Everyone looked at Ron with anger.

It was as if he had been betrayed, and his favorability towards Ron plummeted.

But Ron didn't care, he looked straight at the navy with a firm face!

"very good!"

Seeing this situation, the leader of the navy nodded in satisfaction, and then said, "You stay here and watch, I will take him to his residence."



Hearing that, the navy behind him all agreed, but they looked at Ron with admiration.

After all, he was able to ignore so much hostility and still make such a choice, which shows his confidence in himself and his firm mind.

"Come with me!"

After waving his hand, the naval colonel directly led Ron away.

"Damn it!"


"I remember you!"


Almost instantly, those people in the distance clenched their fists.

Especially the person who ran the lap faster had red eyes at the moment.

If it weren't for Ron's interruption at the beginning, they all had the possibility of becoming the first.

It's a pity that it's too late to say anything now, there is no regret medicine in the world.

Suppressing the anger in their hearts, this group of people also walked towards the collective dormitory.

At the other end, Ron followed the naval colonel to a relatively quiet house.

Pointing to a building in front, the naval colonel then said; "The rooms in that building are all empty, you can choose your own place."

"Also, since you have chosen to live here, you must maintain a higher position for subsequent training."

"If your training performance is not good, you will also be expelled from this place."

"Also, the review of the elite training camp has already started, you should work harder."

After finishing speaking, the naval colonel didn't stay there either, he turned around and left directly.

what's the situation?

Why is this guy telling me this!

Ron was a little taken aback at the moment.

If you say those words before, it is an obligation that should be done.

But the last two sentences were different, they were completely leaking the secret to him.

But Ron didn't know this person at all, and he didn't even have any communication with him. Why did he tell himself so much?

Even Smoker and Tina, it is impossible for a senior naval officer in his forties to violate discipline like this, unless...

"'〃Is the Revolutionary Army undercover?"

With a flash of light in his eyes, Ron vaguely guessed the identity of the naval colonel at this moment.

For a moment, the corners of his mouth rose.

At this moment, he felt a sense of dependence.

Thinking of this, Ron didn't hesitate, turned around and entered the building.

All the way to the roof area, Ron chose a room and lived in it.

After a simple wash, Ron fell asleep early.

At the same time, the recruits' running circles are constantly ending.

As more and more recruits completed the lap test, more and more people settled in the dormitories.

At the same time, more people knew the news that Ron accidentally ran first and got an independent residence.

For a while, more and more recruits felt dissatisfied, and their envy, jealousy and hatred towards Ron became stronger.

As the zero hour approached, nearly a hundred recruits who had not yet completed the assessment tasks were directly declared eliminated.

He didn't even have the right to live in Marin Fando for one night, so he was sent away by a warship.

At the same time, the office of the Admiral of the Navy is also brightly lit at the moment.

Major General Ghost came in a hurry.

When he pushes the door open, you can see Admiral Sengoku, Chief of Naval Staff Tsuru, Hero Garp, Admiral Akainu, Admiral Kizaru, Admiral Aokiji and Zefa all sitting in it.


Raising his hands in salute, Major General Gui handed out a list and said, "A total of 3,422 people completed the assessment today, and 142 failed."

"Those who have completed the assessment have already settled in, and those who failed have been sent back to their respective branch (Zhao's) departments."


Nodding his head, Sengoku picked up the list and looked at it for a while.

Immediately afterwards, Zhan Guo put down the list and said, "Major General Ghost, I have to work hard for you in the next few days."

"There is a constant influx of recruits from all over the world, and this year's mission is heavier than previous years."

"Marshal, don't worry, I will definitely complete the task!"

Nodding his head heavily, Major General Ghost left the office without hesitation after saluting.


As Major General Ghost left, Zhan Guo's expression became solemn.

Scanning everyone present, Zhan Guo said, "According to the information from various branches, the number of recruits who came to participate in the assessment this time exceeded 30,000."

"Two-thirds of this is from the navy, and the remaining third is from the world government, the army and the underground world."

"Our task is only one thing, and that is to ensure that the people who succeed in the end are from our navy, not people from other forces."

As soon as these words came out, Chi Quan and others frowned.

More than 30,000 people!

More than 3,000 people were selected today, which is a difficult task.

The most important thing is that just today they have found many powerful people who do not belong to the navy.

Under such circumstances, there are still many who may have hidden their own information.

It is very difficult to find him, or even prevent him from successfully mixing in.


At this time, Zhan Guo looked at Lieutenant General He and said, "Do you have any information about the intelligence department you are in charge of?".

Chapter 78 Navy Supernova! Ron? Fluctuate?

As soon as these words came out, Chi Quan, Huang Yuan and others also looked at Lieutenant General He.

As Warring States said, this matter must be absolutely taken seriously.

And intelligence is the best screening method for them.

If intelligence work cannot be done well, it will be really difficult to find those who do not belong to the navy among the more than 30,000 recruits.

"Mastered some."

Facing the gaze, Lieutenant He did not dare to neglect, stood up and distributed the documents he had prepared to Zhan Guo and the others.

After all this was done, General He Zhong said, "This time things are much more difficult than we expected."

"In addition to people from the underground world, the world government and the army, there are actually people from some forces intervening."

"The revolutionary army has already made a bet on the information I have, and their goal is to sneak into the navy."

"According to my judgment, the Revolutionary Army sent no less than a hundred people to sneak in, but we don't have the specific list."


Revolutionary Army!

Hearing this, the faces of Akainu and others changed drastically.

If it is said that the world government and the army still have a unified system with them.

The purpose of those guys in the underground world is only for that devil fruit.

Therefore, almost all the people in the underground world are registered, and the pressure of the competition is not huge.

But the people of the Revolutionary Army also sneaked in, which was really stressful for them.


At this time, Zhan Guo patted the table angrily, and angrily said: "It's your son who did something good again."

"Selecting his undercover agent from among more than 30,000 people is simply asking for trouble for our navy!"

Hearing this, Garp smiled awkwardly.

But soon, he became heartless; "What does this have to do with me!"

"I didn't expect that kid Doralon's intelligence system to be so powerful."

"How long has our navy gotten that thing, and this plan has only been started for 170 years, and he has already started to act."

"Let me tell you, there is a problem with our own confidentiality measures for this matter!"

Hearing this, the corner of Zhan Guo's mouth twitched.

I also have a deep understanding of Garp's shameless character.

But under such circumstances, he had no choice.

As Karp said.

Doralon's ability to send an undercover agent meant that he had known this information a long time ago.

In desperation, Warring States could only look at Lieutenant General He and said, "He, our internal review has to be strengthened."


With a promise, Lieutenant General He is also quite a headache at the moment.

Finding the rest of the undercover agents would be much easier, but the undercover agents of the Revolutionary Army are different.

Because many of the undercover agents of the revolutionary army are themselves navy.

This also led to them not having any criminal records, and even their criminal records in the navy are extremely clean.

It was Doralon who was drawn after the betrayal, and even before the betrayal.

This also made it impossible for even Lieutenant General He to find out who the undercover agent was.

"damn it."

At this time, Akainu gritted his teeth angrily, and then said, "Don't let me catch it, or I will smash it to pieces."

Regarding this, the yellow ape and the green pheasant on the side were quite indifferent.

Everyone has known about such things for a long time, but there has been no success for so many years, and it is impossible to achieve results in a short time.


At this time, Zhan Guo seemed to think of something, looked at Zefa and said, "Zefa, do we have any good newcomers in our naval system?"

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