……"

With that said, Nami understood immediately.

When she also has a powerful devil fruit, the bounty will not be just 10 million.


What's the big deal about a small bounty? Kalina and Nami are looking forward to the navy coming over to take a group of photos for them, and then update the bounty order. After all, they will soon turn back into girls.


At ten o'clock in the morning of the second day, the outline of the island was seen.

After all, it was the first island they encountered on this journey. Nami looked at the record pointer on her hand and confirmed again:"It's Gaya Island! Are there any cameras in the town? We urgently need cameras on our ship!"


Karina shouted:"I want to take a photo, a photo of luck!"

The Grand Line has tens of millions of islands, which are connected by magnetism. If you want to find an island, you must use the record pointer in your hand to navigate accurately. If you don't have a record pointer, unless you are extremely lucky, you may never encounter an island.

This is the case with the Char trio.

They clearly wanted to go to Jaya Island, but they did not encounter a second island when they sailed over, and they did not even see the outline of the huge Alabasta Kingdom.

If it weren't for Nami's superb navigation skills, the hull of the warship was solid, and the supplies on board were sufficient.

Otherwise, they would definitely be lost in the sea.

Jaya Island.

Jaya Island is in the first half of the Grand Line. Geographically speaking, it is in a huge sea area with Alabasta.

400 years ago, half of Gaya Island was washed up into the sky by the surging sea current.

That place is the golden town of Shandora.

Today, Shandora has become a relic and part of Sky Island.

Sky Island is not marked on any map, and no one even knows its existence. It will not form a magnetic field to be recorded by the pointer.

The best way to find Sky Island is to come to Gaya Island.

Then, go to the sky.

At this time, the trio stood on the bow of the warship, and the sea breeze blew in their faces.

Looking at the island in the distance, it was like the teeth of a skull.

""Char, does Sky Island really exist?"

On the way, Char had already introduced the purpose of this trip to the two girls. When he mentioned Sky Island, the two girls felt incredible. They were surprised that there really was an island in the sky in the world, and they were also surprised at Char's profound knowledge.

"Just 10,000 meters above Gaya Island, we can find a mount and fly up."

Char's Riding Fruit allows him to ride on everything.

But mounts also have their own limitations.

For example, warships.

The function of a general warship is to sail on the sea, so when Char rides a warship, he only has the ability to sail on the sea. For warships with artillery weapons, he can also control the artillery of the warship itself to attack enemy ships.

But in the final analysis, for such large ships, sailing is its main function.

The riding effect is sailing.

And the carpet is different.

The carpet is lighter and can float with the wind, so it also has a driving function and can fly a certain distance.


In addition to the surging ocean currents near Gaya Island, Char plans to go Look for flying mounts in the town.

But the problem now is not how to get to Sky Island.

It is that Char has to go to Gaya Island to prepare.

After all, he has to deal with Enelu, who has the most unsolvable ability. If he wants to escape with the Thunder Fruit, no one in this world can stop him. Although it is certain that there is not much risk, if there is a slight mistake, the possibility of Enelu escaping will be very high.

Char will naturally not allow such a situation to happen.

The Ten Hands of Seastone taken from Smoker is also one of Char's reliance on going to Sky Island to trouble Enelu.

And on Gaya Island... it seems that there is a way to restrain the devil fruit ability users!

"Let’s go to Gaya Island first. We haven’t been to an island for a long time and we need to relax!"


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