Sailing: The First Concubine Family, Exposed By The Top

81. Five Elders' Showmanship, Garp Won? Madara And Hashirama Escaped In Embarrassment?

On the surface warship of the G1 branch.

Watch this battle come to an end.

Everyone's eyes widened.

The Marine soldiers whispered.

"My God, the battle is over."

"Who actually won?"

"Yeah, how did those two people leave?"

"Why didn't Vice Admiral Garp go after him?"

"Yes, these two must have exhausted themselves, but why didn't Vice Admiral Garp go after it?"

"No, Vice Admiral Garp is too seriously injured, so he can't catch up?"


"Did Vice Admiral Garp draw with those two in this battle?"

"My God, can't you?"

Although the voices of the Marine soldiers were small.

But full of shock.

Everyone can't accept this result.

Kebi and Beru Meber, who are familiar with Garp's strength, are even more shocking.

They once considered Garp the most powerful man in the Marine.

Also his own idol.

Their goal in life is to become like Garp in the future.

So they can't imagine it at all.

Garp will actually have a day when he will draw with others.

Isn't Vice Admiral Garp able to win against anyone?

The two were shocked.

Although Virgo was shocked.

But more than happy.

Watching Madara and Hashirama leave in mid-air.

Virgo only felt it.

They are like the light that the Donquixote "Eight Eighty" family is about to rise.

It is so dazzling.

Virgo ordered in a deep voice.

"Don't just stand there stupidly, hurry up and sail, and go to the G1 branch to see Vice Admiral Garp!"

All the Marines heard his order, and it was a relief.

But Naval Headquarters on the other side, in the Marshal's office.

Sengoku, three Admirals, but they have not been able to slow down for a long time.

For a long time.

Sengoku took the lead with a deep sigh.

"Oh, I didn't expect Garp to be unable to take down these two."

Aokiji's eyes were shocked.

"Ah la la, what two scary guys.

"I'm afraid there will be two more monsters in this sea."

"Even this kind of strength can be called the Emperor of the Sea, right?"

"That's right.

"When I meet these two people in the future, one is okay. If both are there, I will be the first to turn around and leave."

"Mr. Sengoku, don't blame God when the time comes."

Kizaru looked at Sengoku and said slowly.

He said this very seriously.

In case Madara and Hashirama are present at the same time.

That Kizaru.

It's really possible to just turn around and walk away.

Listen to him.

Sengoku was speechless.

The last Akainu.

He sits on the sofa.

The whole person has become extremely gloomy.

Akainu felt like he was being slapped in the face.

I thought that Hashirama was much worse than Madara.

But did not expect.

Now the facts dealt Akainu a hard blow.

Hashirama, this name is much worse than Madara?

This is even stronger than Madara!

There is really no one weak between these two.

One exaggerated than the other!

Akainu would like to say a word Garp this waste.

But think about the strength of those two people.

He swallowed the words back again.

The relay phone bug hangs up.

The phone bug on the Sengoku desk White The phone bug rings.

The call bug was from the Five Elders.

The war has just ended.

Five Elders got the news and came to confirm.

As soon as he picked it up, the unbelievable voice of Five Elders came from the opposite side.

"Sengoku, is it true that Garp failed to take down that dry hand and Shura?"

"Sengoku, Garp and those two have a tie?"

"What are you kidding me about?"

"Whether it's true or not, report it to us!"

Listen to the voice over there.

Sengoku sighed helplessly.

"Your Excellency Five Elders, the information is true."

"Garp, failed to take those two, and tied with those two."

"Senju and that Shura are stronger than we thought."

As Sengoku spoke, the Five Elders fell silent.

In the end, Sengoku said that after broadcasting the video phone bug to the Five Elders.

Five Elders was willing to give up.

within rights.

After watching the battle of the G1 branch.

The Five Elders fell silent.

After a long time, only one person spoke.

"What calendar are these two people using?"

"I can understand that Senju Hashirama.

"It should be the plant system Devil Fruit, which has been developed to awaken the plant system."

"But that Madara, what is that Blue titan?"

Witness the battle firsthand.

Let the Five Elders be puzzled.

They hadn't seen that ability either.

This is exaggerated.

Five people don't say they know everything about this world.

But definitely not much difference.

"Susanoo, what the hell is this?"

"Is it because of those eyes?"

Think of a few pictures, but red eyes.

And the eyes that bleed at the end.

This made the pupils of the five condense slightly.

Four of them looked at Goatee Five Elders in unison.

Goatee Five Elders among them stewards history.

He is the most powerful historian on the sea.

If he doesn't know, those people don't have to think about it anymore.

Several people looked at it.

The goatee Five Elders didn't disappoint, giving vague answers.

"I've seen this kind of eyes in an ancient book."

"But that is too long ago, and I can no longer find the ancient books.

Listen to this.

Several people sighed dejectedly.

The blond Five Elders murmured.

"Should we report this matter to Lord Im?"

All the people fell silent after hearing the words.

In the end, they unanimously decided.

"Wait a little longer."

"If the battle at the top goes well, the blood of Roger, the Pirate King, will be executed."

"Then this sea should be stable for a while."

"If it doesn't work, we can only go to see Lord Im and see if a world cleansing is launched.

Several people nodded at the same time.



Several people discussed again for a while, and sent another order to Sengoku.

That is the battle of the G1 branch, and Marine must suppress the news.

It can be called externally.

Garp won the battle.

Hashirama and Madara escape in embarrassment.

God of Senju and Grim Shura are a joke.

Listen to the Five Elders' orders.

Sengoku sighed.

Although it is true that it is shameless to do so.

But Marine is a symbol of justice in the whole sea.

It is the spiritual pillar of all civilians.

Marine hero Garp.

It is also famous all over the world.

He is the messenger of justice in the eyes of the people.

If it's rumored that he fought that Senju and Shura, he didn't win.

The sea will be in chaos.

Therefore, Marine facilitated the release of such news.

But even such news.

The whole sea trembles at the same time!

Holy Land Mariejois.

Inside Shichibukai's residence.

Doflamingo stood by the window.

Just received the public information from the World Government.

He was a little shocked.

The dry hand and Shura went to the G1 branch to fight the Marine hero Garp.

In the end, though, Garp won.

But Madara and Hashirama also managed to escape.

This is not meant to be.

Madara and Hashirama didn't beat Garp, but they weren't far behind?

Who is Garp...

Marine hero, known as Iron Fist by the sea.

This is the man who teamed up with Roger to end the Rocks, the overlord of the sea.

Then, he chased Roger, who became One Piece, all over the world.

Enough to see how strong Garp is.

And Madara and Hashirama are in his hands.

Although defeated, he escaped successfully.

This has proved the strength of the two.

Definitely a very strong one.

Doflamingo thought about this result, and the shock in his heart could not be subdued for a long time.

One side was shocked.

Dover felt that the Donquixote family had an opportunity to take off.

He had heard from Torrebol.

Both Madara and Hashirama have immature and young faces, and they don't look big.

And so young.

You can have this level of combat power.

Madara and Hashirama are likely to become two Four Emperors in the future!

Dover sighed inwardly.

Suddenly, the phone bug in his arms rang.

"Porp porp porp!"

In the silent room, the phone bug is very harsh.

Dover glanced at it, raising his eyebrows in surprise.


In general.

Virgo is an undercover Marine and will not contact him directly.

That's too dangerous.

Easily eavesdropped by phone bugs.

Now Virgo calls, knowing that he is in Mariejois.

What does this mean?

What happened?

Surprised, Dover picked up the phone bug.

Vigo's voice soon came from the other end.

"My lord, Madara's battle with Hashirama and Garp is over."

Dover nodded.

"I know, the result is that Madara and Hashirama lost and fled in embarrassment."

"But even so, I've decided to go."

"They're still young..."

Before Dover finished speaking.

Hearing his words, Virgo interrupted him directly.

"Young Master, what is it?"

"How did Madara and Hashirama lose?"

Virgo was also a little confused.

His first-hand information, which he saw with his own eyes, has not been passed on to Dover.

How did Dover just say that Madara and Hashirama lost?

Afterwards, Virgo told Dover what he saw with his own eyes.

by the window.

Dover stood there.

Listening to Virgo's report, the whole person froze there.

"Vergo, you, what did you say in 5.1?"

"Madara and Hashirama, didn't lose at all?"

"Instead, they drew a tie and left in a grand manner?"

"And, also destroyed the entire G1 branch?"

Dover said "Fuck" in his heart.

He was filled with disbelief.

He even wondered if Virgo was lying to himself.

Virgo didn't explain any more.

Directly sent a copy of the content of the video phone bug to Dover.

Stand by the window.

Look at everything that affects phone bugs.

Dover just felt utterly unreal.

He watched the entire battle video over and over again.


Dover, who was standing by the window, grinned.




Look at everything in that image.

Dover understood everything.

The government of the world is out of face.

Twisting facts and publishing false news.

Anyway, what Madara told Hashirama, the sea would not believe it.

Even the two of them were unwilling to lower their faces to say anything.

This kind of operation is too normal for Five Elders.

But this time...

Looking at the footage, Dover laughed.

He wants this video to spread.

No one can discredit his Senju dad!

Garp won?

Hashirama and Madara escaped in embarrassment?


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