Sailing: The First Concubine Family, Exposed By The Top

285. The Power Of The 'God', The Law Of Heaven And Earth!

That one white robe.

Aizen with a face like a sunny boy.

Short brown hair and brown eyes slowly looked at Figaland.

And Garin was completely stunned by the scene in front of him.

He also noticed Bell's gaze.

Although those eyes are like calm lake water.

But Figaland seemed to be held back by a beast.

The whole body was like falling into an ice cellar.

Figaland's pupils became dazed.

There was even a hint of helplessness on his face~.

But the expression on Figaland's face was just - after a few seconds.

Suddenly recovered.

He is the commander of the Holy Knights of the World Government.

Even the Five Elders that Aizen is beating right now?

He, Figaland, could overthrow them all by himself.

What does this kid mean.

Are you looking down on Figaland?

He's not the same as the Five Elders.

Thinking of this, the confident look on Rand's face.

Recovered again.

But just as he looked directly at Bell.

The flat voice came to his ears again.

"Do you choose to surrender, or to die?"

Bell looked at Galin St.

Bell at this moment is in the eyes of everyone on the ground.

Like an omnipotent god.

Dominate the entire battlefield.

Figaland heard the words.

His eyes froze slightly.

Surrender or Disappointment?

Did you say this to him, Jialin Sheng?

He looked at Bell's eyes.

This time I was even more sure.

next second,

Waves of nameless anger rose in his heart.

Bell really didn't take Figaland seriously.

Bell who do you think you are.

How dare you say such words.

Even Lord Im who is omnipotent and omniscient in his eyes.

Nor would she look at him with that contemptuous look.

Instead, see him as a loyal subordinate.

Now this little ant with a little bit of strength actually treats him with that attitude.

Thinking of this, Garland looked at Bell with a somewhat ferocious face.

"Ant, you have to pay the price for what you just said!"

"I'm not a cripple like the old bones of the Five Elders!"

To hear Figaland exalting himself so much.

The conscious Saturn among the Five Elders didn't have the slightest rebuttal.

Saturn slowly crawled out of the dirt pit above the ground.

He casually discarded the broken shield in his arms aside.

He looked fiercely at Bell in mid-air.

Then he looked at Figaland with an angry face.

Not dissatisfied with Figaland's words that belittled their Five Elders just now.

On the contrary, he had a reasonable expression.

"Galin Sheng, send him to death.

"The five of us couldn't kill him, but instead made such a miserable end.

"You, Jialin Sheng, were still at the side just now, and didn't make a move.

"If there is no explanation at this time, don't even try to get rid of the relationship with the Creator!"

Hearing this, there were many powerhouses present.

His face paled slightly.

What do you mean, now Bell strongly defeated the Five Elders who returned to the Valkyrie.

Bell's strong strength shocked everyone.

That's Five Elders teaming up.

In the beginning, Bell severely injured Mars.

There's no way to get the Five Elders to shoot together.

But the combination of the Five Elders is also not to be underestimated.

But even as it is now.

That guy named Figaland.

He still has the confidence to shout at Bell.

And from the tone of Saturn's words.

This straight-faced paladin is stronger than the Five Elders.

Look at the look on Saturn's face.

Very confident in Figaland's strength.

Similarly, Saturn did not make a move against Figaland just now.

Save the organization Bell save them Five Elders a few people.

There is also a bit of complaint.

Besides, they have the Creator in their mouth.

Who is it again?

Whether it is the Five Elders who control the World government.

It is still the powerful commander Figaland today.

That's the attitude towards the legendary and illusory Creator.

Obedience, not daring to have the slightest presumptuousness.

Not even an iota of egalitarianism.

The only thing in the eyes is admiration and awe.

And the Creator in their mouth.

Definitely not just beliefs.

That kind of illusory existence.

From the tone of their conversation.

Dragon, Garp, Sengoku, Golden Lion.

They can all guess.

The so-called Creator is definitely a real person.

Can make now their eyes Five Elders and Galen Saint.

People who look at people with that indescribable look.

What kind of earth-shattering figure will it be.

At this moment, the pirates couldn't help but start to worry.

But Bell himself was not affected at all in the midair.

The impact of the conversation between the two of Figaland.

He looked calmly at the knight who was irritated by his little trick.

As if seeing something more interesting than Five Elders.

The corners of the mouth rose slightly.

"Since your Excellency the Commander wants to kill me.

"Please do it.

"Otherwise, wait a minute, words that bore me.

"You're going to die badly!"

Hearing this, Figaland laughed back in anger.

"Hahaha, what an arrogant brat.

"Since you are so anxious to die, then I will help you.

After the voice fell, Figaland's body slowly floated up.

Soon it was about the same height as Bell.

But with the pride in Figaland's heart, this is obviously impossible.

In the end, the height came to a position slightly higher than Bell by a few centimeters.

Looking at Bell with the attitude of a superior looking down on an ant.


As if he didn't want to talk nonsense with Bell.

Galin closed his eyes tightly.

After a while, he suddenly opened his eyes.

The knight's holy sword, which is generally shrouded in golden light, floats slowly on the chest.

The moment he held the holy sword.

Figaland's pupils shone with dazzling golden light.

Swept over Bell's body.

At this moment, the paladin is like a 'god' who judges justice.

In the next second, the sentence will be pronounced with the holy sword in his hand.

Depriving Bell of life is average.

"Give your life for your mistakes.

"I am a paladin.

"Use divine power to pronounce a sentence on this ignorant and insignificant human being in front of you."

At this moment, Figaland kept praying in his mouth.

Unfathomable words.

But every second he uttered from his mouth seemed to come alive.

become a force.

A series of golden lines continued to spread.

Wrapped around the holy sword in his hand.

In the next second, his prayer seemed to be completed.

The holy sword in his hand was slightly raised.

In mid-air.

A gigantic figure was formed.

Looking carefully, it was Figaland himself.

But the figure in mid-air is hundreds of figures bigger than me.

Similarly, a golden knight steed appeared under his crotch.

In the meantime, Jialin Shengyang, who raised the holy sword in his hand, let out a natural sound.

"Holy Judgment: Destroy!"

See the scene in mid-air at this moment.

See the movement in Figaland's hands.

Bell frowned slightly.

"Interesting, Faxiang Tiandi?!"

Did the voice drop? .

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